Poetry International Poetry International

Srečko Kosovel

Talk at Twilight

Our windows are barred.
White barricades.
The American Indians know nothing
of gravity.
But dynamite explodes
in Novaja Zemija, too.
You, Sir, in the astrakhan cap!
There is no arithmetic mean
between the old and the new worlds.
One is either old or young.
A golden boat on the horizon.
Natural laws = ethics???
The cosmos could be understood
even without physics.
People swinging hanged
from telegraph poles.
Entrance: one dinar.
It is raining.
Man talks to the cosmos.
A barn outside the window.



Bele barikade.
Indijanci ne vedo nic
o gravitaciji.
A dinamit eksplodira
tudi v Novaji Zemlji.
Gospod z astrahanko!
Ni aritmeticne sredine
med starini in novim svetom.
Clovek je lahko star ali mlad.
Zlati coln na obzorju.
Prirodni zakoni = etika???
Vesoljstvo razumes
tudi brez fizike.
Obesenci nihajo
ob brzojavnih drogovih.
Vstopnina: en dinar.
Dez pada.
Clovek so pogovarja z vesoljstvom.
Skedenj pred oknom.
Srečko  Kosovel

Srečko Kosovel

(Slovenië, 1904)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Slovenië

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Sloveens

Gedichten Dichters


Bele barikade.
Indijanci ne vedo nic
o gravitaciji.
A dinamit eksplodira
tudi v Novaji Zemlji.
Gospod z astrahanko!
Ni aritmeticne sredine
med starini in novim svetom.
Clovek je lahko star ali mlad.
Zlati coln na obzorju.
Prirodni zakoni = etika???
Vesoljstvo razumes
tudi brez fizike.
Obesenci nihajo
ob brzojavnih drogovih.
Vstopnina: en dinar.
Dez pada.
Clovek so pogovarja z vesoljstvom.
Skedenj pred oknom.

Talk at Twilight

Our windows are barred.
White barricades.
The American Indians know nothing
of gravity.
But dynamite explodes
in Novaja Zemija, too.
You, Sir, in the astrakhan cap!
There is no arithmetic mean
between the old and the new worlds.
One is either old or young.
A golden boat on the horizon.
Natural laws = ethics???
The cosmos could be understood
even without physics.
People swinging hanged
from telegraph poles.
Entrance: one dinar.
It is raining.
Man talks to the cosmos.
A barn outside the window.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère