Hu Xudong
There’s no telling where this stream of water begins or whereit winds up after it seeps into my spleen.
The flight paths of those delicate mountain nymphs
have warped the contour lines of beauty: I know deep down
how those dragonflies with butterfly wings
can tantalize, so elegantly, the Adam’s apple of the air,
forcing the canyons to cry out in nervous chills, even though
memory’s pump has drawn water
from cliff crevices to the narrows of the tear ducts,
and deep down I know how the wild goose in the glistening light of ripples,
nursing a wound in the water, will bolt when startled to cast off
a vast sheet of shimmering pain.
So to cut
to the quick, I plunge into the water headfirst
and flounder around in the harsh cold of it all. First,
like a dragonfly nymph, I keep to the shadows and stay humble
among the pebbles. Then, as a fish blows bubbles into
a yawn, which you deposited under my skin, as bright and bewitching as daybreak,
I begin to form a faraway air bladder that will
contract whenever you're sad, leaving me
no choice but to roll over and show the white belly of bashfulness.
And yet,
most of the time it will just be like a water lily
swaying with the waves between my ribs, or
like a Kongming lantern* lit on the water’s surface,
guiding my slowly drifting lightness. When I’m light
enough to break the surface,
I find those dragonflies have turned into
cloud fragments in the shape of sleep itself, while I’ve
become their wintry snoring, barely audible as they lie
upon the water’s surface.
And where are you?
Are you dangling from my eyelashes? Can your word “No”
still entrust itself to a string of bird songs and be spread
through this dusk covering the mountains? The wind blows
a setting sun from out upon the water and, like a red fox,
it dodges into the grove. Only then do I see it:
the waterfall upstream shines bright, flows clear,
just the way you look when you rush out, shimmering
from inside this body of mine.
© Translation: 2007, Ying Qin & Daniel Comiskey
From: Another Kind of Nation: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry
Publisher: Talisman House, Jersey City, 2007
From: Another Kind of Nation: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry
Publisher: Talisman House, Jersey City, 2007
Waar dit water vandaan komt is onbekend, net zoalsde richting die het opgaat nadat het in mijn milt is gesijpeld.
De vluchtwegen van de paar bergnimfen
hebben de mooie contourlijnen verwrongen: ik weet goed
hoe deze libellen met vlindervleugels
de adamsappel van de lucht sierlijk kunnen plagen
zodat het ravijn zenuwachtige kou uitschreeuwt, ook al
heeft de pomp van het geheugen water
getrokken van de spleten in de rotsen naar de nauwe traanklieren;
ik weet goed hoe een wilde gans, die op de fonkelende golven
van zijn wonden herstelt, zal opschrikken, een grote vlakte
van kristalheldere pijn achterlatend.
Dus duik ik
gewoon met mijn hoofd voorover het water in en spartel
door het geheel van bijtende kou. Eerst ben ik
als een libellenlarve, donker en bescheiden
tussen de kiezels; dan blaast een vis
bellen in een ochtendschone geeuw,
die jij hebt achtergelaten in mijn huid: ik begin
een verre luchtblaas te krijgen. Zo zal hij
inkrimpen als jij verdrietig bent, waardoor ik niet anders
kan dan een witte buik van schaamte naar boven draaien.
veel vaker zal hij als een waterlelie
tussen mijn ribben door op de golven schommelen, of
als een brandende wensballon op het water
mijn trage lichtheid leiden. Als ik zo licht ben
dat ik boven aan het wateroppervlak kan komen,
merk ik dat de libellen zijn veranderd in
slaapachtige wolken; ik
ben dan het koude gesnurk dat zij, liggend
op het wateroppervlak, uitstoten: bijna onhoorbaar.
En jij?
Hang jij aan mijn wimpers? Kan jouw ‘nee’
zich nog overgeven aan dit vogelgezang en zich verspreiden
naar de schemering die de bergen vult? De wind blaast
op het water een zon tevoorschijn, die als een rode vos
het bos inschiet. Pas op dat moment zie ik het:
bovenaan glinstert de waterval zuiver,
precies zoals jij, als je mijn lichaam
uit komt schitteren.
31 juli 2007
© Vertaling: 2014, Silvia Marijnissen
© 2007, Hu Xudong
From: 日历之力 (Calendar of power)
Publisher: Writers Publishing House, Beijing
From: 日历之力 (Calendar of power)
Publisher: Writers Publishing House, Beijing
Poems of Hu Xudong
There’s no telling where this stream of water begins or whereit winds up after it seeps into my spleen.
The flight paths of those delicate mountain nymphs
have warped the contour lines of beauty: I know deep down
how those dragonflies with butterfly wings
can tantalize, so elegantly, the Adam’s apple of the air,
forcing the canyons to cry out in nervous chills, even though
memory’s pump has drawn water
from cliff crevices to the narrows of the tear ducts,
and deep down I know how the wild goose in the glistening light of ripples,
nursing a wound in the water, will bolt when startled to cast off
a vast sheet of shimmering pain.
So to cut
to the quick, I plunge into the water headfirst
and flounder around in the harsh cold of it all. First,
like a dragonfly nymph, I keep to the shadows and stay humble
among the pebbles. Then, as a fish blows bubbles into
a yawn, which you deposited under my skin, as bright and bewitching as daybreak,
I begin to form a faraway air bladder that will
contract whenever you're sad, leaving me
no choice but to roll over and show the white belly of bashfulness.
And yet,
most of the time it will just be like a water lily
swaying with the waves between my ribs, or
like a Kongming lantern* lit on the water’s surface,
guiding my slowly drifting lightness. When I’m light
enough to break the surface,
I find those dragonflies have turned into
cloud fragments in the shape of sleep itself, while I’ve
become their wintry snoring, barely audible as they lie
upon the water’s surface.
And where are you?
Are you dangling from my eyelashes? Can your word “No”
still entrust itself to a string of bird songs and be spread
through this dusk covering the mountains? The wind blows
a setting sun from out upon the water and, like a red fox,
it dodges into the grove. Only then do I see it:
the waterfall upstream shines bright, flows clear,
just the way you look when you rush out, shimmering
from inside this body of mine.
© 2007, Ying Qin & Daniel Comiskey
From: Another Kind of Nation: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry
Publisher: 2007, Talisman House, Jersey City
From: Another Kind of Nation: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry
Publisher: 2007, Talisman House, Jersey City
There’s no telling where this stream of water begins or whereit winds up after it seeps into my spleen.
The flight paths of those delicate mountain nymphs
have warped the contour lines of beauty: I know deep down
how those dragonflies with butterfly wings
can tantalize, so elegantly, the Adam’s apple of the air,
forcing the canyons to cry out in nervous chills, even though
memory’s pump has drawn water
from cliff crevices to the narrows of the tear ducts,
and deep down I know how the wild goose in the glistening light of ripples,
nursing a wound in the water, will bolt when startled to cast off
a vast sheet of shimmering pain.
So to cut
to the quick, I plunge into the water headfirst
and flounder around in the harsh cold of it all. First,
like a dragonfly nymph, I keep to the shadows and stay humble
among the pebbles. Then, as a fish blows bubbles into
a yawn, which you deposited under my skin, as bright and bewitching as daybreak,
I begin to form a faraway air bladder that will
contract whenever you're sad, leaving me
no choice but to roll over and show the white belly of bashfulness.
And yet,
most of the time it will just be like a water lily
swaying with the waves between my ribs, or
like a Kongming lantern* lit on the water’s surface,
guiding my slowly drifting lightness. When I’m light
enough to break the surface,
I find those dragonflies have turned into
cloud fragments in the shape of sleep itself, while I’ve
become their wintry snoring, barely audible as they lie
upon the water’s surface.
And where are you?
Are you dangling from my eyelashes? Can your word “No”
still entrust itself to a string of bird songs and be spread
through this dusk covering the mountains? The wind blows
a setting sun from out upon the water and, like a red fox,
it dodges into the grove. Only then do I see it:
the waterfall upstream shines bright, flows clear,
just the way you look when you rush out, shimmering
from inside this body of mine.
© 2007, Ying Qin & Daniel Comiskey
From: Another Kind of Nation: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry
Publisher: 2007, Talisman House, Jersey City
From: Another Kind of Nation: An Anthology of Contemporary Chinese Poetry
Publisher: 2007, Talisman House, Jersey City

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère