Mustafa Kör
Forty. In my development it’s a symbolic number.
Infants may only go outdoors after forty days.
Forty days fasting. Forty times transgressing
I have reached it just like that.
But I was a child of the steppes
I learned my mores on red earth
Then life entered our house just like that
carried off my father’s breath and mother’s wings
snapped for the first time. My Arcadia in revolt
When I lay for dead in a Limburg ditch
they kissed my eyes like a North Sea in February
I heard them through the frost that took my breath away
The hiss of poplar trees. Ferocious sheepdogs.
My wounds. My flag and faith. The mountains
where partisans and wolves lay hidden. Forty
thousand jet beads on my dreamcatcher
Publisher: , , 2022
Veertig. Symbolisch getal in mijn vorming.
Borelingen mogen pas buiten na veertig dagen.
Veertig dagen vasten. Veertig keer zondigen
Zomaar ben ik het geworden.
Maar ik was een steppenkind
leerde de mores op rode aarde
Toen stapte het leven gewoon ons huis binnen
nam mijn vaders adem mee en braken moeders
vleugels voor het eerst. Mijn Arcadië in opstand
Toen ik voor dood lag in een Limburgse greppel
kusten ze mijn ogen als een Noordzee in februari
ik hoorde ze door de vorst die mijn adem benam
Het geruis van populieren. Woeste herdershonden.
Mijn schaafwonden. Mijn vlag en geloof. De bergen
waar partizanen en wolven scholen. Veertig duizend
ravenzwarte kralen aan mijn dromenvanger
From: Brood en liefde
Publisher: Poëziecentrum Gent,
Forty. In my development it’s a symbolic number.
Infants may only go outdoors after forty days.
Forty days fasting. Forty times transgressing
I have reached it just like that.
But I was a child of the steppes
I learned my mores on red earth
Then life entered our house just like that
carried off my father’s breath and mother’s wings
snapped for the first time. My Arcadia in revolt
When I lay for dead in a Limburg ditch
they kissed my eyes like a North Sea in February
I heard them through the frost that took my breath away
The hiss of poplar trees. Ferocious sheepdogs.
My wounds. My flag and faith. The mountains
where partisans and wolves lay hidden. Forty
thousand jet beads on my dreamcatcher
From: Brood en liefde
Publisher: 2022, Poëziecentrum Gent,
Forty. In my development it’s a symbolic number.
Infants may only go outdoors after forty days.
Forty days fasting. Forty times transgressing
I have reached it just like that.
But I was a child of the steppes
I learned my mores on red earth
Then life entered our house just like that
carried off my father’s breath and mother’s wings
snapped for the first time. My Arcadia in revolt
When I lay for dead in a Limburg ditch
they kissed my eyes like a North Sea in February
I heard them through the frost that took my breath away
The hiss of poplar trees. Ferocious sheepdogs.
My wounds. My flag and faith. The mountains
where partisans and wolves lay hidden. Forty
thousand jet beads on my dreamcatcher
Publisher: 2022, ,