Shubham Shree
My boyfriend is a two-legged boy humanHe has two hands, two feet, and one tail
(Note—I’m the only one who can see his tail)
My boyfriend’s name is Honey
At home, he’s Babloo, on his notebooks, Umashankar
His name is also Baby, Sweetie-pie, and Darling
I call my boyfriend Babu
Babu also calls me Babu
Babu has dandruff in his hair
Babu crunches when he eats
Babu slurps when he drinks
When he’s annoyed he packs a 440 volt punch
He has vaccine scars on his arms, twin half-lemons
If you poke them he screams
My Babu also cries
in a hiccupy sort of way
And he laughs with his eyes closed
He loooves salty food
When he sleeps, he snores from his nose and mouth
I am a good girlfriend
I swat away the flies trying to sneak into his mouth
I even smacked a mosquito on his belly
I always start laughing when I see him
He has very nice cheeks
If you stretch them out they get five centimeters bigger
He gave me a teddy bear named Kitty
We are the world’s best couple
Our anniversary is the 15th of May
Please congratulate us
*What we learn from my boyfriend
Is that you should smack mosquitos on your boyfriend’s belly
And swat flies away from his mouth
© Translation: 2017, Daisy Rockwell
मेरा बॉयफ्रेंड
मेरा बॉयफ्रेंड
मेरा बॉयफ्रेण्ड एक दोपाया लड़का इन्सान हैउसके दो हाथ, दो पैर और एक पूँछ है
(नोट- पूँछ सिर्फ़ मुझे दिखती है)
मेरे बॉयफ्रेण्ड का नाम हनी है
घर में बबलू और किताब-कॉपी पर उमाशंकर
उसका नाम बेबी, शोना और डालिंग भी है
मैं अपने बॉयफ्रेण्ड को बाबू बोलती हूँ
बाबू भी मुझे बाबू बोलता है
बाबू के बालों में डैण्ड्रफ है
बाबू चप-चप खाता है
घट-घट पानी पीता है
चिढ़ाने पर 440 वोल्ट के झटके मारता है
उसकी बाँहों में दो आधे कटे नीबू बने हैं
जिसमें उँगली भोंकने पर वो चीख़ता है
मेरा बाबू रोता भी है
हिटिक-हिटिक कर
और आँखें बन्द कर के हँसता है
उसे नमकीन खाना भौत पसन्द है
वो सोते वक़्त नाक-मुँह दोनों से खर्राटे लेता है
मैं एक अच्छी गर्लफ्रेण्ड हूँ
मैं उसके मुंह में घुस रही मक्खियाँ भगा देती हूँ
मैंने उसके पेट पर मच्छर भी मारा है
मुझे उसे देख कर हमेशा हँसी आती है
उसके गाल बहुत अच्छे हैं
खींचने पर 5 सेण्टीमीटर फैल जाते हैं
उसने मुझे एक बिल्लू नाम का टेडी दिया है
हम दुनिया के बेस्ट कपल हैं
हमारी एनिवर्सरी 15 मई को होती है
आप हमें विश करना
मेरे बॉयफ्रेण्ड से ये शिक्षा मिलती है कि
बॉयफ्रेण्ड के पेट पर मच्छर मारना चाहिए
और उसके मुँह से मक्खी भगानी चाहिए ।
© 2014, Shubham Shree
Poems of Shubham Shree
My boyfriend is a two-legged boy humanHe has two hands, two feet, and one tail
(Note—I’m the only one who can see his tail)
My boyfriend’s name is Honey
At home, he’s Babloo, on his notebooks, Umashankar
His name is also Baby, Sweetie-pie, and Darling
I call my boyfriend Babu
Babu also calls me Babu
Babu has dandruff in his hair
Babu crunches when he eats
Babu slurps when he drinks
When he’s annoyed he packs a 440 volt punch
He has vaccine scars on his arms, twin half-lemons
If you poke them he screams
My Babu also cries
in a hiccupy sort of way
And he laughs with his eyes closed
He loooves salty food
When he sleeps, he snores from his nose and mouth
I am a good girlfriend
I swat away the flies trying to sneak into his mouth
I even smacked a mosquito on his belly
I always start laughing when I see him
He has very nice cheeks
If you stretch them out they get five centimeters bigger
He gave me a teddy bear named Kitty
We are the world’s best couple
Our anniversary is the 15th of May
Please congratulate us
*What we learn from my boyfriend
Is that you should smack mosquitos on your boyfriend’s belly
And swat flies away from his mouth
© 2017, Daisy Rockwell
My boyfriend is a two-legged boy humanHe has two hands, two feet, and one tail
(Note—I’m the only one who can see his tail)
My boyfriend’s name is Honey
At home, he’s Babloo, on his notebooks, Umashankar
His name is also Baby, Sweetie-pie, and Darling
I call my boyfriend Babu
Babu also calls me Babu
Babu has dandruff in his hair
Babu crunches when he eats
Babu slurps when he drinks
When he’s annoyed he packs a 440 volt punch
He has vaccine scars on his arms, twin half-lemons
If you poke them he screams
My Babu also cries
in a hiccupy sort of way
And he laughs with his eyes closed
He loooves salty food
When he sleeps, he snores from his nose and mouth
I am a good girlfriend
I swat away the flies trying to sneak into his mouth
I even smacked a mosquito on his belly
I always start laughing when I see him
He has very nice cheeks
If you stretch them out they get five centimeters bigger
He gave me a teddy bear named Kitty
We are the world’s best couple
Our anniversary is the 15th of May
Please congratulate us
*What we learn from my boyfriend
Is that you should smack mosquitos on your boyfriend’s belly
And swat flies away from his mouth
© 2017, Daisy Rockwell

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère