Poetry International Poetry International

Anna Enquist


Round, choral, sonata. The notes 
are bricks to build yourself a home:
the sarabande, your heartbeat, your breath.

The pavane fits like skin, the requiem
forms a harmonious carpet. No house
is sturdier, no structure of time more solid.

She too had papered her walls
with music. On the street, surrounded
by uproar and stench, was she cradled by song?

Pergolesi and Prince. Cushioned
by cobblestones she sank,
safe and warm, in her cage of sound.



Canon, sonate, koraal. Je bouwt
van geluid een vertrouwde woning;
de sarabande je hartslag, je adem.

De pavane past je als huid, het requiem
vormt een harmonisch tapijt. Geen huis
hechter, geen steviger bouwsel van tijd.

Ook zij had met muziek haar wanden
behangen. Werd ze op straat, tussen
herrie en stank, door liedjes gewiegd?

Pergolesi en Prince. Op de zachte
matras van de stenen verging ze,
veilig en warm, in een kooi van klank.


Round, choral, sonata. The notes 
are bricks to build yourself a home:
the sarabande, your heartbeat, your breath.

The pavane fits like skin, the requiem
forms a harmonious carpet. No house
is sturdier, no structure of time more solid.

She too had papered her walls
with music. On the street, surrounded
by uproar and stench, was she cradled by song?

Pergolesi and Prince. Cushioned
by cobblestones she sank,
safe and warm, in her cage of sound.


Round, choral, sonata. The notes 
are bricks to build yourself a home:
the sarabande, your heartbeat, your breath.

The pavane fits like skin, the requiem
forms a harmonious carpet. No house
is sturdier, no structure of time more solid.

She too had papered her walls
with music. On the street, surrounded
by uproar and stench, was she cradled by song?

Pergolesi and Prince. Cushioned
by cobblestones she sank,
safe and warm, in her cage of sound.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère