Yi Sha
as dusk approached I saton a chair
outside the house
watching a lamb chew grass
in the meadow opposite
the little lamb looked
prettier than a baby
there was no one around
I winked at it, flirtatiously
and adjusted my lower jaw
surreptitiously, in imitation of
its angelic expression
an expression I
never managed to get right
possibly because
I myself am not a herbivore
later, when the sun set
and the twilight came on
I lost sight of it
by dinner-time the next day
this whole lamb
had been converted
into various bits and pieces
all piping hot
with that strong smell of sheep
it was placed on our dinner table
I wore that grass-eating expression
I had learned from it the previous day
as I sat chewing on its flesh.
© Translation: 2007, Simon Patton, Tao Naikan, Michael M. Day
Tegen de avond zat ikbuiten voor het huis
op een bank
en zag op het veldje voor mij
een lammetje gras eten
het lichaam van het lam
was nog mooier dan een baby
in de omtrek was niemand
ik trok gekke bekken naar hem
en malend met mijn onderkaak
begon ik stiekem zijn engelachtige
uitdrukking te imiteren
maar wat ik deed leek nergens op
waarschijnlijk omdat
ik geen graseter ben
daarna verdween het laatste restje zonlicht
de schemering was overal rondom
en ik kon hem niet meer zien
De volgende dag bij het avondeten
was dat perfecte lammetje
al veranderd
in kleine stukjes
de stoom kwam er af
schapengeur verspreidde zich
en werd op onze tafel neergezet
met de uitdrukking van gras kauwen
die ik de vorige avond
van hem had geleerd
zette ik mijn tanden in zijn vlees
© Vertaling: 2007, Silvia Marijnissen

© 2007, Yi Sha
Poems of Yi Sha
as dusk approached I saton a chair
outside the house
watching a lamb chew grass
in the meadow opposite
the little lamb looked
prettier than a baby
there was no one around
I winked at it, flirtatiously
and adjusted my lower jaw
surreptitiously, in imitation of
its angelic expression
an expression I
never managed to get right
possibly because
I myself am not a herbivore
later, when the sun set
and the twilight came on
I lost sight of it
by dinner-time the next day
this whole lamb
had been converted
into various bits and pieces
all piping hot
with that strong smell of sheep
it was placed on our dinner table
I wore that grass-eating expression
I had learned from it the previous day
as I sat chewing on its flesh.
© 2007, Simon Patton, Tao Naikan, Michael M. Day
as dusk approached I saton a chair
outside the house
watching a lamb chew grass
in the meadow opposite
the little lamb looked
prettier than a baby
there was no one around
I winked at it, flirtatiously
and adjusted my lower jaw
surreptitiously, in imitation of
its angelic expression
an expression I
never managed to get right
possibly because
I myself am not a herbivore
later, when the sun set
and the twilight came on
I lost sight of it
by dinner-time the next day
this whole lamb
had been converted
into various bits and pieces
all piping hot
with that strong smell of sheep
it was placed on our dinner table
I wore that grass-eating expression
I had learned from it the previous day
as I sat chewing on its flesh.
© 2007, Simon Patton, Tao Naikan, Michael M. Day

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère