Joseph Brodsky
IRain in Rotterdam. Dusk. Environment.
Opening the hood, I raise the gate.
Four days later they bombed the city,
and the city was gone. Cities
not people and not hiding in the stairwell
during a downpour. Streets, houses
not converge in these cases, the mind
and, falling, do not call for vengeance.
The July afternoon. Drips from the wafer
on the trouser leg. Chorus of children's voices.
Around - the huge new buildings.
In Corbusier something in common with the Luftwaffe,
Both have worked from the heart
over the variable shape of Europe.
What pozabudut furious Cyclops,
a sober finish pencils.
As the time nor healthily, but the stump,
seeing no means different from the goals,
smart. And the stronger - from a panacea.
Night. Three decades later,
We drink wine with big old star
in an apartment on the twentieth floor -
at the level achieved already
soaring here once on the air.
© Translation: 1973, Pushkin Fund
From: Works of Joseph Brodsky
Publisher: Pushkin Fund, St. Petersburg, 1992
From: Works of Joseph Brodsky
Publisher: Pushkin Fund, St. Petersburg, 1992
Rotterdams Dagboek
IDe regen klettert. Woensdag. Schemering.
Veel parapluʼs en opgezette kragen.
Ze bombardeerden Rotterdam vier dagen,
daarna was deze stad herinnering.
Nee, steden schuilen niet wanneer het regent –
het zijn geen mensen. En in een bui beland
bewaren straten, huizen hun verstand
en roepen niet om zoete wraak, neerzijgend.
Een hete julidag. Er lekt een wafel
ijs op een buik. Een kinderstemmenkoor.
Moderne flats, kantoor omarmt kantoor.
Le Corbusier deelt dít met de Luftwaffe,
dat beide fanatiek hebben getracht
het aanzien van Europa vorm te geven.
Wat de cyclopen in hun drift vergeten
wordt op een tekentafel koel volbracht.
De tijd heelt, maar hoe heilzaam ook die kracht,
een beenstomp kan van middel doel niet scheiden,
heeft van een panacee nog meer te lijden,
en jeukt. Een jaar of dertig later. Nacht.
We drinken wijn en voeren dialogen
in een gebouw dat naar de sterren reikt
op een niveau dat eerder werd bereikt
door hen die hier destijds de lucht in vlogen.
© Vertaling: 1993, Peter Zeeman
IДождь в Роттердаме. Сумерки. Среда.
Раскрывши зонт, я поднимаю ворот.
Четыре дня они бомбили город,
и города не стало. Города –
не люди прячутся в подъезде
во время ливня. Улицы, дома
не сходят в этих случаях с ума
и, падая, не призывают к мести.
Июльский полдень. Капает из вафли
на брючину. Хор детских голосов.
Вокруг – громады новых корпусов.
У Корбюзье то общее с Люфтваффе,
что оба потрудились от души
над переменой облика Европы.
Что позабудут в ярости циклопы,
то трезво завершат карандаши.
Как время ни целебно, но культя,
не видя средств отличия от цели,
саднит. И тем сильней – от панацеи.
Ночь. Три десятилетия спустя,
мы пьем вино при крупных летних звездах
в квартире на двадцатом этаже --
на уровне, достигнутом уже
взлетевшими здесь некогда на воздух.
Роттердам, июль 1973 г.
© 1973, Joseph Brodsky
From: Urania
Publisher: 1987, Ann Arbor, Michigan
From: Urania
Publisher: 1987, Ann Arbor, Michigan
Poems of Joseph Brodsky
IRain in Rotterdam. Dusk. Environment.
Opening the hood, I raise the gate.
Four days later they bombed the city,
and the city was gone. Cities
not people and not hiding in the stairwell
during a downpour. Streets, houses
not converge in these cases, the mind
and, falling, do not call for vengeance.
The July afternoon. Drips from the wafer
on the trouser leg. Chorus of children's voices.
Around - the huge new buildings.
In Corbusier something in common with the Luftwaffe,
Both have worked from the heart
over the variable shape of Europe.
What pozabudut furious Cyclops,
a sober finish pencils.
As the time nor healthily, but the stump,
seeing no means different from the goals,
smart. And the stronger - from a panacea.
Night. Three decades later,
We drink wine with big old star
in an apartment on the twentieth floor -
at the level achieved already
soaring here once on the air.
© 1973, Pushkin Fund
From: Works of Joseph Brodsky
Publisher: 1992, Pushkin Fund, St. Petersburg
From: Works of Joseph Brodsky
Publisher: 1992, Pushkin Fund, St. Petersburg
IRain in Rotterdam. Dusk. Environment.
Opening the hood, I raise the gate.
Four days later they bombed the city,
and the city was gone. Cities
not people and not hiding in the stairwell
during a downpour. Streets, houses
not converge in these cases, the mind
and, falling, do not call for vengeance.
The July afternoon. Drips from the wafer
on the trouser leg. Chorus of children's voices.
Around - the huge new buildings.
In Corbusier something in common with the Luftwaffe,
Both have worked from the heart
over the variable shape of Europe.
What pozabudut furious Cyclops,
a sober finish pencils.
As the time nor healthily, but the stump,
seeing no means different from the goals,
smart. And the stronger - from a panacea.
Night. Three decades later,
We drink wine with big old star
in an apartment on the twentieth floor -
at the level achieved already
soaring here once on the air.
© 1973, Pushkin Fund
From: Works of Joseph Brodsky
Publisher: 1992, Pushkin Fund, St. Petersburg
From: Works of Joseph Brodsky
Publisher: 1992, Pushkin Fund, St. Petersburg

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère