Jairo Guzmán
I.I speak to you from a nameless place
Where your face appears amongst waves of gold
The emerald of the skies is your attire
And your arms are branches of ethereal ruby
In the abodes where your voice is heard
There is a mystery transformed into song
Your body is your dance and your dance the kingdom
Of the delirium through which a god is revived
You return to my dream upon waking I see you
You advance amongst the foiliage of water lianas
Ears of stellar wheat spring up from your song
Desires ascend in a whirlwind of pleasures
The prairies where the sun beats down spread out before you
You come with the cheerfulness of a flock of birds
The sounds of the sea reach me from your intimate woods
By the grace of your face I vanish into your mouth
With the blessings of fate I sing in your lap
A lunar bird perches on the golden threads of your voice
While celestial strains give birth to the night
A girl riding in splendor rises from your form
The volcanos of the heart rave for your loves
Solar vertigos erupt into trees that lull you
I see you in a lake I see you in the fog I see you blue
You’re a flash of lightning a thrust of quartz the tide of the enigma
© Translation: 2009, Nicolás Suescún
I.Te hablo desde un lugar sin nombre
Donde tu rostro aparece entre olas de oro
La esmeralda de los cielos es tu atuendo
Y tus brazos son ramajes de rubí etéreo
En las moradas donde se escucha tu voz
Hay un misterio transformado en canción
Tu cuerpo es tu danza y tu danza el reino
Del delirio por el que un dios resucita
Vuelves a mi sueño en mi velar te veo
Avanzas entre bosques ramas de agua lianas
Espigas de trigo estelar nacen de tu canto
En torbellino de placeres ascienden los deseos
Las praderas donde late el sol ante ti se extienden
Vienes con la alegría de una fuente de pájaros
De tus bosques íntimos me llegan los sonidos del mar
Por la gracia de tu rostro me desvanezco en tu boca
Con las bendiciones del azar canto en tu regazo
En los hilos de oro de tu voz se posa un pájaro lunar
Mientras los acordes celestes dan inicio a la noche
De tu figura brota una niña que cabalga un esplendor
Los volcanes del corazón deliran con tus amores
De los vértigos solares brotan los árboles que te arrullan
Te veo en un lago te veo entre la bruma te veo azul
Tú eres un relámpago un súbito de cuarzo la marea del enigma
© 2002, Jairo Guzmán
From: Voces del entresueño
Publisher: First published on PIW,
From: Voces del entresueño
Publisher: First published on PIW,
Poems of Jairo Guzmán
I.I speak to you from a nameless place
Where your face appears amongst waves of gold
The emerald of the skies is your attire
And your arms are branches of ethereal ruby
In the abodes where your voice is heard
There is a mystery transformed into song
Your body is your dance and your dance the kingdom
Of the delirium through which a god is revived
You return to my dream upon waking I see you
You advance amongst the foiliage of water lianas
Ears of stellar wheat spring up from your song
Desires ascend in a whirlwind of pleasures
The prairies where the sun beats down spread out before you
You come with the cheerfulness of a flock of birds
The sounds of the sea reach me from your intimate woods
By the grace of your face I vanish into your mouth
With the blessings of fate I sing in your lap
A lunar bird perches on the golden threads of your voice
While celestial strains give birth to the night
A girl riding in splendor rises from your form
The volcanos of the heart rave for your loves
Solar vertigos erupt into trees that lull you
I see you in a lake I see you in the fog I see you blue
You’re a flash of lightning a thrust of quartz the tide of the enigma
© 2009, Nicolás Suescún
From: Voces del entresueño
From: Voces del entresueño
I.I speak to you from a nameless place
Where your face appears amongst waves of gold
The emerald of the skies is your attire
And your arms are branches of ethereal ruby
In the abodes where your voice is heard
There is a mystery transformed into song
Your body is your dance and your dance the kingdom
Of the delirium through which a god is revived
You return to my dream upon waking I see you
You advance amongst the foiliage of water lianas
Ears of stellar wheat spring up from your song
Desires ascend in a whirlwind of pleasures
The prairies where the sun beats down spread out before you
You come with the cheerfulness of a flock of birds
The sounds of the sea reach me from your intimate woods
By the grace of your face I vanish into your mouth
With the blessings of fate I sing in your lap
A lunar bird perches on the golden threads of your voice
While celestial strains give birth to the night
A girl riding in splendor rises from your form
The volcanos of the heart rave for your loves
Solar vertigos erupt into trees that lull you
I see you in a lake I see you in the fog I see you blue
You’re a flash of lightning a thrust of quartz the tide of the enigma
© 2009, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère