Poetry International Poetry International

Roni Margulies


While I was in Rotterdam
another of my years here on earth came to an end,
and I started on those of the next.
While I was in Rotterdam
a dog was thirsty in the afternoon of a hot day,
its owner turned on a tap by the entrance to the metro,
I saw the dog drink and drink and this made me happy.
I was sitting on some stairs, reading Miroslav Holub.
I smiled a little smile, making passers-by wonder why.
While I was in Rotterdam
two underground trains met on the overpass
under the balcony where I sat. One heading for Den Haag,
the other for De Akkers. They were both rush-hour-full.
Passengers eyed each other through the open windows.
Countless lives came so close as to almost connect
and then, unawares, fast parted ways and moved away.
I, high above, only heard the rumble of two rapid trains.
While I was in Rotterdam
another of my years here on earth came to an end.
I saw pass by me two magpies, an old woman on a bike,
a Sikh with an orange turban holding his daughter by the hand,
and several barges carrying multi-coloured potted plants.
And as the first day of my new year neared its end,
the thought crossed my mind idly
of how many years I have left to me.



Rotterdam’dayken ben
yeryüzünde bir yılım daha tamamlandı,
bir sonraki yılımın günlerini yaşamaya başladım.
Rotterdam’dayken ben
sıcak bir günün öğle sularında bir köpek susadı,
sahibi metro girişinin yanında bir musluğu açtı,
kana kana su içtiğini görüp mutlu oldum köpeğin.
Merdivene oturmuş Miroslav Holub okuyordum.
Bir gülümseme yayıldı yüzüme, görenler şaşırdı.
Rotterdam’dayken ben
oturduğum balkonun hemen altında iki metro
üstgeçitte karşılaştı. Biri Den Haag tarafına,
biri De Akkers’e doğru gidiyordu. Doluydular.
Bakıştı açık pencerelerden birbirlerine yolcular.
Sayısız yaşam, değecek kadar yaklaştı bir an birbirine
ve farkında olmadan uzaklaştı sonra birbirinden yine.
Bense oturduğum yerden bir gürültü dinledim sadece.
Rotterdam’dayken ben
yeryüzünde bir yılım daha tamamlandı.
Önümden iki saksağan, bisikletli yaşlı bir kadın,
yanında küçük kızıyla turuncu sarıklı bir Hintli
ve saksılarda çiçek taşıyan bir kanal teknesi geçti.
Ve ben yeni girdiğim yılın ilk gününü tamamlarken
daha çok yılım kaldı mı diye merak ettim akşamüzeri.


While I was in Rotterdam
another of my years here on earth came to an end,
and I started on those of the next.
While I was in Rotterdam
a dog was thirsty in the afternoon of a hot day,
its owner turned on a tap by the entrance to the metro,
I saw the dog drink and drink and this made me happy.
I was sitting on some stairs, reading Miroslav Holub.
I smiled a little smile, making passers-by wonder why.
While I was in Rotterdam
two underground trains met on the overpass
under the balcony where I sat. One heading for Den Haag,
the other for De Akkers. They were both rush-hour-full.
Passengers eyed each other through the open windows.
Countless lives came so close as to almost connect
and then, unawares, fast parted ways and moved away.
I, high above, only heard the rumble of two rapid trains.
While I was in Rotterdam
another of my years here on earth came to an end.
I saw pass by me two magpies, an old woman on a bike,
a Sikh with an orange turban holding his daughter by the hand,
and several barges carrying multi-coloured potted plants.
And as the first day of my new year neared its end,
the thought crossed my mind idly
of how many years I have left to me.


While I was in Rotterdam
another of my years here on earth came to an end,
and I started on those of the next.
While I was in Rotterdam
a dog was thirsty in the afternoon of a hot day,
its owner turned on a tap by the entrance to the metro,
I saw the dog drink and drink and this made me happy.
I was sitting on some stairs, reading Miroslav Holub.
I smiled a little smile, making passers-by wonder why.
While I was in Rotterdam
two underground trains met on the overpass
under the balcony where I sat. One heading for Den Haag,
the other for De Akkers. They were both rush-hour-full.
Passengers eyed each other through the open windows.
Countless lives came so close as to almost connect
and then, unawares, fast parted ways and moved away.
I, high above, only heard the rumble of two rapid trains.
While I was in Rotterdam
another of my years here on earth came to an end.
I saw pass by me two magpies, an old woman on a bike,
a Sikh with an orange turban holding his daughter by the hand,
and several barges carrying multi-coloured potted plants.
And as the first day of my new year neared its end,
the thought crossed my mind idly
of how many years I have left to me.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère