‘jumping into water hand in hand’
Poetry on the Euphrates

August 20, 2019
Rüzgâr fısıldıyor: nehri anlamak için
yağmurla konuş, erik ye, taşlar edin
Bir tekneden el ele göle atlar gibi
uzun bir şiire başlıyoruz.
Yılan balıkları da biz de aşkı anlamıyoruz.
The wind whispers: to understand the river
talk with the rain, eat plums, adopt stones.
As if jumping into a lake from a boat hand in hand
we start writing a long poem.
Neither eels nor we understand the love.
2. Pelin Özer
Soluğunu tuttuğunda sonsuzluk doğar içine
Derinlerde birikmiş gökler...
Balıklarla öpüşen kuşlar...
When you hold your breath, an eternity is born in you
Skies are piled up in depths...
Birds kissing fishes...
3. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Through countless layers of meta-universe
we continued our journey with the speed of light.
I wonder if the Earth has now been reduced to a ruin,
while you are trapped in the pages of your 135th diary book,
still sniffing the black roses.
Sayısız çoklu evrenden geçerek
Işık hızıyla devam ettik seyahatimize
Dünya bir harabe midir şimdi diye düşünürken ben,
Yüz otuz beşinci günlüğünün sayfalarında
Siyah güllerin kokusunu içine çekiyorsun sen
4. Nihat Özdal
İlk ıslak siyahın arasına dilimi koydum-
Nasıl tutacağını bilmediğin dallardan
Sarılamadan düşersin
I slipped my tongue between that first wet black-
If you don’t know how to hold a branch
you would fall before embracing it
5. Yusuke Miyake
Oh! American girl, sitting on the aisle in front of me.
Don’t throw the sock you just took off backward to my seat.
It landed on my head
drawing a beautiful parabola,
just like a missile launched into Syria.
Ön koltukta oturan Amerikalı kız,
Çoraplarını çıkarıp atma arka koltuğa.
Kafamdan vurdun beni
Kusursuz bir parabol çizerek
Suriye’yi vuran füzeler gibi
[The sosho's notes on sequence 1 to 5]
The first poem of Renshi (連詩) is called ‘Hosshi (発詩)’ based on the tradition that the first line of Renku (連句) is called ‘Hokku (発句), whereas the letter 発 means ‘start’. Hosshi, like Hokku, is essentially a greeting to the Renshi members, or Renshu (連衆), as well as to the place where the Renshi session is being held. That is exactly what Gokcenur is doing here: he addresses ‘the river’, ‘the rain’, ‘plums’ and ‘the lake’, which were actually all in front of us. Writing about the things in front of you is a Haiku method called Shokumoku (嘱目), which is also helpful in Renshi for writing quickly and sharing the sense of community among Renshu. The last line surprised me, though. It is unique to Gokcenur, and I don’t think a line like this would ever come out of the mouths of Japanese poets. This was the moment in this session that I felt the joy and excitement of doing Renshi outside Japan.
The first line of the 2nd poem by Pelin provides an excellent connection, or Tsuke (付け), to the preceding Hosshi by Gokcenur. Tsuke is arguably the most important element in a Renshi practice: it should not be too close (Beta-zuke) or too far apart. In this case, there is a split-second break between the first poem which is above the water and Pelin’s 2nd poem which is already in the water. This small break makes this Tsuke successful.
The 3rd poem in Renshi is supposed to be a big jump, dramatically changing the tones and topics from the first 2 poems. As a poet, I was tempted to further explore the underwater world, which was actually spread out right in front of us. But if I had done so, this Renshi would have been too fixated on this particular motif and lose the momentum to move forward. So, as sosho of this session, I followed the teaching by Makoto Ooka to always move forward and made a quantum leap up to the universe.
4. Nihat’s Tsuke to the preceding poem of mine is another example of an excellent connection: from the darkness of the universe and black roses (a famous Halfeti product) to the wet, warm eroticism through the channel of a human body! The ‘fall’ on the 3rd line can be read in many ways such as a black hole in the universe, a temptation of sensual desire or a breakup of a relationship, opening many possible doors to the Tsuke by the next poet.
5. Yusuke connects Nihat’s eroticism to the banal reality of international politics with a bitter sense of humor. In just 5 poems, our Renshi has already travelled from a lakeside to an American missile attack against Syria (which took place just a few weeks before this session) with diverse elements of lyricism, fantasy, fiction, eroticism and realism.
6. Gökçenur Ç.
Yıldız kaydı sanıp dilek tutmuştun o gece balkonda
öpmeden önce beni, parmaklarını zeytin tabağına sokup
ayaklarımı ovmuştun, bilmeden yıldız nedir, ne kadar uzundur gece
You thought it was a shooting star and made a wish that night
Before kissing me on the balcony, you dipped your fingers into the olive plate
and rubbed my feet without knowing what a star was or how long the night was
7. Nihat Özdal
Mayıs küle güvenmez
Gölgeleri kollarından uzun
Yağmuru kim getirdi
Tozlaşıyor dileğim
Adını vermek için arıya
May trusts not in ashes.
Her shadow is longer than her arms.
Who brought the rain here?
My wish pollinates
to give its name to a bee.
8. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Koca burun kükrüyor. hapşu,
Bebeğin minik burnu titriyor.
A giant nose roars. Atishoo!
The baby sneezes, quivering its tiny nose.
9. Pelin Özer
Saçak altında göğün hasadını topluyoruz
Berekete kulak veriyoruz, bulutlara yüklenen kayaların oyuklarından
Mürekkebi dağılsa da yazdıklarımızın, ne gam
Yazılmış ve yazılacak bütün hikâyeler
Yaprakların kanadında dolanıyor dünyayı
We harvest the sky under the eaves
We listen to the fertility in the hollows of the rocks reaching for clouds
Even though the ink of our words spills, who cares?
All stories that has been and will be written
wander in the world on wings of leaves
10. Yusuke Miyake
I chased the tattoo of a wolf who had escaped from my shoulder
and came out to the grass field which had never been tarnished by blood.
Be careful, though, a hatchet of Turkmen is buried under the ground.
Omzumdaki dövmeden kaçan kurdun izini sürerken
Daha önce hiç kanla kirlenmemiş bir çimenliğe vardım
Dikkatli olmalıyım, bir Türkmen baltası gömülü ayaklarımın altında.
11. Nihat Özdal
Serinleten bir yöntem var
Çelikten ayrılan
Kimse bulamaz saklayanı
Postum denizde ilerlerken
Baykuş yeniden cebimde
There is a method to cool down.
Away from the steel.
No one can find who hid it.
While my fur coat sails on the sea,
the owl is in my pocket again.
12. Pelin Özer
Ölü diye bildiğim ne varsa canlanacak çok yakında
Fıstık ağaçlarının gövdesinden geçerek
Ateşin kollarında sallanacak
Soon everything you thought had died will revive.
They will pass through the trunks of pistachio trees
and will swing in the fire’s arms.
13. Gökçenur Ç.
Doğan, Igor, siz de mi? siz de mi?
Hoş geldiniz, hoş geldiniz, düşlerim, eski heveslerim
Demişlerdi de inanmamıştım dağdan denize inen rüzgar
Getirebilir yitik aşkların şarkılarını, bir koku anahtarı
Açabilir belleğin yıllardır kilitli odalarını
Doğan, Igor, et tu? Et tu?
Welcome, welcome, my dreams, my old ambitions,
They told me I didn’t believe, the wind rolling down from mountain to the sea
may carry the songs of the lost loves, a key of scents
may open the locked doors of memory for years
14. Yusuke Miyake
The click of the key lock woke me up.
Has someone come to steal the god of oriental poesy,
which is dozing in my fat belly?
Anahtar deliğinde dönen çıt sesiyle açtım gözlerimi
Koca karnımın içinde uyuklayan
Doğu’nun şiir tanrısını çalmaya mı geldi yoksa biri?
15. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Unlike a poem written in letters or spoken in a voice,
there is no West nor East, old nor new for poesie before it becomes words.
A naked skin free from a Mongolian spot or nationality.
That’s why it can be anybody.
That’s why it can be anywhere.
Yazılmış, söylenmiş şiirlere benzemez bu
Söze dökülmeden önce ne doğu vardır ne batı ne eski ne yeni
Moğol lekesinden de uyruktan da bağımsızdır çıplak ten
Bu nedenle herkes olabilir
Her yere gidebilir
16. Efe Duyan
Yeni bir ev bakıyorduk. Yenilenmenin içinde biraz da
Ölüm buluyorum bazen. Büyükada’da da olabilir demiştin
Neşeli ve unutkanım bu ara. Ekmekle sıyrılmış bir tabak önümde
We’ve been looking for a new house. Sometimes I find a piece of death
during the renewal. You said it can also be on Büyükada.
I’m joyful and absent minded recently. Before me is a plate scraped clean by a piece of bread.
17. Pelin ÖZER
Dans ederken dünyanın temeli oynuyor yerinden
Dönerek unuttukça buluyorum yönümü
Çılgınlık kardeşi yasın
Hafiflik meyvesi mutluluğun
Hadi gel o zaman birlikte kapatalım gözlerimizi
The world’s foundation moves when we dance
The more I whirl the more I forget and find my direction
Madness is the sister of grief
Lightness the fruit of joy
Com’n, let’s close our eyes together
18. Nihat Özdal
Suda seken yağmur tanelerinden
Daha ince olmak isterdim
Geciktim, sakındım, korktum
The rain drops bouncing on the water
I wanted to be thinner than they
I was late, I avoided, I was afraid
19. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Asked what he wished for his 60th birthday party,
my father replied: a skydiving lesson.
He dreamed to be an opera singer in his youth, they say.
Late at night I hear the rusty tenor from the bathroom.
He just finished the last round of chemotherapy last month.
Altmışıncı doğum gününde ne istediğini sordum
Skydiving dersi dedi babam
Gençken operada şarkı söylemekmiş hayali
Akşamları banyoda buğulu bir tenor sesi yankılanıyor
Geçen ay son kez girdi kemoterapiye.
20. Yusuke Miyake
Did you see Nagatomo in the Galatasaray match yesterday? He just came back from his injury,
but his long shoot was so powerful that the ball completely disappeared for 15 meters before the goal.
It must have passed behind you as you were watching TV on the sofa in the living room.
Sakatlıktan yeni çıkmış Nagatomo’nun oynadığı Galatasaray maçını izledin mi?
Uzaktan çektiği şut muhteşemdi. Belki 15 metre gözden kayboldu top
Kanepede televizyon izlerken arkandan geçmiş olabilir senin
[The sosho's notes on sequence 16 to 20]
16. Efe joined the session on the second day and transformed my preceding line of ‘it (poesy) can be anywhere’ into a realistic sketch about a couple looking for a new house. It could be read as an opening scene of a short story. This is another new element Efe brought into this session, making the texture of this Renshi richer.
17. Here Pelin brings back the mode from Efe’s prose-like world to that of pure poetry. The two lines “Madness is the sister of grief / Lightness the fruit of joy” seem to me a reference to the two essential elements of Renshi, which Makoto Ooka, the founder of modern Renshi, summed up as ‘Lonely Heart (孤心) and Party (うたげ) .
18. In this poem, Nihat is connecting to the two preceding poems at the same time: while he received Pelin’s ‘dance’ with his ‘raindrops’, he is also following Efe’s poem #16 by showing the older (and more disillusioned) version of the narrator.
19. I pushed the story from Efe (#16) and Nihat (#18) further along in time. Now the original narrator is 60 years old and going through a cancer treatment, as seen by the POV of his son.
20. I remember Yusuke asking me if it was OK to follow up this poem with the topic of death. I replied that cancer and death might be too close and asked for some twist if he wrote about death. He decided not to go for dying but for recovery and introduced an image of something transcending everyday life through a metaphor of Nagatomo’s shoot.
21. Efe Duyan
Köşede kaybolmuştu bile
Plastik tacı daha yerden alamadan
Ürküp kaçmıştık biz de birbirimizden
İlk âşıkolduğumuzda
O zaman mı başlamıştı savaş, daha mı sonra?
She has already disappeared,
before I even picked up the plastic garland from the ground.
We, too, ran away from each other.
When we first fell in love,
had the war already started or was it later?
22. Gökçenur Ç.
Zaman ikimiz için aynı hızda akmazken olabilir miyiz mutlu?
Bir taşın altında bulmuştum bu yağmuru
senin olsun, bir ada yap ondan, senin olsun.
When time is not flowing at the same speed for us, can we still be happy?
I found this rain under a stone,
take it, let it be yours, make an island out of it, let it be yours.
23. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
In front of the translation draft of a message received by a radio telescope,
the young cognitive linguist sits speechless.
Even though she does not believe in God,
she can’t help tears swelling as she reads it again and again.
Of course, there always is a possibility of the complete mistranslation, though.
Radyoteleskoptan gelen mesajın taslak çevirisini görünce
Genç bilişsel dilbilimcinin dili tutuldu
İnanmıyor tanrıya ancak
Engel olamıyor gözlerinden boşalan yaşlara tekrar tekrar okudukça
Çevirinin yanlış olması ihtimaline rağmen
24. Efe Duyan
Evden hiç uzaklaşmadım
Her gün kendi dilimi duymalıydım
Yazmak için başka dünyaları
Never went far from home
I had to hear my own language every day
In order to write other worlds
25. Pelin Özer
Kalemin sesi –
Tırmanmaya başlıyor
Yavru salyangoz
Fuji’nin doruğuna
Boşluk bırakmaya
Sound of the pen tip
Littlest snail getting
Ready to climb up
To the peak of Mt. Fuji
To leave emptiness behind
26. Nihat Özdal
Uçurumda dolaşan, ikimiz de çok acıktık
Bana geldiğini sanmıştım
Üvezlerin peşinde kırlangıç
Wandering around the cliff, we are both hungry
I thought it came for me
but the swallow was after for the rovan-mosquittos
27. Gökçenur Ç.
Özür dilerim küçük sinek senden büyük olduğum için.
Salkım söğütler, kelebekler, terk edilmiş bir köyde anıran eşekler,
özür dilerim, ağır ruhumla bozdum dengenizi.
Olabilmek isterdim ağzına kadar dolu süt kâsesini
taşırmayan beyaz krizantem yaprağı.
Forgive me little fly, for being bigger than you.
Weeping willows, butterflies, in a deserted village braying donkeys,
forgive me, I unbalanced you with my heavy soul
I’d like to be a white chrysanthemum petal that would not cause
an overflow from a brimful milk bowl.
28. Yusuke Miyake
A flood in summer
A dog’s corpse
floating by
Yaz taşkınları
Bir köpeğin cesedi
Geçip gidiyor
29. Nihat Özdal
Artık Mira yok
Sayıklamasın diye yavrular
Uykuma koydu memelerini
Beneklerini seçmeliydim sırtında
Bulutları dağıtmak için kırdım sütleğeni
Mira is not here anymore.
Hoping the puppies won’t be delirious,
she placed her tits inside my sleep
I had to find the flecks on her back
I broke up a spurge into half to disperse the clouds.
30. Pelin Özer
Zahter sarhoşu, dolaşıyorum patikada
Kutsal çalının dikeni parmağımı kanattığında
Gecenin sessizliğini duyar gibi oldum
I am wandering on a path, stoned with wild thyme.
When the needle of the holy bush stung my finger to bleed,
I thought I heard the silence of the night
31.Yusuke Miyake
I slipped in the bathroom of the hotel in the middle of the night.
Hitting my elbow so hard, I couldn’t utter a word
the terror of dying here alone helplessly...
I send out an SOS by telepathy,
namely to the people whom I had abused the most.
Gece yarısı, otelin banyosunda düştüm
Öyle sert çarptım ki dirseğimi acıdan bir süre sesimi çıkaramadım.
Böyle mi öleceğim diye korku içindeyken
Telepatiyle yardım çağrısında bulundum
Sık sık aşağıladığım insanlardan.
32. Efe Duyan
Her şey geldi başıma ama hiçbir yerim kırılmadı
bedenim her gün öldüğünü saklıyor benden
Ayşegül de öyle, ruhum duymadan halloluyor evde sıkıntılar
I got all kinds of trouble but never had a broken bone
my body hides from me that it slowly dies every day
So does Ayşegül, problems at home are solved without me even noticing
33. Yasunori Yotsumoto
“İyiler de cennete gider kötülerden bahsetmeye gerek bile yok”
Budist rahibin vaazı biter bitmez
yeni sevgilisinden bir Whatsapp mesajı geldi kocama
Bütün olanları görüyordum ben
Öbür dünyadaki büyük Pagoda’nın üstünde süzülürken.
“Even the virtuous believes can be saved, not to mention the vicious pagans”
As soon as the monk finished his preaching,
a message came in to my husband’s Whatsapp from his new lover.
I’m looking down at all of these,
floating above a pagoda soaring in the beyond-world.
34. Gökçenur Ç.
Buradayım ama burayı özlüyorum hâlâ
cennet ve cehennem iki ayrı yer değil
birbirinin geçmişi ve geleceği
I am here but am already missing here
The hell and paradise are not two different places
They are each other’s future and past
35. Pelin Özer
Saflığın doğduğu dağı arıyorum
Biliyorum kimse veremez koordinatlarını
Serin esen yele dayadım sırtımı
Güneşin sırrını okuyorum bulutların ifadesinden
Nehir suyu kadar tatlı bir havadayım simdi.
I am looking for that mountain where the purity was born,
even though I know that no one can be given its exact coordinates.
Turning my back to the blowing wind,
I read the secret of the sun in the expression of the clouds.
I am in such a cheerful mood like river water.
36. Nihat Özdal
N 37°13’14.9052” E 37°53’5.5608”
Burada her şeyden saklanabilirsin
Ham incirden başlayan yaranı öptüm
N 37°13’14.9052” E 37°53’5.5608”
Here, you can hide yourself from anything
I kissed your wound which is started by a prematured fig.
N 37°13’14.9052” E 37°53’5.5608”
37. Efe Duyan
Yeni aldığımız sardunyalar delirmiş resmen
sırlar hep yordu beni
oysa doğa kendini saklamıyor
kesme sarı taş duvarda solmuş bir gelincik koparıp
arasına koydum yeni kitabımın, Das Kapital’in mangası
The geranium we just got went absolutely mad
mysteries have always bothered me
see, nature doesn't hide itself
I pluck a withered poppy from yellow ashlar wall
and put it inside my book, the Manga of Das Kapital
38. Yusuke Miyake
I wonder what the bookworms are eating, pressed tightly within thick books?
Don’t you know? Of course, they are getting fat eating shameful ideologies.
Haven’t you notice it? Recently, they are looking at us with very rebellious eyes.
Kalın kitabın içinde iyice sıkışmış kâğıt kurdu neyi yiyor acaba?
Bilmiyor musun? Elbette kepaze bir ideolojiyi yiyip şişmanlıyor.
Fark etmedin mi? Son zamanlarda nasıl da isyankâr gözlerle bakıyor.
39. Gökçenur Ç.
Yüzlerce şiir yazdık, binlerce roman okuduk
Yazdık gecede, güneş tepedeyken, yazdık bir dağın doruğunda,
bir ada akşamında, yazdık yanan bir ormandan fırlayan geyikler,
paslı kamyonet iskeletlerine uluyan kurtlar gibi, belki hepsi
bu mayıs günü iç çamaşırlarımızla nehirde yüzmek içindi.
We wrote hundreds of poems, read thousands of novels
we wrote in the dark, when the sun shines in the sky, we wrote
at the mountain peaks, in the island evenings, we wrote like deers running away
from a forest fire, like wolves howling at the rusty pick-up skeletons, maybe all
was only for this May day, swimming with our underwear in the lake
40. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
三日月が見えた 深く もっと深く
In an open window at the bottom of water,
a crescent moon was seen. Deeper, much deeper down,
we are raising ourselves up.
Suyun dibindeki açık bir pencereden
hilal göründü. Derine, daha derine daldıkça
yukarı çıkıyoruz.
[The sosho's notes on sequence 35 to 40]
35. This poem of Pelin follows an image of the after-life from the preceding Gokcenur’s poem and from the 33rd poem of mine, but in a happy and positive atmosphere, which is very timely as the session is getting close to its end. In the last round of the Renshi, each poet should add a final leap generating not only forward but also upward motion toward and beyond the closing poem (Ageshi 揚詩).
36. Nihat takes Pelin’s line of ‘no one can be given its position’ and connects it to the geographic coordinate system, which points to the exact location of Halfeti. Later, I learned the geographic coordination was something Nihat had been writing about in his own poems. Sometimes this happens in a Renshi session: it provides you a perfect opportunity to write about your favorite subject as if for a reward for being ‘self-less’.
37. Efe responds here to Nihat’s ‘hiding’ by ‘secret’ but in an opposite direction, which is called Muko-zuke (向う付け). All the secrets Nihat buried in the position seem to be revealed in the ordinary life through a geranium flower. He then hides his own flower, a withered poppy, within the pages of Das Kapital. Throughout this session, we see that the narrative moves between the physical and metaphysical as it moves forward.
38. Yusuke once again brings an element of political reality following Efe's reference to capitalism. The result is a superb poem with an ominous undertone wrapped in dry humor, a typical Yusuke style. But can we close this session in a happy and open end with only two poems left? I just crossed my fingers for Gokcenur’s next poem to make a dynamic shift into the landing gear.
39. That is exactly what Gokcenur does in this poem by turning the ‘thick books’ of Yusuke’s poem into a reference of our own writings as poets. In a sense, this poem already serves as the closing poem (Ageshi 揚詩), completing a full circle to the starting poem (Hosshi, 発詩) of his own. After going through 38 micro-cosmos of each poem, we are now back to the lake spreading in front of us.
40. Thanks to Gokcenur, my closing poem comes easily. All I have to do is to ensure the upward motion in an open ending, for which I use the image of a window under the water. I also pay my last tribute to this place, Turkey, with the image of a crescent moon.
In May last year, two Japanese and four Turkish poets (and one translator) went to Halfeti, a partially submerged old town on the shores of the Euphrates in southeast Turkey, to write Renshi, a modern version of traditional Japanese linked poems, Renga and Renku. The basic rules are that everyone must write their part of the poem while the others wait (there is no time limit except for peer pressure); you have to continue where the previous poet left off, but you can never repeat anything said before.
Renshi allows for startling jumps. As Japan P! editor Yasuhiro Yotsumoto notes, one of the poets in this project “connects another’s eroticism to the banal reality of international politics with a bitter sense of humor. Within just five poems, our Renshi travelled from a lakeside to an American missile attack against Syria (which took place just a few weeks before the session) with diverse elements of lyricism, fantasy, fiction, eroticism and realism.”
What follows are the trilingual Renshi resulting from the Halfeti workshop. Yotsumoto served as guide, or "sosho". Participating poets include P! Turkey co-editors Efe Duyan and Gökçenur Ç., joined by Pelin Özer, Nihat Özdal and Yusuke Miyake. The sosho's comments are included here in brackets following some of the poem sequences.
1. Gökçenur Ç.Rüzgâr fısıldıyor: nehri anlamak için
yağmurla konuş, erik ye, taşlar edin
Bir tekneden el ele göle atlar gibi
uzun bir şiire başlıyoruz.
Yılan balıkları da biz de aşkı anlamıyoruz.
The wind whispers: to understand the river
talk with the rain, eat plums, adopt stones.
As if jumping into a lake from a boat hand in hand
we start writing a long poem.
Neither eels nor we understand the love.
2. Pelin Özer
Soluğunu tuttuğunda sonsuzluk doğar içine
Derinlerde birikmiş gökler...
Balıklarla öpüşen kuşlar...
When you hold your breath, an eternity is born in you
Skies are piled up in depths...
Birds kissing fishes...
3. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Through countless layers of meta-universe
we continued our journey with the speed of light.
I wonder if the Earth has now been reduced to a ruin,
while you are trapped in the pages of your 135th diary book,
still sniffing the black roses.
Sayısız çoklu evrenden geçerek
Işık hızıyla devam ettik seyahatimize
Dünya bir harabe midir şimdi diye düşünürken ben,
Yüz otuz beşinci günlüğünün sayfalarında
Siyah güllerin kokusunu içine çekiyorsun sen
4. Nihat Özdal
İlk ıslak siyahın arasına dilimi koydum-
Nasıl tutacağını bilmediğin dallardan
Sarılamadan düşersin
I slipped my tongue between that first wet black-
If you don’t know how to hold a branch
you would fall before embracing it
5. Yusuke Miyake
Oh! American girl, sitting on the aisle in front of me.
Don’t throw the sock you just took off backward to my seat.
It landed on my head
drawing a beautiful parabola,
just like a missile launched into Syria.
Ön koltukta oturan Amerikalı kız,
Çoraplarını çıkarıp atma arka koltuğa.
Kafamdan vurdun beni
Kusursuz bir parabol çizerek
Suriye’yi vuran füzeler gibi
[The sosho's notes on sequence 1 to 5]
The first poem of Renshi (連詩) is called ‘Hosshi (発詩)’ based on the tradition that the first line of Renku (連句) is called ‘Hokku (発句), whereas the letter 発 means ‘start’. Hosshi, like Hokku, is essentially a greeting to the Renshi members, or Renshu (連衆), as well as to the place where the Renshi session is being held. That is exactly what Gokcenur is doing here: he addresses ‘the river’, ‘the rain’, ‘plums’ and ‘the lake’, which were actually all in front of us. Writing about the things in front of you is a Haiku method called Shokumoku (嘱目), which is also helpful in Renshi for writing quickly and sharing the sense of community among Renshu. The last line surprised me, though. It is unique to Gokcenur, and I don’t think a line like this would ever come out of the mouths of Japanese poets. This was the moment in this session that I felt the joy and excitement of doing Renshi outside Japan.
