Gerður Kristný
I try to bekind to the children
so they’ll tend my grave
when the time comes
crumble biscuits in the grass
on my birthday
and recite the poem about
the gambolling cows
themselves grown old and grey
All the same I will
know them again
by the heavenly smell of the stable
may they always be fragrant as the Jesus child
© Translation: 2008, Victoria Cribb
Ik probeer aardig te zijntegen mijn kinderen
zodat ze
eenmaal zelf oud en grijs
mijn graf verzorgen
wanneer het zover is
op mijn verjaardag
taartkruimels op het gras laten vallen
en een gedicht voorlezen over
koeien met vingers
Toch zal ik moeten leren
om ze te herkennen aan
de stank van de hemelse stal
net als het Kindje Jesus
© Vertaling: 2008, Roald van Elswijk
Ég reyni að veraalúðleg við börnin
svo þau hirði um leiðið mitt
þegar þar að kemur
mylji köku ofan í grasið
á afmælinu mínu
og fari með ljóðið um
fingruðu kýrnar
þá sjálf orðin gömul og grá
Samt á ég eftir að
þekkja þau aftur
á himneskri húsalyktinni
alltaf skulu þau ilma eins og Jesúbarnið
© 2007, Gerður Kristný
From: Höggstaður
Publisher: Mál og menning, Reykjavik
From: Höggstaður
Publisher: Mál og menning, Reykjavik
Poems of Gerður Kristný
I try to bekind to the children
so they’ll tend my grave
when the time comes
crumble biscuits in the grass
on my birthday
and recite the poem about
the gambolling cows
themselves grown old and grey
All the same I will
know them again
by the heavenly smell of the stable
may they always be fragrant as the Jesus child
© 2008, Victoria Cribb
From: Höggstaður
From: Höggstaður
I try to bekind to the children
so they’ll tend my grave
when the time comes
crumble biscuits in the grass
on my birthday
and recite the poem about
the gambolling cows
themselves grown old and grey
All the same I will
know them again
by the heavenly smell of the stable
may they always be fragrant as the Jesus child
© 2008, Victoria Cribb
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