Poetry International Poetry International

Raúl Henao


Oh, my face is as stupid as undergrowth

I prefer the chirping of crickets to
the song of birds

Eternity to time

Wardrobes fall to pieces as I pass
Each night a man that died laughing
Sits at my table

The phantom of liberty visits me at dawn

I knock at the windows of my dreams

Absent hands seem pale under the pillow

I read the sunday papers (no comment)

What happiness! I shall die being uncorked
Like a bottle of champagne

Translated by Philip West



Ah, mi rostro estúpido como la maleza

Prefiero el chirrido del grillo al canto
de los pájaros

la eternidad al tiempo.

Los armarios se desarman a mi paso
Un muerto de risa se sienta cada noche
a mi mesa.

El fantasma de la libertad me visita al amanecer

golpea con sus nudillos los cristales de mi sueño.

Las manos de la ausente tan pálidas bajo  la almohada.

Leo los periódicos del domingo (esto sin comentarios)

¡Qué alegre! moriré descorchado como
una botella de champaña.


Oh, my face is as stupid as undergrowth

I prefer the chirping of crickets to
the song of birds

Eternity to time

Wardrobes fall to pieces as I pass
Each night a man that died laughing
Sits at my table

The phantom of liberty visits me at dawn

I knock at the windows of my dreams

Absent hands seem pale under the pillow

I read the sunday papers (no comment)

What happiness! I shall die being uncorked
Like a bottle of champagne

Translated by Philip West


Oh, my face is as stupid as undergrowth

I prefer the chirping of crickets to
the song of birds

Eternity to time

Wardrobes fall to pieces as I pass
Each night a man that died laughing
Sits at my table

The phantom of liberty visits me at dawn

I knock at the windows of my dreams

Absent hands seem pale under the pillow

I read the sunday papers (no comment)

What happiness! I shall die being uncorked
Like a bottle of champagne

Translated by Philip West
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère