Jan de Roek
Don Juan
From my measured lips – my emblems, heraldicallydistorted and grammatically bent,
rhetorical – fall like slow stones
precarious words such as fleeting, unsafe, autumnal,
mortal and futile. My mouth is bleeding.
My authoritative style, my shielding sacred scriptures,
catch fire. I no longer swear; I no longer honour
the eternal imperative mood. I am not an example.
Time tears off my insignia. I bear
no knighthood. I am transforming into imagery. I am
that I am. I weather in the rustling years.
I am my own, my very own, one and only lonely serf.
I am not religious. I am ungrateful
for my frightful father, the hated king
in his elaborate, opulent box, roaring with laughter
as he watches me dying, unarmed,
in his theatrical theatre. I have mastered the making
of the gentlest gesture, the greatest cruelty,
for see, I am capable of breaking
the softest of eyes. The most ancient of edifices
tumble and crumble as I blaze and set ablaze
the luminous lustre and these awesome angels. The kneeling
prayers annoy me, destroy me. I can only upset
the order, if I wish to remain unscathed and alive.
I know that what is directionless is defenceless.
I shall disarm violence
with violence. Those who speak of love I shall
deny as my greatest enemies,
for they speak in parables.
I am different. Beloved, you will change me.
I will change you until you are more alone
and abandoned than the sharpest object.
I will make you completely incomprehensible
until you speak the strangest words
and you hear who I am, for you
are drowned out, you bear helmets and inscriptions,
you are snowed in and yet lyrically you
rage like a machine. Your clothes
I will burn with everything that is breakable and flammable, everything.
There are no other words. You are dying,
you mean nothing, you are going to die,
devastated, damaged. You are made of dust.
You will soon take fright and take flight like a wide flock of birds
for you are fluid, you are water.
Why are you as stubborn as the deadest branches?
Never is the shame naked enough
a melting snow, blindly the surrender
becomes enough. I will not decorate you. I have to harm you.
I have nothing to give. Hopeless love, helpless love
tears the wildest expectation into tatters.
I am the greatest sorrow.
I used to entrench myself in my deathly silence.
Now, I have become more merciless and inhuman
than the wildest beast, the cruellest ruler.
I do not want to trick you with my mirrors,
to mutilate, distort you. We are the lone ones,
the unreconciled, grown close-apart united ones
now impossible to simplicate.
Love, the impassioning compassion
can not duplicate me. I am different.
I am different. I do not want to get addicted.
Do not kill me. Do not equate me
with your exes, your futures.
We will start from scratch and go nowhere,
disappearing, disappearing. Oh terrible one,
do not become, never become my equal.
I cannot admire myself. I do not want you
to become as ugly. I cannot stand
you speaking with the same inflection in your voice
Because the echo is the echo, the echo.
Nymphomaniac maniac, my fervent
forsworn, over and over loner.
Veni Creator. We will make this world
ever more artificial
as hearing and seeing pass away and nothing is left
but the most obstinate, stubborn
stone, the most sickly script,
the last unpronounceable hieroglyphic.
I do not want any children. I am more finite
than any moment, but I stand eye to eye
with the universe that I keep alive
as long as I speak, that lives longer than I
but disappears as soon as no-one is left speaking.
Feigned, feinting, faint-hearted one,
I will uncrown you to crown you
with the greatest, the most abject misery.
I will wear you down with the hardest water
the greatest simplicity, the greatest disgrace.
I will reveal your gilt, your concealed words
until you are the last statue
on Earth. I am more patient than what is already asphyxiated.
Love becomes simply virginal, finally
piteous. It has no hands.
It invents itself while the glossy, glistening
body wilts. In winter I will warm you,
but not before, sometime, when you shiver
but not before shall I thaw, not now. Not now
you bear blossoms and are more spoilt
than rose bushes. Now that you are obscured,
your glowing rooms darkened. You do not see me
dying here. Words fall from me
like leaves. I am going to die. You are lifeless.
I do not know you. You have no edges.
I cannot harm you. You do not fight.
When will you learn to spell out my letters
as stammering? Who are you? I will live on
on your answer. I have no greater hunger.
Beloved, every beloved has motes in his eyes.
Don’t remain unmoved. I cannot hurt you
and only my mouth is swollen.
If I stumble, you will stumble
over your compassion, compassion.
Sickly Rilke, bitter Kleist,
discouraging statue, deadly Dorian Gray.
I have run out of tears.
I want to stroke you. With my finger
I will draw in your eyes more clearly,
outline your mouth. I will make you blacker
than the blackest sins.
I am but a poet, beloved,
I am of the weakest of people,
I am the most vulnerable being on earth.
If you do not believe me then see me cry
feminine and bitter. No sorrow is more literal,
more abundant, more proverbial than mine.
From my measured lips
fall like slow stones
precarious words.
I cannot begin to tell you
how lacking I am, how lacking in eloquence
I am. And I cannot fight for you, for see,
my hands are far too slender.
I am entirely harmless.
Even the greatest silence interrupts me.
I dare not use adjectives. Praise
I cannot praise you and I can only name you
with clichés such as Rose. The greatest superlatives
are as distant vistas to me.
Perhaps that is where you are. Perhaps you are waiting
there. And what is more, beloved,
this city is full of soldiers and surrounded
by the most impossible walls and here am I
myself surrounded by nuns, a bodyguard
of friends and hedges of people.
I may soon marry myself,
Oh death, oh eternal mirror.
This, beloved, is a city of numbers.
In the villages the gardens are full of figures.
In this mechanical state of affection in which tears sometimes automatically
fall I collect my emotion in a cup.
I am living amongst forgeries. Perhaps I am the only one naked,
perhaps the only one with wings. But do not believe me:
it is because I harm myself.
Because I fight with the name of God I speak in riddles.
I want to be the last unknown, the raging,
the first earthly ruler. I do not acknowledge his image,
because I am different. Because I cannot speak
of beauty, you will know beauty in me,
because I do not speak of love, you will bear greater blossoms,
for the initiates are dead. But I will make you start to live
more furiously than the wildest plants, the blind,
the mad. You will know that life alone
is incurable, that you are simply muttering
like a watch. You will begin to exist.
© Translation: 2012, Rosalind Buck
Don Juan
Don Juan
Van mijn geijkte lippen – mijn emblemen, heraldischverwrongen en grammaticaal verbogen,
retorisch – vallen als langzame stenen
gevoelige woorden als vergankelijk, onveilig, herfstig,
sterfelijk en ijdel. Ik sta uit mijn mond te bloeden.
Mijn ambtelijke stijl, mijn beschermende heilige geschriften,
vatten vuur. Ik zweer niet meer; de eeuwige gebiedende wijze
vereer ik niet meer. Een voorbeeld ben ik niet.
De tijd rukt mijn insignes af. Een ridderorde
draag ik niet. Ik verander in beeldspraak. Ik ben
die ben. Ik verweer in de ruisende jaren.
Ik ben mijn eigen, zeldzaam bloedeigen, eenzame lijfeigene.
Godsdienstig ben ik niet. Ondankbaar ben ik
voor mijn vreselijke vader, de gehate koning
in zijn breedversierde, weelderige loge, schaterend,
terwijl hij mij ziet sterven, ongewapend,
in zijn theatraal theater. Het tederste teken,
de grootste wreedheid is mij eigen geworden,
want zie, ik ben in staat te breken
de zachtste ogen. Ik doe beven en begeven
de oudste gebouwen want ik brand en verbrand
de verblindende luister en deze gevreesde engelen. De knielende
gebeden vervelen mij, vernielen mij. Ik kan slechts verwoesten
de orde, wil ik heelhuids en in leven blijven.
Ik weet dat wat roerloos weerloos is.
Ik zal het geweld met geweld
ontwapenen. Wie van liefde spreekt zal ik
tegenspreken als mijn grootste vijand,
want zij spreken in gelijkenissen.
Ik ben anders. Geliefde, gij zult mij veranderen.
Ik zal u veranderen tot gij eenzamer zijt
en verweesder dan het scherpste voorwerp.
Ik zal u volledig onverstaanbaar maken
tot gij de vreemdste woorden zult spreken
en zult horen wie ik ben want gij
wordt overschreeuwd, gij draagt helmen en opschriften,
gij zijt ingesneeuwd en gij staat zelf lyrisch
als een machine te razen. Uw kleren zal ik
verbranden met alles wat breekbaar en ontvlambaar is, alles.
Er zijn geen andere woorden. Gij zijt stervende,
betekent niets, gij staat te sterven,
gij wordt geteisterd en beschadigd. Gij zijt van stof.
Straks zult gij verschrikt als een brede vlucht van vogels
verwaaien, want gij zijt vloeibaar, gij zijt water.
Waarom zijt gij hardnekkig als de doodste takken?
Nooit is naakt genoeg de schaamte
een smeltende sneeuw, wordt blindelings genoeg
de overgave. Ik zal u niet versieren. Ik moet u krenken.
Ik heb geen geschenken. De reddeloze, radeloze liefde
scheurt aan flarden de wildste verwachting.
Ik ben het grootste verdriet.
Ik heb mij vroeger verschanst in mijn doodse stilte.
Ik ben genadelozer thans geworden en onmenselijker
dan het wildste dier, de wreedste heerser.
Ik wil u niet bedriegen met mijn spiegels,
u verminken, u vertekenen. Wij zijn de enigen,
de onverenigden, verinnigde vereenzaamde verenigden
niet meer te vereenvoudigen.
De liefde, het verblijdende medelijden
kan mij niet vermenigvuldigen. Ik ben anders.
Ik ben anders. Ik wil niet verslaafd geraken.
Dood mij niet. Maak mij niet eender
aan uw vorigen, uw volgenden.
Wij zullen van nergens beginnen en nergens heengaan,
verdwalen, verdwalen. O verschrikkelijke,
word niet, word nooit mijn gelijke.
Mijzelf kan ik niet bewonderen. Ik wil niet
dat gij even lelijk wordt. Ik verdraag het niet
dat gij spreekt met dezelfde buiging in uw stem
omdat de echo de echo is, de echo.
Nimfomane waanzinnige, mijn innige
meinedige, herhaaldelijk éénzelvige.
Veni Creator. Wij zullen deze wereld
voortdurend artificiëler maken
want horen en zien vergaan en niets blijft over
dan het eigenzinnigste, het koppigste
gesteente, het ziekelijkste handschrift,
de laatste, onuitsprekelijke hiëroglyfe.
Ik wil geen kinderen. Ik ben eindiger
dan elk ogenblik, maar ik sta oog aan oog
met een heelal dat ik in leven houd
zolang ik spreek, dat langer leeft dan ik
maar verdwijnt als niemand meer spreekt.
Geveinsde, verschroomde schroomvallige,
Ik zal u ontkronen om u te kronen
met de grootste, de vurigste ellende.
Ik zal u doen verweren met het hardste water
de grootste eenvoud, de grootste schande.
Uw verguldsel, uw verhulde woorden, zal ik onthullen
tot gij het allerlaatste standbeeld zijt
op aarde. Ik ben geduldiger dan al wat schijndood is.
De liefde wordt slechts maagdelijk uiteindelijk
klaaglijk. Zij heeft geen handen.
Zij vindt zichzelf uit terwijl het glansrijk glinsterende
lichaam verwelkt. ’s Winters zal ik u verwarmen,
maar niet eerder, ééns, waar gij huivert,
maar niet eerder zal ik ontdooien, niet nu. Niet nu
gij bloesems draagt en verwender zijt
dan rozelaren. Thans zijt gij beneveld,
uw blakende kamers verduisterd. Gij ziet niet
hoe ik sta te sterven. Van mij vallen woorden
als bladeren. Ik sta te sterven. Gij zijt levenloos.
Ik ken u niet. Gij hebt geen randen.
Verwonden kan ik u niet. Vechten doet gij niet.
Wanneer zult gij leren mijn letters te spellen
als gestamel? Wie zijt gij? Van uw antwoord
zal ik verder leven. Een grotere honger heb ik niet.
Geliefde, elke geliefde heeft splinters in zijn ogen.
Blijf niet onbewogen. Ik kan u niet bezeren
en enkel mijn mond is gezwollen.
Als ik struikel, zult gij struikelen
over uw medelijden, medelijden.
Ziekelijke Rilke, bittere Kleist,
ontmoedigend standbeeld, dodelijke Dorian Gray.
Ik ben aan het einde van mijn tranen.
Ik wil u strelen. Met mijn vinger
zal ik duidelijker tekenen uw ogen,
uw mond omlijnen. Ik zal u zwarter maken
dan de zwartste zonden.
Ik ben maar een dichter, geliefde,
ik behoor tot de zwaksten onder de mensen,
ik ben het kwetsbaarste wezen op aarde.
Als gij mij niet gelooft zie mij dan huilen
vrouwelijk en bitter. Geen verdriet is letterlijker,
overvloediger, spreekwoordelijker dan het mijne.
Van mijn geijkte lippen
vallen als langzame stenen
gevoelige woorden.
Niet genoeg kan ik u zeggen
hoezeer het mij ontbreekt, hoe weinig welsprekend
ik ben. En ik kan niet om u vechten, want zie,
veel te slank zijn mijn handen.
Ik ben volstrekt onschadelijk.
Zelfs de grootste stilte valt mij in de rede.
Ik durf geen adjectief gebruiken. Roemen
kan ik u niet en slechts met gemeenplaatsen
als Roos kan ik u noemen. Mij zijn bekend
als vergezichten de grootste superlatieven.
Wellicht zijt gij ginds. Wellicht wacht gij
daar. En verder, geliefde,
deze stad is vol soldaten en omringd
met de onmogelijkste muren en hier sta ik
zelf omringd van religieuzen, een lijfwacht
van vrienden en hagen van mensen.
Wellicht zal ik straks mijzelf huwen,
O dood, o eeuwige spiegel.
Dit, geliefde, is een stad van cijfers.
In de dorpen staan tuinen van getallen.
In deze mechanische bewogenheid waarin soms tranen automatisch
vallen vat ik mijn ontroering in een kelk samen.
Ik leef tussen vervalsingen. Wellicht ben ik de enige naakte,
wellicht de enige gevleugelde. Maar geloof mij niet:
want het is omdat ik mijzelf geweld aandoe.
Omdat ik vecht met de naam God spreek ik in raadsels.
Ik wil worden de laatste onbekende, de razende,
de eerste aardse heerser. Zijn evenbeeld herken ik
niet, want ik ben anders. Omdat ik niet over de schoonheid
spreek, zult gij ze in mij ervaren,
omdat ik de liefde verzwijg, zal zij grotere bloesems dragen,
want de ingewijden zijn dood. Maar ik zal u heftiger doen
beginnen leven dan de wildste planten, de blinden,
de krankzinnigen. Gij zult weten dat alleen het leven
ongeneeslijk is, dat gij slechts als een horloge
staat te prevelen. Gij zult beginnen te bestaan.
© 2011, Heirs Jan de Roek
From: Ik ben de overlevende. Een keuze uit het werk van Jan de Roek
Publisher: VUB Press, Brussel
From: Ik ben de overlevende. Een keuze uit het werk van Jan de Roek
Publisher: VUB Press, Brussel
Poems of Jan de Roek
Don Juan
From my measured lips – my emblems, heraldicallydistorted and grammatically bent,
rhetorical – fall like slow stones
precarious words such as fleeting, unsafe, autumnal,
mortal and futile. My mouth is bleeding.
My authoritative style, my shielding sacred scriptures,
catch fire. I no longer swear; I no longer honour
the eternal imperative mood. I am not an example.
Time tears off my insignia. I bear
no knighthood. I am transforming into imagery. I am
that I am. I weather in the rustling years.
I am my own, my very own, one and only lonely serf.
I am not religious. I am ungrateful
for my frightful father, the hated king
in his elaborate, opulent box, roaring with laughter
as he watches me dying, unarmed,
in his theatrical theatre. I have mastered the making
of the gentlest gesture, the greatest cruelty,
for see, I am capable of breaking
the softest of eyes. The most ancient of edifices
tumble and crumble as I blaze and set ablaze
the luminous lustre and these awesome angels. The kneeling
prayers annoy me, destroy me. I can only upset
the order, if I wish to remain unscathed and alive.
I know that what is directionless is defenceless.
I shall disarm violence
with violence. Those who speak of love I shall
deny as my greatest enemies,
for they speak in parables.
I am different. Beloved, you will change me.
I will change you until you are more alone
and abandoned than the sharpest object.
I will make you completely incomprehensible
until you speak the strangest words
and you hear who I am, for you
are drowned out, you bear helmets and inscriptions,
you are snowed in and yet lyrically you
rage like a machine. Your clothes
I will burn with everything that is breakable and flammable, everything.
There are no other words. You are dying,
you mean nothing, you are going to die,
devastated, damaged. You are made of dust.
You will soon take fright and take flight like a wide flock of birds
for you are fluid, you are water.
Why are you as stubborn as the deadest branches?
Never is the shame naked enough
a melting snow, blindly the surrender
becomes enough. I will not decorate you. I have to harm you.
I have nothing to give. Hopeless love, helpless love
tears the wildest expectation into tatters.
I am the greatest sorrow.
I used to entrench myself in my deathly silence.
Now, I have become more merciless and inhuman
than the wildest beast, the cruellest ruler.
I do not want to trick you with my mirrors,
to mutilate, distort you. We are the lone ones,
the unreconciled, grown close-apart united ones
now impossible to simplicate.
Love, the impassioning compassion
can not duplicate me. I am different.
I am different. I do not want to get addicted.
Do not kill me. Do not equate me
with your exes, your futures.
We will start from scratch and go nowhere,
disappearing, disappearing. Oh terrible one,
do not become, never become my equal.
I cannot admire myself. I do not want you
to become as ugly. I cannot stand
you speaking with the same inflection in your voice
Because the echo is the echo, the echo.
Nymphomaniac maniac, my fervent
forsworn, over and over loner.
Veni Creator. We will make this world
ever more artificial
as hearing and seeing pass away and nothing is left
but the most obstinate, stubborn
stone, the most sickly script,
the last unpronounceable hieroglyphic.
I do not want any children. I am more finite
than any moment, but I stand eye to eye
with the universe that I keep alive
as long as I speak, that lives longer than I
but disappears as soon as no-one is left speaking.
Feigned, feinting, faint-hearted one,
I will uncrown you to crown you
with the greatest, the most abject misery.
I will wear you down with the hardest water
the greatest simplicity, the greatest disgrace.
I will reveal your gilt, your concealed words
until you are the last statue
on Earth. I am more patient than what is already asphyxiated.
Love becomes simply virginal, finally
piteous. It has no hands.
It invents itself while the glossy, glistening
body wilts. In winter I will warm you,
but not before, sometime, when you shiver
but not before shall I thaw, not now. Not now
you bear blossoms and are more spoilt
than rose bushes. Now that you are obscured,
your glowing rooms darkened. You do not see me
dying here. Words fall from me
like leaves. I am going to die. You are lifeless.
I do not know you. You have no edges.
I cannot harm you. You do not fight.
When will you learn to spell out my letters
as stammering? Who are you? I will live on
on your answer. I have no greater hunger.
Beloved, every beloved has motes in his eyes.
Don’t remain unmoved. I cannot hurt you
and only my mouth is swollen.
If I stumble, you will stumble
over your compassion, compassion.
Sickly Rilke, bitter Kleist,
discouraging statue, deadly Dorian Gray.
I have run out of tears.
I want to stroke you. With my finger
I will draw in your eyes more clearly,
outline your mouth. I will make you blacker
than the blackest sins.
I am but a poet, beloved,
I am of the weakest of people,
I am the most vulnerable being on earth.
If you do not believe me then see me cry
feminine and bitter. No sorrow is more literal,
more abundant, more proverbial than mine.
From my measured lips
fall like slow stones
precarious words.
I cannot begin to tell you
how lacking I am, how lacking in eloquence
I am. And I cannot fight for you, for see,
my hands are far too slender.
I am entirely harmless.
Even the greatest silence interrupts me.
I dare not use adjectives. Praise
I cannot praise you and I can only name you
with clichés such as Rose. The greatest superlatives
are as distant vistas to me.
Perhaps that is where you are. Perhaps you are waiting
there. And what is more, beloved,
this city is full of soldiers and surrounded
by the most impossible walls and here am I
myself surrounded by nuns, a bodyguard
of friends and hedges of people.
I may soon marry myself,
Oh death, oh eternal mirror.
This, beloved, is a city of numbers.
In the villages the gardens are full of figures.
In this mechanical state of affection in which tears sometimes automatically
fall I collect my emotion in a cup.
I am living amongst forgeries. Perhaps I am the only one naked,
perhaps the only one with wings. But do not believe me:
it is because I harm myself.
Because I fight with the name of God I speak in riddles.
I want to be the last unknown, the raging,
the first earthly ruler. I do not acknowledge his image,
because I am different. Because I cannot speak
of beauty, you will know beauty in me,
because I do not speak of love, you will bear greater blossoms,
for the initiates are dead. But I will make you start to live
more furiously than the wildest plants, the blind,
the mad. You will know that life alone
is incurable, that you are simply muttering
like a watch. You will begin to exist.
© 2012, Rosalind Buck
From: Ik ben de overlevende. Een keuze uit het werk van Jan de Roek
From: Ik ben de overlevende. Een keuze uit het werk van Jan de Roek
Don Juan
From my measured lips – my emblems, heraldicallydistorted and grammatically bent,
rhetorical – fall like slow stones
precarious words such as fleeting, unsafe, autumnal,
mortal and futile. My mouth is bleeding.
My authoritative style, my shielding sacred scriptures,
catch fire. I no longer swear; I no longer honour
the eternal imperative mood. I am not an example.
Time tears off my insignia. I bear
no knighthood. I am transforming into imagery. I am
that I am. I weather in the rustling years.
I am my own, my very own, one and only lonely serf.
I am not religious. I am ungrateful
for my frightful father, the hated king
in his elaborate, opulent box, roaring with laughter
as he watches me dying, unarmed,
in his theatrical theatre. I have mastered the making
of the gentlest gesture, the greatest cruelty,
for see, I am capable of breaking
the softest of eyes. The most ancient of edifices
tumble and crumble as I blaze and set ablaze
the luminous lustre and these awesome angels. The kneeling
prayers annoy me, destroy me. I can only upset
the order, if I wish to remain unscathed and alive.
I know that what is directionless is defenceless.
I shall disarm violence
with violence. Those who speak of love I shall
deny as my greatest enemies,
for they speak in parables.
I am different. Beloved, you will change me.
I will change you until you are more alone
and abandoned than the sharpest object.
I will make you completely incomprehensible
until you speak the strangest words
and you hear who I am, for you
are drowned out, you bear helmets and inscriptions,
you are snowed in and yet lyrically you
rage like a machine. Your clothes
I will burn with everything that is breakable and flammable, everything.
There are no other words. You are dying,
you mean nothing, you are going to die,
devastated, damaged. You are made of dust.
You will soon take fright and take flight like a wide flock of birds
for you are fluid, you are water.
Why are you as stubborn as the deadest branches?
Never is the shame naked enough
a melting snow, blindly the surrender
becomes enough. I will not decorate you. I have to harm you.
I have nothing to give. Hopeless love, helpless love
tears the wildest expectation into tatters.
I am the greatest sorrow.
I used to entrench myself in my deathly silence.
Now, I have become more merciless and inhuman
than the wildest beast, the cruellest ruler.
I do not want to trick you with my mirrors,
to mutilate, distort you. We are the lone ones,
the unreconciled, grown close-apart united ones
now impossible to simplicate.
Love, the impassioning compassion
can not duplicate me. I am different.
I am different. I do not want to get addicted.
Do not kill me. Do not equate me
with your exes, your futures.
We will start from scratch and go nowhere,
disappearing, disappearing. Oh terrible one,
do not become, never become my equal.
I cannot admire myself. I do not want you
to become as ugly. I cannot stand
you speaking with the same inflection in your voice
Because the echo is the echo, the echo.
Nymphomaniac maniac, my fervent
forsworn, over and over loner.
Veni Creator. We will make this world
ever more artificial
as hearing and seeing pass away and nothing is left
but the most obstinate, stubborn
stone, the most sickly script,
the last unpronounceable hieroglyphic.
I do not want any children. I am more finite
than any moment, but I stand eye to eye
with the universe that I keep alive
as long as I speak, that lives longer than I
but disappears as soon as no-one is left speaking.
Feigned, feinting, faint-hearted one,
I will uncrown you to crown you
with the greatest, the most abject misery.
I will wear you down with the hardest water
the greatest simplicity, the greatest disgrace.
I will reveal your gilt, your concealed words
until you are the last statue
on Earth. I am more patient than what is already asphyxiated.
Love becomes simply virginal, finally
piteous. It has no hands.
It invents itself while the glossy, glistening
body wilts. In winter I will warm you,
but not before, sometime, when you shiver
but not before shall I thaw, not now. Not now
you bear blossoms and are more spoilt
than rose bushes. Now that you are obscured,
your glowing rooms darkened. You do not see me
dying here. Words fall from me
like leaves. I am going to die. You are lifeless.
I do not know you. You have no edges.
I cannot harm you. You do not fight.
When will you learn to spell out my letters
as stammering? Who are you? I will live on
on your answer. I have no greater hunger.
Beloved, every beloved has motes in his eyes.
Don’t remain unmoved. I cannot hurt you
and only my mouth is swollen.
If I stumble, you will stumble
over your compassion, compassion.
Sickly Rilke, bitter Kleist,
discouraging statue, deadly Dorian Gray.
I have run out of tears.
I want to stroke you. With my finger
I will draw in your eyes more clearly,
outline your mouth. I will make you blacker
than the blackest sins.
I am but a poet, beloved,
I am of the weakest of people,
I am the most vulnerable being on earth.
If you do not believe me then see me cry
feminine and bitter. No sorrow is more literal,
more abundant, more proverbial than mine.
From my measured lips
fall like slow stones
precarious words.
I cannot begin to tell you
how lacking I am, how lacking in eloquence
I am. And I cannot fight for you, for see,
my hands are far too slender.
I am entirely harmless.
Even the greatest silence interrupts me.
I dare not use adjectives. Praise
I cannot praise you and I can only name you
with clichés such as Rose. The greatest superlatives
are as distant vistas to me.
Perhaps that is where you are. Perhaps you are waiting
there. And what is more, beloved,
this city is full of soldiers and surrounded
by the most impossible walls and here am I
myself surrounded by nuns, a bodyguard
of friends and hedges of people.
I may soon marry myself,
Oh death, oh eternal mirror.
This, beloved, is a city of numbers.
In the villages the gardens are full of figures.
In this mechanical state of affection in which tears sometimes automatically
fall I collect my emotion in a cup.
I am living amongst forgeries. Perhaps I am the only one naked,
perhaps the only one with wings. But do not believe me:
it is because I harm myself.
Because I fight with the name of God I speak in riddles.
I want to be the last unknown, the raging,
the first earthly ruler. I do not acknowledge his image,
because I am different. Because I cannot speak
of beauty, you will know beauty in me,
because I do not speak of love, you will bear greater blossoms,
for the initiates are dead. But I will make you start to live
more furiously than the wildest plants, the blind,
the mad. You will know that life alone
is incurable, that you are simply muttering
like a watch. You will begin to exist.
© 2012, Rosalind Buck

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère