Eugenia Sánchez Nieto
Secret Vistas
She saw herself a thousand times in the mirror and was beautifulthree widowhoods overshadowed her path
in glossy venues she was the centre of attention
with her daughters watching her from the front row.
Time flies by
the cold shatters my lungs
a thousand times I was beautiful, the mirror is no longer the same
an invisible being traces a way I do not wish to follow
but I cannot stop
illuminated lamps, sumptuous nights
in this hotel we are all strangers.
She saw herself a thousand times in the mirror and was beautiful
three faces visited her bed
from the depth of night were lips, love and smiles
her sons tremble in her dreams, set up shaky links.
I am afraid to look in the mirror, there the invisible being
someone hidden pushes me
my heart expands, it beats every moment
on weary nights white faces visit me
my sons set up shaky links
on my finger the ring joins solitude and night
I cannot stop
strange angels lift up my body
someone whispers in my ear a farewell to my eyes.
© Translation: 2009, Nicolás Suescún
Paisajes secretos
Paisajes secretos
En el espejo se miró mil veces y fue bellatres viudeces sombrearon su camino
en lustrosos recintos fue el centro de atención
sus hijas observan desde la primera fila.
El tiempo fue un soplo
el frío quebranta mis pulmones
mil veces fui bella, el espejo ya no es el mismo
un ser invisible traza un camino que no deseo
no logro detenerme
lámparas iluminadas, noches suntuosas
en el hotel todos somos extranjeros.
En el espejo se miro mil veces y fue bella
tres rostros visitaron su lecho
desde el fondo de la noche hay labios, amor y sonrisas
sus hijos tiemblan en su sueño, tienden puentes movedizos.
Temo mirar el espejo, allí el ser invisible
alguien oculto me empuja
crece el corazón, golpea a cada instante
en fatigosas noches rostros blancos me visitan
mis hijos tienden puentes movedizos
en mi dedo la alianza entre la soledad y la noche
no logro detenerme
extraños ángeles elevan mi cuerpo
alguien murmura al oído el adiós sobre mis ojos.
© 1993, Eugenia Sánchez Nieto
From: Las Puertas de lo Invisible
Publisher: Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá
From: Las Puertas de lo Invisible
Publisher: Centro Colombo Americano, Bogotá
Poems of Eugenia Sánchez Nieto
Secret Vistas
She saw herself a thousand times in the mirror and was beautifulthree widowhoods overshadowed her path
in glossy venues she was the centre of attention
with her daughters watching her from the front row.
Time flies by
the cold shatters my lungs
a thousand times I was beautiful, the mirror is no longer the same
an invisible being traces a way I do not wish to follow
but I cannot stop
illuminated lamps, sumptuous nights
in this hotel we are all strangers.
She saw herself a thousand times in the mirror and was beautiful
three faces visited her bed
from the depth of night were lips, love and smiles
her sons tremble in her dreams, set up shaky links.
I am afraid to look in the mirror, there the invisible being
someone hidden pushes me
my heart expands, it beats every moment
on weary nights white faces visit me
my sons set up shaky links
on my finger the ring joins solitude and night
I cannot stop
strange angels lift up my body
someone whispers in my ear a farewell to my eyes.
© 2009, Nicolás Suescún
From: Las Puertas de lo Invisible
From: Las Puertas de lo Invisible
Secret Vistas
She saw herself a thousand times in the mirror and was beautifulthree widowhoods overshadowed her path
in glossy venues she was the centre of attention
with her daughters watching her from the front row.
Time flies by
the cold shatters my lungs
a thousand times I was beautiful, the mirror is no longer the same
an invisible being traces a way I do not wish to follow
but I cannot stop
illuminated lamps, sumptuous nights
in this hotel we are all strangers.
She saw herself a thousand times in the mirror and was beautiful
three faces visited her bed
from the depth of night were lips, love and smiles
her sons tremble in her dreams, set up shaky links.
I am afraid to look in the mirror, there the invisible being
someone hidden pushes me
my heart expands, it beats every moment
on weary nights white faces visit me
my sons set up shaky links
on my finger the ring joins solitude and night
I cannot stop
strange angels lift up my body
someone whispers in my ear a farewell to my eyes.
© 2009, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère