Elma van Haren
It gave off a loud SMASH-CLATTER.Not tin or glass, but words,
spoken in a laconic voice.
Linguistic double shot, Break out!
Force your way out!
Loud laughter and then
the stars shattered in my
invariably polite presence.
Just what I wanted for my birthday.
A Smash-clatter.
It’s perfect!
I shook off the pigeons stifling me
in their feathered chambers.
Their cooing echoing off four walls.
Every sound a funnel to a word,
to the corresponding image.
The language of pigeons (cooingpoohpoohingboohooing),
trying to smother me in their downy dovecote.
I, a natural breaker-outer,
to let the extent, the length
– hurtling train in the greyish-red evening –
go thundering through
into its own space.
With ears ringing from the pigeons’ deep gurgling and
lips pinched, as blue
for example as after eating
inedible berries from the deepest Congo,
I clattered
sniffed my way out.
Weighing lighter flying over,
my Smash-clatter immune to the pats on backs,
condescending nods, tweaks of cheeks
that buzz off into the world
like complacent May beetles.
Immune to jolly falderal,
Bluster & Bluff, tossed my way
with a thick spray of black saliva,
as if the brew were plague infested.
And sweetheart,
those black holes in your smile
have nothing to do with the state of your teeth.
So I’ll smash-clatter you too!
© Translation: 2006, David Colmer
Het brekende
Het brekende
Het klonk op in een luid RINKELDEKINKEL.Geen blik of glas, maar het woord,
uitgesproken door een laconieke stem.
Taalkopstootje: Breek uit!
Baan je naar buiten!
Luid gelach en toen
sprongen de sterren al in mijn
alom beleefde tegenwoordigheid.
Juist wat ik wou voor mijn verjaardag.
Een Rinkeldekinkel.
Precies zo!
Ik schudde de duiven van me af, die me ingesloten hielden
in hun gevederde kamers.
Hun gekoer echoënd tegen de wanden.
In elke klank een trechter naar een woord,
naar het corresponderende beeld.
Duiventaal (koerenboerenouwehoeren),
die me wilde smoren in de donzen duiventil.
Ik, uitbrekend van nature,
om het strekken, de lengte
– denderende trein in de roodgrijze avond –
door te kunnen laten daveren
zijn eigen ruimte in.
Met galmende oren van diep duivengeklok en
samengeknepen lippen, blauw als
na het eten van bijvoorbeeld
oneetbare bessen uit diep Congo,
nieste ik mij naar buiten.
Woog lichter vloog over,
het Rinkeldekinkel bestand tegen de
als tevreden meikevers de wereld in ronkende
minzame knikjes, klopjes op de schouder,
kneepjes in de wang.
Tegen fidele falderalderie,
Brallen & Bauwen, mij toegeworpen
met dik sproeisel van zwart speeksel,
als zat de pest in dat brouwsel.
En liefje,
die zwarte gaten in je glimlach hebben
niets van doen met de staat van je gebit.
Dus rinkeldekinkel ik ook bij jou!
© 2000, Elma van Haren
From: Eskimoteren
Publisher: De Harmonie,
From: Eskimoteren
Publisher: De Harmonie,
Poems of Elma van Haren
It gave off a loud SMASH-CLATTER.Not tin or glass, but words,
spoken in a laconic voice.
Linguistic double shot, Break out!
Force your way out!
Loud laughter and then
the stars shattered in my
invariably polite presence.
Just what I wanted for my birthday.
A Smash-clatter.
It’s perfect!
I shook off the pigeons stifling me
in their feathered chambers.
Their cooing echoing off four walls.
Every sound a funnel to a word,
to the corresponding image.
The language of pigeons (cooingpoohpoohingboohooing),
trying to smother me in their downy dovecote.
I, a natural breaker-outer,
to let the extent, the length
– hurtling train in the greyish-red evening –
go thundering through
into its own space.
With ears ringing from the pigeons’ deep gurgling and
lips pinched, as blue
for example as after eating
inedible berries from the deepest Congo,
I clattered
sniffed my way out.
Weighing lighter flying over,
my Smash-clatter immune to the pats on backs,
condescending nods, tweaks of cheeks
that buzz off into the world
like complacent May beetles.
Immune to jolly falderal,
Bluster & Bluff, tossed my way
with a thick spray of black saliva,
as if the brew were plague infested.
And sweetheart,
those black holes in your smile
have nothing to do with the state of your teeth.
So I’ll smash-clatter you too!
© 2006, David Colmer
From: Eskimoteren
From: Eskimoteren
It gave off a loud SMASH-CLATTER.Not tin or glass, but words,
spoken in a laconic voice.
Linguistic double shot, Break out!
Force your way out!
Loud laughter and then
the stars shattered in my
invariably polite presence.
Just what I wanted for my birthday.
A Smash-clatter.
It’s perfect!
I shook off the pigeons stifling me
in their feathered chambers.
Their cooing echoing off four walls.
Every sound a funnel to a word,
to the corresponding image.
The language of pigeons (cooingpoohpoohingboohooing),
trying to smother me in their downy dovecote.
I, a natural breaker-outer,
to let the extent, the length
– hurtling train in the greyish-red evening –
go thundering through
into its own space.
With ears ringing from the pigeons’ deep gurgling and
lips pinched, as blue
for example as after eating
inedible berries from the deepest Congo,
I clattered
sniffed my way out.
Weighing lighter flying over,
my Smash-clatter immune to the pats on backs,
condescending nods, tweaks of cheeks
that buzz off into the world
like complacent May beetles.
Immune to jolly falderal,
Bluster & Bluff, tossed my way
with a thick spray of black saliva,
as if the brew were plague infested.
And sweetheart,
those black holes in your smile
have nothing to do with the state of your teeth.
So I’ll smash-clatter you too!
© 2006, David Colmer

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère