Yi Sha
before they took you into the operating theatreyou lay there on the bed
and said to your closest girl-friend
“If I wake up to find
my two treasures are gone
that’ll mean I’ve got cancer”
as you spoke you made a gesture with both hands
across your chest
you never breathed a word of this
to me – your husband
you were aware that if anything needed signing
I’d be the one to sign it
do you trust me with every decision
I have to make?
including the decision
to cut off your beautiful breasts?
I suddenly felt
I would never make it through the spring
I feared the worst
I feared the Old Man in the Sky would turn against me
already countless times in my mind
I had bowed down before Him
and asked Him to take every thing I had
just as long as He spared my wife’s breasts
I stood outside the operating theatre
waiting sentence
seconds passed like years
an illiterate peasant
grabbed me
and asked me to sign a form for him
but I refused him in no uncertain terms
my big peasant brother
suddenly remembered
that he knew how to write his own name
and so the problem was solved
and his wife became
a woman without breasts
actually, darling
before you went in for your pre-op examination
yesterday afternoon
I happened to see
two women who’d had their breasts removed
through the door of the clinic
left open by mistake
a nurse was changing their bandages
to me, they still looked beautiful
because I had already prepared myself
for the worst
© Translation: 2007, Simon Patton, Tao Naikan, Michael M. Day
Voor je de operatiekamer binnen werd geduwdlag je op het bed dat je vervoerde
en zei tegen je beste vriendin
‘als ik wakker word en
deze twee schatten niet meer heb
dan was het dus kanker’
je sprak en gebaarde
met je handen voor je borst
Maar tegen mij – je echtgenoot
zei je helemaal niets
je wist heel goed dat ik
ervoor zou moeten tekenen
had je zo’n vertrouwen in mij
welke beslissing ik ook zou maken
inclusief mijn akkoord om
je mooie borsten te laten amputeren?
Plotseling had ik het gevoel alsof
deze lente niet voorbij kon gaan
ik was bang voor alles wat kon gebeuren
bang dat god zich ineens tegen ons zou keren
in gedachten knielde ik en knielde ik
ontelbare malen voor hem neer
en smeekte hem alles van mij weg te nemen
maar de borsten van mijn vrouw te sparen
Ik stond buiten de operatiekamer
te wachten op het oordeel
een seconde leek een jaar
een boer die niet kon schrijven
en aan mij stond te trekken
om mij in plaats van hem te laten tekenen
scheepte ik af
Dat boertje
bedacht plotseling
dat hij wél zijn eigen naam kon schrijven
en zo was het probleem opgelost
zodat zijn vrouw
een vrouw
zonder borsten werd
Liefste, om eerlijk te zijn had ik gisteren
op de oriëntatiemiddag
vóór je operatie
toen de deur van een verpleegkamer zomaar openstond
in een oogopslag twee
vrouwen gezien wier borsten geamputeerd waren
de dokter was hen net opnieuw aan het verbinden
ik vond dat ze nog altijd mooi waren
ik was dus al wel een beetje voorbereid
© Vertaling: 2007, Silvia Marijnissen

Poems of Yi Sha
before they took you into the operating theatreyou lay there on the bed
and said to your closest girl-friend
“If I wake up to find
my two treasures are gone
that’ll mean I’ve got cancer”
as you spoke you made a gesture with both hands
across your chest
you never breathed a word of this
to me – your husband
you were aware that if anything needed signing
I’d be the one to sign it
do you trust me with every decision
I have to make?
including the decision
to cut off your beautiful breasts?
I suddenly felt
I would never make it through the spring
I feared the worst
I feared the Old Man in the Sky would turn against me
already countless times in my mind
I had bowed down before Him
and asked Him to take every thing I had
just as long as He spared my wife’s breasts
I stood outside the operating theatre
waiting sentence
seconds passed like years
an illiterate peasant
grabbed me
and asked me to sign a form for him
but I refused him in no uncertain terms
my big peasant brother
suddenly remembered
that he knew how to write his own name
and so the problem was solved
and his wife became
a woman without breasts
actually, darling
before you went in for your pre-op examination
yesterday afternoon
I happened to see
two women who’d had their breasts removed
through the door of the clinic
left open by mistake
a nurse was changing their bandages
to me, they still looked beautiful
because I had already prepared myself
for the worst
© 2007, Simon Patton, Tao Naikan, Michael M. Day
before they took you into the operating theatreyou lay there on the bed
and said to your closest girl-friend
“If I wake up to find
my two treasures are gone
that’ll mean I’ve got cancer”
as you spoke you made a gesture with both hands
across your chest
you never breathed a word of this
to me – your husband
you were aware that if anything needed signing
I’d be the one to sign it
do you trust me with every decision
I have to make?
including the decision
to cut off your beautiful breasts?
I suddenly felt
I would never make it through the spring
I feared the worst
I feared the Old Man in the Sky would turn against me
already countless times in my mind
I had bowed down before Him
and asked Him to take every thing I had
just as long as He spared my wife’s breasts
I stood outside the operating theatre
waiting sentence
seconds passed like years
an illiterate peasant
grabbed me
and asked me to sign a form for him
but I refused him in no uncertain terms
my big peasant brother
suddenly remembered
that he knew how to write his own name
and so the problem was solved
and his wife became
a woman without breasts
actually, darling
before you went in for your pre-op examination
yesterday afternoon
I happened to see
two women who’d had their breasts removed
through the door of the clinic
left open by mistake
a nurse was changing their bandages
to me, they still looked beautiful
because I had already prepared myself
for the worst
© 2007, Simon Patton, Tao Naikan, Michael M. Day

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère