Nikos Engonopoulos

Nikos Engonopoulos
(Greece, 1907)
Although Embeirikos’ poems were greeted with ridicule when they first appeared, they did not create as much of an uproar as the surrealist poems and paintings of Nikos Engonopoulos. Born in Athens in 1907, he was to remain faithful to the tenets of surrealism by expressing in his poetry and paintings as much a way of life as an aesthetic.
This development is at its most striking in the long poem that Engonopoulos published in 1944, in the midst of the German Occupation, entitled ‘Bolivar’. Bolivar is not only the well-known South American hero and liberator, but also, as the work carries the subtitle A Greek Poem, all Greek great and lesser heroes of the Greek War of Independence and of the Resistance and, in the final analysis, is Engonopoulos himself, for the poet declares with pride in the poem that he is his son. Basic to this conception is the poet’s belief that the more national a poem the more international its scope. “Bolivar,” the poet exclaims with national pride and universal application, “you are as beautiful as a Greek!” As Roderick Beaton rightly notes, “by drawing on parallels between the South American revolutions of the 19th century and recent Greek history, topical allusions are displaced under a thin disguise”. Indeed apart from ecstatic invocations to its hero, the disguise is thin enough in this poem, which in the name of Bolivar rolls together an incantatory list of names and events in Greek history. The attempt in this long poem to unite the aspirations of a Latin American (turned Greek) hero-saviour with the broader quest of the Surrealists for freedom in a universal sense produced one of the major works in the history of Modern Greek poetry.
Engonopoulos, one should not forget, was not only one of the most significant poets of the generation of the 1930s, the generation that launched modernism in Greece, but also an accomplished painter, the foremost surrealist painter of Greece. He studied painting with Konstantinos Parthenis and engraving and woodcutting with Kefalinos and served for several years as apprentice to the painter of Byzantine murals, Fotis Kondoglou. All three artists exerted profound influence on his development both as a painter and a poet. His poetic oeuvre therefore, cannot be discussed without close reference to his work as a painter.
© Haris Vlavianos
Also on this site{id="2434" title="Notes"}
The poet reflects on his own work in painting and poetry.
{id="2435" title="Notes on ‘Bolivar’ by the translator, David Connolly"}
These notes are based on the explanatory notes provided by the poet.
In English and Greek
Engonopoulos’ website
Contains a selection of his paintings, poems and an extended biography.
Poems of Nikos Engonopoulos

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère