Explore Dutch Poetry
June 04, 2020
Poetry Internationals #ExploreDutchPoetry series presents you the antibodies for an overly clogged thought pattern, with the work of contemporary Dutch poets who are writing and engaged in this day and age. New Dutch Poetry in English translation, built from adventure and current events.
Download the PDF NEW DUTCH POETS, click the links to go to the poet pages (often featuring audio or video), read the article CHALLENGES, OBSESSIONS AND FASCINATIONS, by Dutch poet en critic Alfred Schaffer, or watch the VIDEO PLAYLIST #ExploreDutchPoetry!
![Gemeente Rotterdam](/images/logo-GR_Basis_RGB_2021.png)
![Nederlands Letterenfonds](/images/logo-Nederlands-Letterenfonds-logo-RGB.png)
![Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds](/images/logo-stichting-van-beuningen-peterich-fonds.png)
![Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds](/images/cf_logo-zwart.png)
![Lira fonds](/images/logo-Lira_fond.png)
![J.E. Jurriaanse](/images/sponsors/logo_J_E_Jurriaanse_2020.png)
![Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie](/images/sponsors/logo_NL_fundedbyEU.png)
![Elise Mathilde Fonds](/images/sponsors/logo_EliseMathilde.png)
![Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot](/images/sponsors/logo_VanWijngaarden-Boot.png)
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère