Adrian Mitchell
Telephone told me that you were deadNow I hate every telephone’s stupid head
I’d rather sit here turning to a block of stone
Than pick up any snake of a telephone
© 1996, the estate of Adrian Mitchell
From: Blue Coffee
Publisher: Bloodaxe Books, Tarset
From: Blue Coffee
Publisher: Bloodaxe Books, Tarset
![Adrian Mitchell](/media/3/_resized/13553_bgr_mitchell_fox_w336.jpg)
Adrian Mitchell
(United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, 1932 - 2008)
“Joyous, acrid and demotic tumbling lyricist Pied Piper determinedly singing us away from catastrophe.” (Angela Carter)
Dubbed the Shadow Poet Laureate in 2003 by Red Pepper magazine, Adrian Mitchell has been one of the most exciting popular voices in British poetry for almost half a century. He passed away just days before Christmas 2008, marking the end of an incredibly prolific, and political...
Dubbed the Shadow Poet Laureate in 2003 by Red Pepper magazine, Adrian Mitchell has been one of the most exciting popular voices in British poetry for almost half a century. He passed away just days before Christmas 2008, marking the end of an incredibly prolific, and political...
Poems of Adrian Mitchell
Telephone told me that you were deadNow I hate every telephone’s stupid head
I’d rather sit here turning to a block of stone
Than pick up any snake of a telephone
From: Blue Coffee
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