The first line of the 2nd poem by Pelin provides an excellent connection, or Tsuke (付け), to the preceding Hosshi by Gokcenur. Tsuke is arguably the most important element in a Renshi practice: it should not be too close (Beta-zuke) or too far apart. In this case, there is a split-second break between the first poem which is above the water and Pelin’s 2nd poem which is already in the water. This small break makes this Tsuke successful.
The 3rd poem in Renshi is supposed to be a big jump, dramatically changing the tones and topics from the first 2 poems. As a poet, I was tempted to further explore the underwater world, which was actually spread out right in front of us. But if I had done so, this Renshi would have been too fixated on this particular motif and lose the momentum to move forward. So, as sosho of this session, I followed the teaching by Makoto Ooka to always move forward and made a quantum leap up to the universe.
4. Nihat’s Tsuke to the preceding poem of mine is another example of an excellent connection: from the darkness of the universe and black roses (a famous Halfeti product) to the wet, warm eroticism through the channel of a human body! The ‘fall’ on the 3rd line can be read in many ways such as a black hole in the universe, a temptation of sensual desire or a breakup of a relationship, opening many possible doors to the Tsuke by the next poet.
5. Yusuke connects Nihat’s eroticism to the banal reality of international politics with a bitter sense of humor. In just 5 poems, our Renshi has already travelled from a lakeside to an American missile attack against Syria (which took place just a few weeks before this session) with diverse elements of lyricism, fantasy, fiction, eroticism and realism.
6. Gökçenur Ç.
Yıldız kaydı sanıp dilek tutmuştun o gece balkonda
öpmeden önce beni, parmaklarını zeytin tabağına sokup
ayaklarımı ovmuştun, bilmeden yıldız nedir, ne kadar uzundur gece
You thought it was a shooting star and made a wish that night
Before kissing me on the balcony, you dipped your fingers into the olive plate
and rubbed my feet without knowing what a star was or how long the night was
7. Nihat Özdal
Mayıs küle güvenmez
Gölgeleri kollarından uzun
Yağmuru kim getirdi
Tozlaşıyor dileğim
Adını vermek için arıya
May trusts not in ashes.
Her shadow is longer than her arms.
Who brought the rain here?
My wish pollinates
to give its name to a bee.
8. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Koca burun kükrüyor. hapşu,
Bebeğin minik burnu titriyor.
A giant nose roars. Atishoo!
The baby sneezes, quivering its tiny nose.
9. Pelin Özer
Saçak altında göğün hasadını topluyoruz
Berekete kulak veriyoruz, bulutlara yüklenen kayaların oyuklarından
Mürekkebi dağılsa da yazdıklarımızın, ne gam
Yazılmış ve yazılacak bütün hikâyeler
Yaprakların kanadında dolanıyor dünyayı
We harvest the sky under the eaves
We listen to the fertility in the hollows of the rocks reaching for clouds
Even though the ink of our words spills, who cares?
All stories that has been and will be written
wander in the world on wings of leaves
10. Yusuke Miyake
I chased the tattoo of a wolf who had escaped from my shoulder
and came out to the grass field which had never been tarnished by blood.
Be careful, though, a hatchet of Turkmen is buried under the ground.
Omzumdaki dövmeden kaçan kurdun izini sürerken
Daha önce hiç kanla kirlenmemiş bir çimenliğe vardım
Dikkatli olmalıyım, bir Türkmen baltası gömülü ayaklarımın altında.
11. Nihat Özdal
Serinleten bir yöntem var
Çelikten ayrılan
Kimse bulamaz saklayanı
Postum denizde ilerlerken
Baykuş yeniden cebimde
There is a method to cool down.
Away from the steel.
No one can find who hid it.
While my fur coat sails on the sea,
the owl is in my pocket again.
12. Pelin Özer
Ölü diye bildiğim ne varsa canlanacak çok yakında
Fıstık ağaçlarının gövdesinden geçerek
Ateşin kollarında sallanacak
Soon everything you thought had died will revive.
They will pass through the trunks of pistachio trees
and will swing in the fire’s arms.
13. Gökçenur Ç.
Doğan, Igor, siz de mi? siz de mi?
Hoş geldiniz, hoş geldiniz, düşlerim, eski heveslerim
Demişlerdi de inanmamıştım dağdan denize inen rüzgar
Getirebilir yitik aşkların şarkılarını, bir koku anahtarı
Açabilir belleğin yıllardır kilitli odalarını
Doğan, Igor, et tu? Et tu?
