Cristóbal Joannon
This fatuous effort in watercoloursand ash trays from Istanbul
while an aimless afternoon
writes up its expressionless chronicle.
We know it already: words tend
to fall away quickly, even though
there’s been an improvement of mood
and the silence of arterial pressure.
The reality of a glass and its bouquet
floating in sylvan waters is painless,
badly-scarred disappointments
it would be better to forget.
April sun on the house plants,
recurring imagery, empty cups of tea.
If living is holding back the fall of a leaf
dying is falling into a bucket of cold water.
© Translation: 2015, David McLoghlin
Este empeño fatuo de acuarelasy ceniceros de Estambul
mientras una tarde sin objeto
redacta su crónica inexpresiva.
Lo sabemos: las palabras tienden
hacia un decaimiento instantáneo
pese a las mejorías del ánimo
y el silencio de la presión arterial.
Es indolora la realidad de un vaso
y su ramo flotante en aguas nemorosas,
desilusiones mal cicatrizadas
que sería conveniente olvidar.
Sol de abril sobre las plantas de interior,
imágenes recurrentes, tazas vacías de té.
Si vivir es retener la caída de una hoja
morir será caer en un balde de agua fría.
© 2005, Cristóbal Joannón
From: Tabula rasa
Publisher: Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, Chile
From: Tabula rasa
Publisher: Ediciones Tácitas, Santiago, Chile
Poems of Cristóbal Joannon
This fatuous effort in watercoloursand ash trays from Istanbul
while an aimless afternoon
writes up its expressionless chronicle.
We know it already: words tend
to fall away quickly, even though
there’s been an improvement of mood
and the silence of arterial pressure.
The reality of a glass and its bouquet
floating in sylvan waters is painless,
badly-scarred disappointments
it would be better to forget.
April sun on the house plants,
recurring imagery, empty cups of tea.
If living is holding back the fall of a leaf
dying is falling into a bucket of cold water.
© 2015, David McLoghlin
From: Tabula rasa
From: Tabula rasa
This fatuous effort in watercoloursand ash trays from Istanbul
while an aimless afternoon
writes up its expressionless chronicle.
We know it already: words tend
to fall away quickly, even though
there’s been an improvement of mood
and the silence of arterial pressure.
The reality of a glass and its bouquet
floating in sylvan waters is painless,
badly-scarred disappointments
it would be better to forget.
April sun on the house plants,
recurring imagery, empty cups of tea.
If living is holding back the fall of a leaf
dying is falling into a bucket of cold water.
© 2015, David McLoghlin

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère