Myriam Montoya
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
from HuellasI
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
A repeated gong
I count millennia of gestation
The wanderings of continents
A drop repeating itself
Making its way in memory
A wealth of images of the animal that sitting erect
Looking at the horizon throws the javelin
And listens to the echo of its shout.
In your foreboding come days of penury
Incessant births populating the world
Punctual years of migrations and forgetfulness
Trotting of droves
Rivers bursting their banks
The apprehension of stampedes
Abductions and incests of theogonies
Ascents on craggy cliffs
Hunger and thirst in the dog days
The fire and the clepsydra
The high tide announcing nights of shipwrecks.
Hoarse drums
Of your blood come close to me
Empires built on the slave back
Preludes of war and death
Shoed hooves and shining manes
Harbingers of the god of vengeance.
Your throbs announce
Anvils and hammers
Gears and pulleys
That do not cease multiplying
Bursts of battles
Breathing of survivors
Retrospective reduction of the end
The sound
The silence
Multitudes loving themselves in the last risk
The mutation of bodies
Searching for the accord
The passage to infinity.
© Translation: 2008, Nicolás Suescún
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
from Huellas
Tomo tu pulso con blandas yemas
Gong repetido
Cuento milenios de gestación
La errancia de los continentes
Gota repitiéndose
Abriendo paso a la memoria
Caudal de imágenes del animal que al erguirse
Mirando el horizonte lanza la jabalina
Y escucha el eco de su grito.
Vienen en tu pálpito días de penuria
Incesantes partos poblando el mundo
Años puntuales de migraciones y olvidos
Trote de recuas
Ríos salidos de madre
La aprehensión de estampidas
Raptos e incestos de lejanas teogonías
Ascensos por escarpados riscos
Hambre y sed bajo la canícula
El fuego y la clepsidra
La pleamar anunciando noches de naufragios.
Me llegan de tu sangre
Roncos tambores
Imperios construidos sobre el lomo esclavo
Preludios de guerra y muerte
Cascos herrados y crines relucientes
Heraldos del dios de la venganza.
Tus pulsaciones anuncian
Yunques y martillos
Engranajes y poleas
Que no paran de multiplicarse
Ráfagas de batallas
Respiración de sobrevivientes
Descuento retrospectivo del fin
El sonido
El silencio
Multitudes amándose en el riesgo último
La mudanza de los cuerpos
Buscando el acorde
El pasadizo al infinito.
Tomo tu pulso con blandas yemas
Gong repetido
Cuento milenios de gestación
La errancia de los continentes
Gota repitiéndose
Abriendo paso a la memoria
Caudal de imágenes del animal que al erguirse
Mirando el horizonte lanza la jabalina
Y escucha el eco de su grito.
Vienen en tu pálpito días de penuria
Incesantes partos poblando el mundo
Años puntuales de migraciones y olvidos
Trote de recuas
Ríos salidos de madre
La aprehensión de estampidas
Raptos e incestos de lejanas teogonías
Ascensos por escarpados riscos
Hambre y sed bajo la canícula
El fuego y la clepsidra
La pleamar anunciando noches de naufragios.
Me llegan de tu sangre
Roncos tambores
Imperios construidos sobre el lomo esclavo
Preludios de guerra y muerte
Cascos herrados y crines relucientes
Heraldos del dios de la venganza.
Tus pulsaciones anuncian
Yunques y martillos
Engranajes y poleas
Que no paran de multiplicarse
Ráfagas de batallas
Respiración de sobrevivientes
Descuento retrospectivo del fin
El sonido
El silencio
Multitudes amándose en el riesgo último
La mudanza de los cuerpos
Buscando el acorde
El pasadizo al infinito.
© 2004, Myriam Montoya
From: Vengo de la noche/Je viens de la nuit
Publisher: Ecrits des Forges and Castor Astral, Canada, Paris
From: Vengo de la noche/Je viens de la nuit
Publisher: Ecrits des Forges and Castor Astral, Canada, Paris
Poems of Myriam Montoya
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
from HuellasI
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
A repeated gong
I count millennia of gestation
The wanderings of continents
A drop repeating itself
Making its way in memory
A wealth of images of the animal that sitting erect
Looking at the horizon throws the javelin
And listens to the echo of its shout.
In your foreboding come days of penury
Incessant births populating the world
Punctual years of migrations and forgetfulness
Trotting of droves
Rivers bursting their banks
The apprehension of stampedes
Abductions and incests of theogonies
Ascents on craggy cliffs
Hunger and thirst in the dog days
The fire and the clepsydra
The high tide announcing nights of shipwrecks.
Hoarse drums
Of your blood come close to me
Empires built on the slave back
Preludes of war and death
Shoed hooves and shining manes
Harbingers of the god of vengeance.
Your throbs announce
Anvils and hammers
Gears and pulleys
That do not cease multiplying
Bursts of battles
Breathing of survivors
Retrospective reduction of the end
The sound
The silence
Multitudes loving themselves in the last risk
The mutation of bodies
Searching for the accord
The passage to infinity.
© 2008, Nicolás Suescún
From: Vengo de la noche/Je viens de la nuit
From: Vengo de la noche/Je viens de la nuit
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
from HuellasI
I feel your pulse with soft fingertips
A repeated gong
I count millennia of gestation
The wanderings of continents
A drop repeating itself
Making its way in memory
A wealth of images of the animal that sitting erect
Looking at the horizon throws the javelin
And listens to the echo of its shout.
In your foreboding come days of penury
Incessant births populating the world
Punctual years of migrations and forgetfulness
Trotting of droves
Rivers bursting their banks
The apprehension of stampedes
Abductions and incests of theogonies
Ascents on craggy cliffs
Hunger and thirst in the dog days
The fire and the clepsydra
The high tide announcing nights of shipwrecks.
Hoarse drums
Of your blood come close to me
Empires built on the slave back
Preludes of war and death
Shoed hooves and shining manes
Harbingers of the god of vengeance.
Your throbs announce
Anvils and hammers
Gears and pulleys
That do not cease multiplying
Bursts of battles
Breathing of survivors
Retrospective reduction of the end
The sound
The silence
Multitudes loving themselves in the last risk
The mutation of bodies
Searching for the accord
The passage to infinity.
© 2008, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère