Eduardo Gómez
Poor people cut bread with thick handsscrupulously
into thin slices.
During holidays they visit cemeteries
fairs packed with people where they buy nothing
abandoned parks or somber churches.
Poor people roam about like dogs
they drown heavily at the bottom of rivers
roar in the cellars of immense factories
and in their grim eyes there is a hidden fire
and in their muscles grows a sleeping demon.
© Translation: 2008, Nicolás Suescún
Las gentes pobres cortan el pan con mano gruesaen rebanadas finas
En los días de fiesta visitan cementerios
ferias abarrotadas donde no compran nada
parques abandonados o iglesias sombrías.
Las gentes pobres deambulan como perros
se ahogan pesadamente en el fondo de los ríos
que rugen en los sótanos de fábricas inmensas
y en sus ojos severos hay un fuego escondido
y en sus músculos crece un demonio dormido.
© 1973, Eduardo Gómez
From: El continente de los muertos
Publisher: Tipografía Cultural, Bogotá
From: El continente de los muertos
Publisher: Tipografía Cultural, Bogotá
Poems of Eduardo Gómez
Poor people cut bread with thick handsscrupulously
into thin slices.
During holidays they visit cemeteries
fairs packed with people where they buy nothing
abandoned parks or somber churches.
Poor people roam about like dogs
they drown heavily at the bottom of rivers
roar in the cellars of immense factories
and in their grim eyes there is a hidden fire
and in their muscles grows a sleeping demon.
© 2008, Nicolás Suescún
From: El continente de los muertos
From: El continente de los muertos
Poor people cut bread with thick handsscrupulously
into thin slices.
During holidays they visit cemeteries
fairs packed with people where they buy nothing
abandoned parks or somber churches.
Poor people roam about like dogs
they drown heavily at the bottom of rivers
roar in the cellars of immense factories
and in their grim eyes there is a hidden fire
and in their muscles grows a sleeping demon.
© 2008, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère