Poetry International Poetry International

Dorta Jagić

Literally, Only Literally

the night before the exam
on Christian mystics  
I’m dreaming that in the black body of st. augustine  
I’m flying through space, looking for stars, especially supernovas.  
suddenly I hit a large one from behind.  
it was greta garbo,  
and with a blink of her eyes she writes on my hand:  
“I was always so far away from earth,  
that, even if I burned out so long ago
the sand of light still rains on you . . . ”
and so happy that she has met someone from earth
she offers me a bottle of mothers’ milk,  
that is the lactation of her mom,  
the big Alfa Centauri

Doslovno, samo doslovno

Doslovno, samo doslovno

noć prije ispita
iz kršćanske mistike
sanjam da u crnom tijelu svetog augustina
letim svemirom i tražim zvijezde, osobito supernove.
ubrzo se s leđa sudarim s jednom velikom.
bila je to greta garbo,
koja mi treptanjem očima ispiše po ruci:
“I was always so far away from earth,
that, even if I burned out so long ago
the send off light still rains on you . . . ”
i sva razdragana zbog susreta sa zemljaninom
ponudi me buteljom majčinog mlijeka,
naime laktacijom njihove mame,
velike Alfe Centauri

Literally, Only Literally

the night before the exam
on Christian mystics  
I’m dreaming that in the black body of st. augustine  
I’m flying through space, looking for stars, especially supernovas.  
suddenly I hit a large one from behind.  
it was greta garbo,  
and with a blink of her eyes she writes on my hand:  
“I was always so far away from earth,  
that, even if I burned out so long ago
the sand of light still rains on you . . . ”
and so happy that she has met someone from earth
she offers me a bottle of mothers’ milk,  
that is the lactation of her mom,  
the big Alfa Centauri

Literally, Only Literally

the night before the exam
on Christian mystics  
I’m dreaming that in the black body of st. augustine  
I’m flying through space, looking for stars, especially supernovas.  
suddenly I hit a large one from behind.  
it was greta garbo,  
and with a blink of her eyes she writes on my hand:  
“I was always so far away from earth,  
that, even if I burned out so long ago
the sand of light still rains on you . . . ”
and so happy that she has met someone from earth
she offers me a bottle of mothers’ milk,  
that is the lactation of her mom,  
the big Alfa Centauri
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère