Poetry International Poetry International

Maya Sarishvili


One’s fingers gravitate there endlessly,
Like rivers of milk.
A thousand times they have changed
My hospital linen,
Soiled with fatty whiteness –
Ten yells hurl
Towards the open door of the ward.
The corridor, trembling in ten bands of delirium,
Tells a fairytale about plastic trees,
Trees decorated with glass-eyed baubles.
Send to me in here
A single hair of my mother’s,
Or a teaspoonful of lilac flowers.
It’s bad here.
Here my children sit
In the carers’ pockets, stuck with navel cord.
And on handkerchiefs full of dried slime,
Their skin is scrubbed.
Why do they take bits of my flesh about in a pocket?
They can’t fit any more faces, swollen with spite,
Into the wards
And they carry the poisonous cheeks
Out of the windows into the streets.
There they amuse themselves
Looking at the endless movement of my fingers
And can’t understand
That I hold the whole world!



რა უსასრულოდ მიედინებიან თითები,
როგორც რძის მდინარეები.
ათასჯერ გამომიცვალეს
ამ ჩემი მსუყე თეთრით დათხვრილი
საავადმყოფოს ქარაფშუტა თეთრეული -
ათი კივილი მიღელავს
პალატის გახსნილი კარისაკენ.
ბოდვის ათი ზოლით მოძაგძაგე დერეფანი
პლასტმასის ხეებზე ყვება ზღაპარს,
შუშისთვალება სამკაულებით მორთულ ხეებზე.
შემომიგზავნეთ აქ
დედაჩემის ერთი ღერი თმა
ან ერთი ჩაის კოვზი იასამნის ყვავილები.
აქ ცუდია.
აქ მომვლელთა ჯიბეებში სხედან
ჩვენი ჭიპმოუმძვრალი შვილები
და ლორწომიმხმარი ცხვირსახოცებით
ეხეხებათ კანი.
რატომ დაატარებენ ჩვენს ხორცებს ჯიბით?
სიბოროტით დასიებულ სახეებს
პალატებში ვეღარ ატევენ
და შხამიანი ლოყები
ფანჯრებიდან ქუჩებში გააქვთ.
იქ თავს ირთობენ
ჩემი თითების უსასრულო მსვლელობის ცქერით
და ვერ ხვდებიან,
რომ მიჭირავს მთელი სამყარო!..


One’s fingers gravitate there endlessly,
Like rivers of milk.
A thousand times they have changed
My hospital linen,
Soiled with fatty whiteness –
Ten yells hurl
Towards the open door of the ward.
The corridor, trembling in ten bands of delirium,
Tells a fairytale about plastic trees,
Trees decorated with glass-eyed baubles.
Send to me in here
A single hair of my mother’s,
Or a teaspoonful of lilac flowers.
It’s bad here.
Here my children sit
In the carers’ pockets, stuck with navel cord.
And on handkerchiefs full of dried slime,
Their skin is scrubbed.
Why do they take bits of my flesh about in a pocket?
They can’t fit any more faces, swollen with spite,
Into the wards
And they carry the poisonous cheeks
Out of the windows into the streets.
There they amuse themselves
Looking at the endless movement of my fingers
And can’t understand
That I hold the whole world!


One’s fingers gravitate there endlessly,
Like rivers of milk.
A thousand times they have changed
My hospital linen,
Soiled with fatty whiteness –
Ten yells hurl
Towards the open door of the ward.
The corridor, trembling in ten bands of delirium,
Tells a fairytale about plastic trees,
Trees decorated with glass-eyed baubles.
Send to me in here
A single hair of my mother’s,
Or a teaspoonful of lilac flowers.
It’s bad here.
Here my children sit
In the carers’ pockets, stuck with navel cord.
And on handkerchiefs full of dried slime,
Their skin is scrubbed.
Why do they take bits of my flesh about in a pocket?
They can’t fit any more faces, swollen with spite,
Into the wards
And they carry the poisonous cheeks
Out of the windows into the streets.
There they amuse themselves
Looking at the endless movement of my fingers
And can’t understand
That I hold the whole world!
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère