Gustavo Adolfo Garcés
A Fable
It is the rainy seasonand the music of water
makes me think
that the poem should give cause
to a composition for orchestra
to elevate the soul a little
no poetic licenses at all
but some subtle verses
to recount a certain captivity
a certain resistance
a certain striving
something biographical
worthy of memory
but through a small fable
that would also be
the natural history of plants
© Translation: 2007, Nicolás Suescún
Es tiempo de lluviasy la música del agua
me hace pensar
que el poema debería dar pie
a una composición para orquesta
que eleve un poco el alma
nada de licencias poéticas
sino unos versos sutiles
que den cuenta de cierto cautiverio
de cierta resistencia
de cierto forcejeo
algo biográfico
digno de memoria
pero a través de una pequeña fábula
que a su vez fuera
la historia natural de las plantas
© 2006, Gustavo Adolfo Garcés
From: Libreta de apuntes
Publisher: Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá
From: Libreta de apuntes
Publisher: Universidad Externado de Colombia, Bogotá
Poems of Gustavo Adolfo Garcés
A Fable
It is the rainy seasonand the music of water
makes me think
that the poem should give cause
to a composition for orchestra
to elevate the soul a little
no poetic licenses at all
but some subtle verses
to recount a certain captivity
a certain resistance
a certain striving
something biographical
worthy of memory
but through a small fable
that would also be
the natural history of plants
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún
From: Libreta de apuntes
From: Libreta de apuntes
A Fable
It is the rainy seasonand the music of water
makes me think
that the poem should give cause
to a composition for orchestra
to elevate the soul a little
no poetic licenses at all
but some subtle verses
to recount a certain captivity
a certain resistance
a certain striving
something biographical
worthy of memory
but through a small fable
that would also be
the natural history of plants
© 2007, Nicolás Suescún

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère