Poetry International Poetry International

Oreet Meital


The poem of the woman who doesn’t wake up
the poem of the woman who doesn’t make sandwiches
the poem of the nervous woman pounding cutlets,
the poetry of coffee houses, of praise,
the poem before my gut consumes what I know about you
before what I know about you leaves my gut
or the poem of anticipation, the poem of lies
the poem about how it was in school today
the poem about tidying rooms and changing sheets
the poem of I told her so and the poem of I told him so
and don’t ever tell me I told you so
the poem of the woman who isn’t interested in soccer and guns
the poem of the woman begging for peace and quiet
did you do your homework?
the poem of doing homework
the poetry of champions, the poem of everyone’s complaints about childhood, large and small
her poem about not caring whether you shower or sleep in your clothes
and the poem about her mother too, who would care
and at night the poem without a story
and dreams without a lullaby
the poem of deep sleep
without a prayer
the poem
of the woman who doesn’t
wake up




The poem of the woman who doesn’t wake up
the poem of the woman who doesn’t make sandwiches
the poem of the nervous woman pounding cutlets,
the poetry of coffee houses, of praise,
the poem before my gut consumes what I know about you
before what I know about you leaves my gut
or the poem of anticipation, the poem of lies
the poem about how it was in school today
the poem about tidying rooms and changing sheets
the poem of I told her so and the poem of I told him so
and don’t ever tell me I told you so
the poem of the woman who isn’t interested in soccer and guns
the poem of the woman begging for peace and quiet
did you do your homework?
the poem of doing homework
the poetry of champions, the poem of everyone’s complaints about childhood, large and small
her poem about not caring whether you shower or sleep in your clothes
and the poem about her mother too, who would care
and at night the poem without a story
and dreams without a lullaby
the poem of deep sleep
without a prayer
the poem
of the woman who doesn’t
wake up


The poem of the woman who doesn’t wake up
the poem of the woman who doesn’t make sandwiches
the poem of the nervous woman pounding cutlets,
the poetry of coffee houses, of praise,
the poem before my gut consumes what I know about you
before what I know about you leaves my gut
or the poem of anticipation, the poem of lies
the poem about how it was in school today
the poem about tidying rooms and changing sheets
the poem of I told her so and the poem of I told him so
and don’t ever tell me I told you so
the poem of the woman who isn’t interested in soccer and guns
the poem of the woman begging for peace and quiet
did you do your homework?
the poem of doing homework
the poetry of champions, the poem of everyone’s complaints about childhood, large and small
her poem about not caring whether you shower or sleep in your clothes
and the poem about her mother too, who would care
and at night the poem without a story
and dreams without a lullaby
the poem of deep sleep
without a prayer
the poem
of the woman who doesn’t
wake up
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère