Vlado Martek
Pre-poetry (1978–1984)
*you can wander through language
To have an attitude means to offer
a model: the pre-poem and its content
fulfil/carry conditions, attitudes,
materials, tools, backgrounds with its
Every grasping
of a pen in hand
is an act of honesty
I withdraw myself from all
poems, ready to be responsible
for the future poem, created
through work on poetry
Preparation is a poem
is a pre-poem
three freedoms freedoms
I change my opinion
about poetry
three times every year
one poet
minus one poet
equals zero poets
one two three four
five six seven eight
nine ten eleven
twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen
eighteen words in poem
in Croatia there are
121 old poets
and 239 young poets
three hundred metaphors divided
by eighteen poets equals
twenty metaphors and one poet
three to five subjects
plus five subjects
equals eight to
ten subjects
23rd torment
it’s a pity
everything is
here lies a naked word
only with hand and machine,
I have not created
a future for it
state, I’ll disfigure
you with poetry
I renounce
if I were a poem
I would be a bird
I stand for poetry
and you only write it
Predpoezija (1978–1984)
Predpoezija (1978–1984)
*tumarati se jezikom može
bez kraja.
Zauzeti stav znači ponuditi
predpjesmu čiji sadržaj
ispunjavaju/nose uvjeti, stavovi,
materijali, alati, podloge svojim
Svako uzimanje
pisaljke u ruku
čin je poštenja
Povlačim se iz svih
pjesama, da bih bio odgovoran
za buduću pjesmu, načinjenu
u radu na poeziji
Priprema je pjesma
je predpjesma
tri slobode slobode
ja tri puta godišnje
mijenjam mišljenje
o poeziji
jedan pjesnik
manje jedan pjesnik
jednako ništa pjesnika
jedna dvije tri četiri
pet šest sedam osam
devet deset jedanaest
dvanaest trinaest
četrnaest petnaest
šesnaest sedamnaest
osamnaest riječi pjesme
u Hrvatskoj ima
121 stari pjesnik
i 239 mladih pjesnika
tristo šezdeset metafora podijeljeno
sa osamnaest pjesnika jednako
dvadeset metafora i jedan pjesnik
tri do pet sadržaja
plus pet sadržaja
jednako osam do
deset sadržaja
23. patnja
što je poezija
ovdje počiva gola riječ
samo rukom i mašinom
ja joj ne izmislih
državo, unakazit
ću te poezijom
odričem se
da sam pjesma
bio bih ptica
ja se zalažem za poeziju
a vi je samo pišete
From: Volim čitati poeziju
Publisher: Naklada MD, Zagreb
Pre-poetry (1978–1984)
*you can wander through language
To have an attitude means to offer
a model: the pre-poem and its content
fulfil/carry conditions, attitudes,
materials, tools, backgrounds with its
Every grasping
of a pen in hand
is an act of honesty
I withdraw myself from all
poems, ready to be responsible
for the future poem, created
through work on poetry
Preparation is a poem
is a pre-poem
three freedoms freedoms
I change my opinion
about poetry
three times every year
one poet
minus one poet
equals zero poets
one two three four
five six seven eight
nine ten eleven
twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen
eighteen words in poem
in Croatia there are
121 old poets
and 239 young poets
three hundred metaphors divided
by eighteen poets equals
twenty metaphors and one poet
three to five subjects
plus five subjects
equals eight to
ten subjects
23rd torment
it’s a pity
everything is
here lies a naked word
only with hand and machine,
I have not created
a future for it
state, I’ll disfigure
you with poetry
I renounce
if I were a poem
I would be a bird
I stand for poetry
and you only write it
From: Volim čitati poeziju
Pre-poetry (1978–1984)
*you can wander through language
To have an attitude means to offer
a model: the pre-poem and its content
fulfil/carry conditions, attitudes,
materials, tools, backgrounds with its
Every grasping
of a pen in hand
is an act of honesty
I withdraw myself from all
poems, ready to be responsible
for the future poem, created
through work on poetry
Preparation is a poem
is a pre-poem
three freedoms freedoms
I change my opinion
about poetry
three times every year
one poet
minus one poet
equals zero poets
one two three four
five six seven eight
nine ten eleven
twelve thirteen
fourteen fifteen
sixteen seventeen
eighteen words in poem
in Croatia there are
121 old poets
and 239 young poets
three hundred metaphors divided
by eighteen poets equals
twenty metaphors and one poet
three to five subjects
plus five subjects
equals eight to
ten subjects
23rd torment
it’s a pity
everything is
here lies a naked word
only with hand and machine,
I have not created
a future for it
state, I’ll disfigure
you with poetry
I renounce
if I were a poem
I would be a bird
I stand for poetry
and you only write it