Poetry International Poetry International

Ester Naomi Perquin


In one day you can do it all: fall in love with a man,
smile and scoff at yourself several times, reflect on
the whiteness of your teeth, study your face
as if you’re him and look up and see you.
You may find yourself ugly or not and ask yourself out
(kiss somewhere, though at the same time keep your head),
be forgiving towards the circuits you devise
– where he lives, works, where he drinks –
lecture yourself on possible,
as yet inchoate indifference.
You may come to regret the day the man
the regret you fell in love with.
It may occur to you: there’s no alternative
to this phonily traversed eternity,
reduced to a single day.



In één dag kun je alles doen: verliefd worden op een man,
jezelf meerdere malen toe- en uitlachen, nadenken over
de witheid van je gebit, je gezicht bestuderen
alsof je hem bent en opkijkt en jou ziet.
Je kunt je lelijk vinden of niet en mee uit vragen
(ergens kussen, tegelijkertijd nuchter blijven),
vergeeflijk zijn naar rondjes die je uitdenkt
– waar hij woont, werkt, waar hij drinkt –
jezelf toespreken omtrent mogelijke,
nog te vormen onverschilligheid.
Je kunt spijt krijgen van de dag van de man
van de spijt waar je verliefd op werd.
Je kunt bedenken: er zit niets anders op
dan deze tot één dag teruggebrachte
vals afgelegde eeuwigheid.


In one day you can do it all: fall in love with a man,
smile and scoff at yourself several times, reflect on
the whiteness of your teeth, study your face
as if you’re him and look up and see you.
You may find yourself ugly or not and ask yourself out
(kiss somewhere, though at the same time keep your head),
be forgiving towards the circuits you devise
– where he lives, works, where he drinks –
lecture yourself on possible,
as yet inchoate indifference.
You may come to regret the day the man
the regret you fell in love with.
It may occur to you: there’s no alternative
to this phonily traversed eternity,
reduced to a single day.


In one day you can do it all: fall in love with a man,
smile and scoff at yourself several times, reflect on
the whiteness of your teeth, study your face
as if you’re him and look up and see you.
You may find yourself ugly or not and ask yourself out
(kiss somewhere, though at the same time keep your head),
be forgiving towards the circuits you devise
– where he lives, works, where he drinks –
lecture yourself on possible,
as yet inchoate indifference.
You may come to regret the day the man
the regret you fell in love with.
It may occur to you: there’s no alternative
to this phonily traversed eternity,
reduced to a single day.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère