Gerður Kristný
By day there’s not a peepfrom Anne who lives
in widowhood overhead
– except when she dozes off
over her diary
drops it on the floor
Otherwise not a peep
It’s another matter at night
then there’s all hell of a hubbub
Anne’s friends pound up the stairs
hollering their hellos
and crack open a feast
Some with a bottle of buttermilk
others nursing eggs
Towards dawn the neighbours are fed up
of fiddles and folksongs
The guests depart in haste
melting into the walls
When the police force the door
Anne sits at the kitchen table
© Translation: 2008, Victoria Cribb
Overdag hoor je geen geluidvan de weduwe Anne die
op de bovenste verdieping woont
– behalve wanneer ze indut
boven haar dagboek en
het op de grond laat vallen
Verder hoor je niets
’s Nachts is het een ander verhaal
dan breekt er een hels kabaal los
Vrienden van Anne rennen de trap op
begroeten haar luidkeels
en bouwen een feestje
Sommigen hebben een fles karnemelk bij zich
anderen hadden nog wat eieren
Tegen de ochtend krijgen de buren genoeg
van het vioolspel en het gelal
Snel nemen de gasten afscheid
en stappen de betonnen muur binnen
Wanneer de politie de deur opent
zit Anne aan de keukentafel
te schrijven
© Vertaling: 2008, Roald van Elswijk
Á daginn berst ekki múkkfrá Önnu sem býr
í ekkjudómi á efri hæðinni
– nema þegar hún dottar
yfir dagbókinni og
missir hana í gólfið
Annars ekki múkk
Öðru máli gegnir á næturnar
þá brýst út heilmikið heljarinnar múkk
Vinir Önnu vaða upp stigann
heilsa með hrópum
og slá upp veislu
Sumir eiga súrmjólk á flösku
aðrir luma á eggi
Undir morgun fá nágrannarnir nóg
af fiðlum og fjöldasöng
Gestirnir kveðja með hraði
og stíga inn í steypta veggina
Þegar lögreglan lýkur upp dyrunum
situr Anna við eldhúsborðið
og skrifar
From: Höggstaður
Publisher: Mál og menning, Reykjavik
Publisher: Mál og menning, Reykjavik
Poems of Gerður Kristný
By day there’s not a peepfrom Anne who lives
in widowhood overhead
– except when she dozes off
over her diary
drops it on the floor
Otherwise not a peep
It’s another matter at night
then there’s all hell of a hubbub
Anne’s friends pound up the stairs
hollering their hellos
and crack open a feast
Some with a bottle of buttermilk
others nursing eggs
Towards dawn the neighbours are fed up
of fiddles and folksongs
The guests depart in haste
melting into the walls
When the police force the door
Anne sits at the kitchen table
© 2008, Victoria Cribb
From: Höggstaður
From: Höggstaður
By day there’s not a peepfrom Anne who lives
in widowhood overhead
– except when she dozes off
over her diary
drops it on the floor
Otherwise not a peep
It’s another matter at night
then there’s all hell of a hubbub
Anne’s friends pound up the stairs
hollering their hellos
and crack open a feast
Some with a bottle of buttermilk
others nursing eggs
Towards dawn the neighbours are fed up
of fiddles and folksongs
The guests depart in haste
melting into the walls
When the police force the door
Anne sits at the kitchen table
© 2008, Victoria Cribb
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