Poetry International Poetry International
C. Buddingh'-Prize

Jury report C. Buddingh' Prize 2024

Making your debut with a poetry collection in the Dutch language remains as popular as ever! Unfortunately, that is not in the newspaper, but it is not an empty statement in the room either. This year, the jury was presented with nothing less than 24 bundles. Thanks to the publishers! Not only for submitting collections, but also for publishing poetry. Publishing poetry collections in 2024 is, to put it mildly, a risky investment, and publishing work by debutants is of course especially so. The fact that there are still publishers, from very small niche publishers to the colossal pillars of large corporations, who do not shirk their responsibility to enrich the literary field with the voices of new poets, deserves great praise. Well done guys (m/f/x) and keep it up!

Traditionally, the shortlist for this prize can only consist of four collections. However, there are two collections that unfortunately did not make the shortlist, but which we as a jury still wanted to mention. These are the collections Nu we eer toch zijn by Erwin Hurenkamp and Een lichaam dragen by Hannah Chris Lomans. Both collections attempted to add something new to Dutch poetry and both collections succeeded in doing so. The beautiful, sometimes moving poems by Hannah Chris Lomans show the struggle of a first-person narrator with something as seemingly simple as having a body. The poet makes this struggle tangible, something that is extremely important in these crazy times when everyone seems to understand everyone less and less. Where Lomans makes the struggle of one person palpable, Hurenkamp does so with that of an entire planet. With dystopian, but well-fed, sometimes even funny poems, Hurenkamp shows us a world that walks on its hind legs. And he teaches us how to sing about that, no matter how sad.

Anyway, thus four. The jury confidently nominates the following four collections for the C. Buddingh' Prize 2024 (in alphabetical order by surname)


Bob Vanden Broeck - de richting is richting omleiding

de richting is richting omleiding is looks at the word. The narrator in the collection looks at the world he walks through with the necessary understated humor, and knows how to place the strange, sometimes cheerful, sometimes poignant things he sees in it in the reader's head with delicate sentences. Not gratuitous, nor fun, but with the necessary lightness that poetry and the world sometimes need. Vanden Broeck somewhere echoes a great predecessor like Guillaume Appolinaire, who also looked through the world with a surprised, critical, but then again poetic view.

While many poets approach us in these times with top-heavy, committed seriousness, Vanden Broeck manages to maintain a certain playfulness. The danger is that this turns into distance, indifference, a certain coldness towards the people and world around him, because yes, it is all a game after all. And then suddenly Vanden Broeck is hit. Because of an image, a situation, something that he sees happening in the corner of his eye during his long walk through the modern city. When that happens, he doesn't make a big cry, he doesn't milk anything and he keeps from sentimentality. A short sentence is enough for him. De richting is richting omleiding is a perfectly adjusted, sometimes cheerful, then melancholic look at the world.


Sytse Jansma - Rozige Maanvissen

In Rozige Maanvissen, personal suffering, the sudden loss of a loved one, is elevated to great poetry. Of course, more poets strive for this, but the special thing about this collection is that the entire poetic bag of tricks is thrown open, a bag of tricks that the poet knows well and knows how to use excellently, so that the authenticity and rawness of the sadness cuts right through all those tricks. You believe the poet when he tries, almost desperately at times, to turn everything that language can be into a lifebuoy.

Sytse Jansma is not a novice poet. He had previously written good poetry in the other national language, Frisian. Yet the jury cannot escape the impression that he kept back his best for writing Rozige Maanvissen. This collection is electrified, you can sense from everything that these poems had to be written. Although we all hope that something like this will never happen to Jansma again, especially for Jansma himself of course, but also because we read this collection with a lump in our throat, the entire jury is eagerly looking forward to new work by this poet which is so beautiful in this collection and has found its own and authentic yet solid and mature sound.


Dewi de Nijs Bik - Indolente

With a clear look at history, Indolente draws us into both the unworldly everyday and the everyday unworldly. Dewi de Nijs Bik researches closely, which invites interaction; she dares to draw you to places and voices that are constantly silenced. And yet she does not shout about her subject, she writes it down, with love and courage, she gives you a detailed world and a language that keeps you thinking.

Dewi de Nijs Bik makes history, our shared history, lifelike in Indolente. With a well-equipped toolbox of literary resources, which she masters all well and knows how to use at the right moments, she points out the painful patches that hundreds of years of colonial history have left behind. In the past, but also in the present, even in ordinary everyday life. It is logical that De Nijs Bik is spares poetic play in this collection, sometimes a subject is so sensitive that writing can no longer be a game. But in that sparingness, De Nijs Bik shows her beautifully blossoming poetry.


Merel van Slobbe - De maan schijnt feller in de Metaverse

More and more poets write their poetry while the internet hums in the background. Merel van Slobbe is one of them and it certainly doesn't hurt her work. De maan schijnt feller in de Metaverse, although it is full of contemporary elements that will eventually date the poems, which is unfortunately how the internet works, it is very much about something. Where does a world in which avatars and algorithms have so much say leave the individual? In poetry of course!

Where many poets who write about the internet, and more broadly about modern times, only flood us with technical terms or immerse us in digital spheres and nothing else, van Slobbe lets modernity collide with classical poet tropes and thus creates poetry. In other words: a collection that contains both moonlight and Tinder matches and does not become sentimental in that respect, deserves a lot of praise. In De maan schijnt feller in de Metaverse, Merel van Slobbe shows that the internet is incredibly interesting, but also that poetry itself is ultimately many times more mysterious and beautiful.


The 2024 C. Buddingh Prize goes to the collection that, with great poetic ingenuity, made the reader sympathize with a great personal loss. A bundle that leaves you with a lump in your throat, without becoming sticky. This collection is raw and beautiful, two labels that may sound lame, but really really fit here. Read for yourself! The 2024 C. Buddingh Prize goes to Rozige Maanvissen by Sytse Jansma.

Rozige Maanvissen by Sytse Jansma wins the C. Buddingh’-prijs 2024

Rozige Maanvissen by Sytse Jansma wins the C. Buddingh’-prijs 2024

Poetry International awards the C. Buddingh' Prize 2024 to Rozige Maanvissen by Sytse Jansma (publisher Atlas Contact). This was just announced on the radio 1 program Een uur cultuur. "This collection is electrified, you can sense from everything that these poems had to be break out", said the jury consisting of Joost Oomen (chairman), Lisette Ma Neza and Toef Jaeger. 'A bundle that leaves you with a lump in your throat, without getting sticky'.

The C. Buddingh' Prize honors the best Dutch-language poetry debut of the year and is awarded by Poetry International since 1988. The prize carries a sum of 1,500 euros. Next to Rozige Maanvissen, De maan schijnt feller in de Metaverse by Merel van Slobbe, De richting is richting omleiding by Bob Vanden Broeck and Indolente by Dewi de Nijs Bik were nominated.

The jury on Rozige Maanvissen:

'In Rozige Maanvissen wordt een persoonlijk lijden, het plotseling verliezen van een geliefde, verheven tot grootse poëzie. Daar streven natuurlijk meer dichters naar, maar het bijzondere van deze bundel is dat de gehele poëtische trukendoos open wordt gegooid, een trukendoos die de dichter goed kent en uitmuntend weet in te zetten, maar dat de authenticiteit en rauwheid van het verdriet dwars door al
die trucs heen schijnt. Je gelooft de dichter wanneer hij, bijna wanhopig soms, alles wat taal kan zijn tot een reddingsboei probeert te maken.'

Sytse Jansma lives in Harlingen and is a poet and visual artist. He published two collections of poetry in Frisian and his work appears in literary magazines such as De Revisor, de Moanne and Ensafh. With his poetry he often seeks cross-overs with other art forms: music, theater and visual arts.


Buddingh' Talent at Poetry International Festival

On Saturday, June 8th, Sytse Jansma will appear at the Poetry International Festival Rotterdam together with the three nominees Merel van Slobbe, Bob Vanden Broeck and Dewi de Nijs Bik in the interdisciplinary showcase Buddingh' Talent, in which the four will create new work together with musician Cedric Vermue.


Wie schrijft het beste Nederlandstalige poëziedebuut van het jaar

C. Buddingh'-Prize 2024

Since 1988, Poetry International has awarded the best Dutch-language poetry debut of the year with the C. BUDDINGH'-PRIJS VOOR NIEUWE NEDERLANDSTALIGE POËZIE. With the award, Poetry International draws more attention to talented new voices in Dutch-language poetry. And with success! For now well-known poets such as Joke van Leeuwen, Tonnus Oosterhoff, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer and Anna Enquist or - more recently - Marieke Lucas Rijneveld and Radna Fabias, the C. Buddingh' Prize was the first important trophy on their wall. In 2023, Alara Adilow won the 'Buddingh' with "Mythen en Stoplichten," published by Prometheus. 

Rotterdam, 23rd of April 2024

Nominations C. Buddingh'-Prize 2024 announced!

De maan schijnt feller in de Metaverse by Merel van Slobbe, De richting is richting omleiding by Bob Vanden Broeck, Indolente by Dewi de Nijs Bik and Rozige Maanvissen by Sytse Jansma have been nominated for the C. Buddingh' Prize 2024. The jury consisting of Joost Oomen (chairman), Lisette Ma Neza and Toef Jaeger chose the four from a total of 24 collections submitted. The C. Buddingh' Prize awards the best Dutch-language poetry debut of the year and has been presented by Poetry International since 1988.

The winner of the C. Buddingh' Prize 2024 will be announced on Saturday 1 June in the radio programme Een uur Cultuur. On Saturday 8 June, the poets will perform together at Poetry International Festival Rotterdam in a show in which these four most striking new voices in Dutch-language poetry reinforce each other.

About the nominees

Sytse Jansma

Rosy Moonfish

Sytse Jansma

Publisher Atlas Contact

From the judges' report:
'In Rosy Moonfish, a very personal suffering, the sudden loss of a loved one, is elevated to great poetry. Of course, more poets strive for this, but what is special about this collection is that the entire poetic box of tricks is thrown open, a box of tricks the poet knows well and knows how to deploy excellently, but that the authenticity and rawness of grief shines right through all these tricks. You believe the poet when he tries, almost desperately at times, to turn everything that language can be into a lifeline.'

Sytse Jansma lives in Harlingen and is a poet and visual artist. He has published two collections of poetry in Frisian and his work appears in literary magazines such as De Revisor, de Moanne and Ensafh. With his poetry, he often seeks crossovers with other art forms: music, theatre and visual art.

Dewi de Nijs Bik


Dewi de Nijs Bik

Publisher De Arbeiderspers

From the jury report:
'With a clear view of history, Indolente draws us into both the everyday and the other-worldly. Dewi de Nijs Bik poems inquisitively, inviting interaction; she dares to pull you along to places and voices that are constantly silenced. And yet she doesn't shout down her subject, she poems, with love and guts, giving you a detailed habitat and language that keeps you thinking.'

Dewi de Nijs Bik has previously published in Poëziekrant and DW B, among others. She was selected for deBuren's Paris residency and for the mini tour Vers van het Mes. Since 2012, she has been providing in-depth interviews for Indian monthly Moesson. Indolente has also been nominated for De Grote Poëzieprijs.

Bob Vanden Broeck

The direction is towards diversion

Bob Vanden Broeck

Publisher The Balanseer

From the judges' report:
'In De richting is richting omleiding, a viewer is speaking. The narrator in the collection looks with the necessary understated humour at the world he walks through, and manages to place the strange, sometimes cheerful, sometimes harrowing things he sees in it in the reader's mind with gossamer phrases. Not gratuitous, not lollygagging either, but with the necessary lightness that poetry and the world sometimes so need.'

Bob Vanden Broeck teaches Art and Cultural History at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. His poetry has already appeared in and on nY, De Revisor and Het Liegend Konijn, among others. He is currently working on Je zit op een stoel, a novel set in an office surrounded by fog and darkness.

Merel van Slobbe

The moon shines brighter in the Metaverse

Merel van Slobbe

Publisher De Arbeiderspers

From the judges' report:
'More and more poets are writing their poetry while the internet hums along in the background. Merel van Slobbe is one of them and it certainly does her work no harm. The Moon Shines Brighter in the Metaverse may be full of contemporary elements that will eventually date the poems, but it is about something. Where is the individual in a world where avatars and algorithm have so much to say? In poetry, that much is certain.'

Merel van Slobbe is a writer and poet. She studied philosophy at Radboud University Nijmegen. In 2018, she won second prize at De Gedichtenwedstrijd (The Poetry Competition) and in 2019 she published Aan de rand van een lichaam, a chapbook published by Wintertuin. The Moon Shines Brighter in the Metaverse was also nominated for The Great Poetry Prize.

Meet the jury of the C. Buddingh'-Prize 2024

Toef Jaeger

Toef Jaeger

Toef Jaeger is an editor at NRC Handelsblad. In 2015, she published her book Koning Eenoog, a migrant story about the writer and artist Henk van Woerden. Together with Hanneke Chin-A-Fo, she wrote a book about the rise and fall of Polare, the largest bookstore chain in the Netherlands. In her latest book De jongens van Barbarber (2021), she describes the story of the magazine Barbarber, which, with poets such as Bernlef and K. Schippers, brought humour and dada to Dutch literature.

Photo © Annemarieke van den Broek

Lisette Ma Neza

Lisette Ma Neza

Lisette Ma Neza is a Dutch poet, musician and filmmaker based in Brussels. Since January this year, she has been Brussels' first city poet. In 2017, she won the Belgian Poetry Slam championship and came second at both the European and World Slam Poetry Championships. She sings in her own poetry band and recently signed a contract for her first book.

Joost Oomen

Joost Oomen

Joost Oomen is a poet, writer, theatre maker, DJ and drummer. He was house poet of the University of Groningen, city poet of Groningen and columnist for Dagblad van het Noorden and Leeuwarder Courant. As a poet and performer, he is at home in the absurd like no other. He made a name for himself with novels such as Het perenlied (2020), Visjes (2022) and the collection Lievegedicht (2023). De Volkskrant proclaimed him the literary talent of 2021, and he almost became De Slimste Mens that year.

Photo © Liz van den Akker

C. Buddingh'-Online Book Club featuring Ingmar Heytze


Submissions C. Buddingh'-Prize 2024

Djam karet / Elastiektijd

Richard Akihary

Djam karet / Elastiektijd


Rense van Aarnhem


De richting is richting omleiding

Bob Vanden Broeck

De richting is richting omleiding

Inschepen en vertekken

Tom Driesen

Inschepen en vertekken

De voetstap van het personage

Hubert Fermin

De voetstap van het personage

Papa, ik mis je

Mireille Geus

Papa, ik mis je

Sterrenkind   Dichter

Debora d’Hont-Dieleman

Sterrenkind Dichter

Nu we er toch zijn

Erwin Hurenkamp

Nu we er toch zijn

Rozige maanvissen

Syste Jansm

Rozige maanvissen

Een lichaam dragen

Hannah Chris Lomans

Een lichaam dragen

Traag vallen

Floor Loppersum

Traag vallen

Het witste woord

Eva Meijer

Het witste woord


Dewi de Nijs Bik


Harder dan een zee

Silke Peeters

Harder dan een zee


Michiel J. Ris



Filip Rogiers


De inventaris van wat blijft

Sandra Roobaert

De inventaris van wat blijft

Herinner mij er morgen aan

Antony Samson

Herinner mij er morgen aan

De maan schijnt feller in de metaverse

Merel van Slobbe

De maan schijnt feller in de metaverse

Sterke schoenen

Vera Steenput

Sterke schoenen


Kavita Vlieghe & Denise de Lille



Monique Wilmer-Leegwater


U heeft nog 43 ongelezen gedichten

Yanaika Zomer

U heeft nog 43 ongelezen gedichten

C. Buddingh'-prijs 2023 voor Alara Adilow

2023: 'Mythen en stoplichten' poetry debut collection of the year

36th C. Buddingh'-Prize goes to Alara Adilow

Photo's: Rosa Quist

Poetry International's C. Buddingh' Prize 2023 has been won by Alara Adilow, for her poetry debut 'Mythen en stoplichten', published by Prometheus. Adilow was awarded the annual prize for the best Dutch-language poetry debut during the festive closing program of the 53rd Poetry International Festival. The jury praised 'Mythen en stoplichten' as "a collection about identity, such as you rarely come across at the moment.  Twenty-six poetry debuts were submitted for the 36th C. Buddingh' Prize. Besides Alara Adilow, the debut collections of Laura Broekhuysen ('We capals'), Babeth Fonchie Fotchind ('Plooi') and Astrid Haerens ('Oerhert') stood a chance of winning the prize. The jury included poet Sasja Janssen, poetry critic and teacher Janita Monna and slam poet Seckou Ouologuem.


'Do you believe in angels, Alara?'

The jury was deeply impressed by the four nominated poetry debuts, but fell like a log for 'Mythen en stoplichten': 'A collection that creates a universe that proliferates, shrinks, dies and reinvents itself. A fabulous debut, in which every poem is full of beautiful lines,' the jury said. 

From the jury report

"'Mythen en stoplichten' by Alara Adilow (b. 1988) takes the reader on an overwhelming, penetrating and transformative journey, through the underworld to the mortal world, into the heavens above. She daringly opens all registers of language and shows in surprising and sensitive images what the lyrical self experiences and undergoes. (...) It is precisely through the grotesque, coarse, lyrical, precisely through myths, superstition, religion, but also through images from her youth that Adilow is able to relate to her queerness, the struggle with her transition, religion, the break with her mother, her desires, sexual fantasies, drugs, without losing sight of her surroundings for even a moment. The beauty is in the many contrasts, nicely captured in the title. The desperation, surrender and guts move. A collection about identity, such as you rarely come across them at the moment." Read the full jury report (in Dutch) here.

The New Voices of 2022 / 2023

Among the debut poets this year, there were almost twice as many women as men: seventeen to nine. The jury calls that a hopeful development. The newest generation of poets is close to the pulsing of time. We read about gender, non-binarity, queerness, climate, social media and the Internet: poetry as a stage for life-long struggles. What is striking here is that young poets have a preference for the prose poem, although the choice for this is not always enforced by the content. The jury could only nominate four collections. The jury therefore had special mentions for the collections Het nodige breken by Sara Eelen, Honger, heteronormativity en het universum by Lies Gallez and Laatste foto van de vrede by Jan-Paul Rosenberg. 

About the C. Buddingh' Prize

Since 1988, Poetry International has annually awarded the best Dutch-language poetry debut with the C. Buddingh' Prize. With this Poetry International asks for extra attention for talented new voices in Dutch-language poetry. For many a poet of repute, the C. Buddingh' Prize was the first important prize won. Joke van Leeuwen, Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer, Anna Enquist, or more recently Lieke Marsman, Ellen Deckwitz, Marieke Lucas Rijneveld and Radna Fabias are among the laureates. In 2022, the C. Buddingh' Prize went to Maxime Garcia Diaz, for her collection Het is warm in de hivemind (De Bezige Bij).

De winnaar van de C. Buddingh'-prijs 2021

C. Buddingh'-winnaar 2020 Jens Meijen vanaf de Lijnbaanflats

Rotterdamse Dakendagen & Poetry International
Over C. Buddingh'

Over C. Buddingh'

C. Buddingh' (Dordrecht, 1918) is een minor poet. Hij was geen vernieuwer maar een meeloper. Geen grootheid maar een beschouwer, en een grappenmaker. Dat lijkt misschien een onvriendelijke karakteristiek maar het is iets wat Buddingh' zelf heel goed wist – sterker nog, zelf schreef hij de woorden 'het is niet zo erg, daaruit put ik mijn kracht' in een gedicht waarin hij zichzelf karakteriseert als 'het neefje dat ook mee uit logeren mocht'. Zijn oeuvre volgt de sporen van de literatuurgeschiedenis op de voet, en bij elke nieuwe stroming mocht hij toch minstens een keer uit logeren.


2023 - Alara Adilow

for Mythen en Stoplichten

2022 - Maxime Garcia Diaz

met Het is warm in de hivemind

2021 - Wout Waanders

met Parkplan

2020 - Jens Meijen

met Xenomorf

2019 - Roberta Petzoldt

met Vruchtwatervuurlinie

2018 - Radna Fabias

met Habitus

2017 - Vicky Francken

met Röntgenfotomodel

2016 - Marieke Lucas Rijneveld

met Kalfsvlies

2015 - Saskia Stehouwer

met Wachtkamers

2014 - Maarten van der Graaff

met Vluchtautogedichten

2013 - Henk Ester

met Bijgeluiden

2012 - Ellen Deckwitz

met De steen vreest mij

2011 - Lieke Marsman

met Wat ik mijzelf graag voorhoud

2010 - Delphine Lecompte

met De dieren in mij

2009 - Mischa Andriessen

met Uitzien met D

2008 - Wiljan van den Akker

met De afstand

2007 - Bernard Wesseling

met Focus

2006 - Willem Thies

met Toendra

2005 - Liesbeth Lagemaat

met Een grimwoud in mijn keel

2004 - Maria Barnas

met Twee zonnen

2003 - Jane Leusink

met Mos en gladde paadjes

2002 - Erwin Mortier

met Vergeten licht

2001 - Mark Boog

met Alsof er iets gebeurt

2000 - André Verbart

met 98

1999 - Ilja Leonard Pfeijffer

met Van de vierkante man

1998 - Erik Menkveld

met De karpersimulator - toegekend, maar niet uitgereikt

1997 - Pem Sluijter

met Roos is een bloem

1996 - Henk van der Waal

met De windsels van de sfinx

1995 - Joke van Leeuwen

met Laatste lezers

1994 - F. van Dixhoorn

met Jaagpad

1993 - Herman Leenders

met Ogentroost

1992 - Anna Enquist

met Soldatenliederen

1991 - Michaël Zeeman

met Beeldenstorm

1990 - Tonnus Oosterhoff

met Boerentijger


Not awarded

1988 - Elma van Haren

met Reis naar het welkom geheten

Mixime Garcia Diaz wint 35ste C. Buddingh'-prijs
Gemeente Rotterdam
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Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
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