Welcome, welcome, my dreams, my old ambitions,
They told me I didn’t believe, the wind rolling down from mountain to the sea
may carry the songs of the lost loves, a key of scents
may open the locked doors of memory for years
14. Yusuke Miyake
The click of the key lock woke me up.
Has someone come to steal the god of oriental poesy,
which is dozing in my fat belly?
Anahtar deliğinde dönen çıt sesiyle açtım gözlerimi
Koca karnımın içinde uyuklayan
Doğu’nun şiir tanrısını çalmaya mı geldi yoksa biri?
15. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Unlike a poem written in letters or spoken in a voice,
there is no West nor East, old nor new for poesie before it becomes words.
A naked skin free from a Mongolian spot or nationality.
That’s why it can be anybody.
That’s why it can be anywhere.
Yazılmış, söylenmiş şiirlere benzemez bu
Söze dökülmeden önce ne doğu vardır ne batı ne eski ne yeni
Moğol lekesinden de uyruktan da bağımsızdır çıplak ten
Bu nedenle herkes olabilir
Her yere gidebilir
16. Efe Duyan
Yeni bir ev bakıyorduk. Yenilenmenin içinde biraz da
Ölüm buluyorum bazen. Büyükada’da da olabilir demiştin
Neşeli ve unutkanım bu ara. Ekmekle sıyrılmış bir tabak önümde
We’ve been looking for a new house. Sometimes I find a piece of death
during the renewal. You said it can also be on Büyükada.
I’m joyful and absent minded recently. Before me is a plate scraped clean by a piece of bread.
17. Pelin ÖZER
Dans ederken dünyanın temeli oynuyor yerinden
Dönerek unuttukça buluyorum yönümü
Çılgınlık kardeşi yasın
Hafiflik meyvesi mutluluğun
Hadi gel o zaman birlikte kapatalım gözlerimizi
The world’s foundation moves when we dance
The more I whirl the more I forget and find my direction
Madness is the sister of grief
Lightness the fruit of joy
Com’n, let’s close our eyes together
18. Nihat Özdal
Suda seken yağmur tanelerinden
Daha ince olmak isterdim
Geciktim, sakındım, korktum
The rain drops bouncing on the water
I wanted to be thinner than they
I was late, I avoided, I was afraid
19. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
Asked what he wished for his 60th birthday party,
my father replied: a skydiving lesson.
He dreamed to be an opera singer in his youth, they say.
Late at night I hear the rusty tenor from the bathroom.
He just finished the last round of chemotherapy last month.
Altmışıncı doğum gününde ne istediğini sordum
Skydiving dersi dedi babam
Gençken operada şarkı söylemekmiş hayali
Akşamları banyoda buğulu bir tenor sesi yankılanıyor
Geçen ay son kez girdi kemoterapiye.
20. Yusuke Miyake
Did you see Nagatomo in the Galatasaray match yesterday? He just came back from his injury,
but his long shoot was so powerful that the ball completely disappeared for 15 meters before the goal.
It must have passed behind you as you were watching TV on the sofa in the living room.
Sakatlıktan yeni çıkmış Nagatomo’nun oynadığı Galatasaray maçını izledin mi?
Uzaktan çektiği şut muhteşemdi. Belki 15 metre gözden kayboldu top
Kanepede televizyon izlerken arkandan geçmiş olabilir senin
[The sosho's notes on sequence 16 to 20]
16. Efe joined the session on the second day and transformed my preceding line of ‘it (poesy) can be anywhere’ into a realistic sketch about a couple looking for a new house. It could be read as an opening scene of a short story. This is another new element Efe brought into this session, making the texture of this Renshi richer.
17. Here Pelin brings back the mode from Efe’s prose-like world to that of pure poetry. The two lines “Madness is the sister of grief / Lightness the fruit of joy” seem to me a reference to the two essential elements of Renshi, which Makoto Ooka, the founder of modern Renshi, summed up as ‘Lonely Heart (孤心) and Party (うたげ) .
18. In this poem, Nihat is connecting to the two preceding poems at the same time: while he received Pelin’s ‘dance’ with his ‘raindrops’, he is also following Efe’s poem #16 by showing the older (and more disillusioned) version of the narrator.
19. I pushed the story from Efe (#16) and Nihat (#18) further along in time. Now the original narrator is 60 years old and going through a cancer treatment, as seen by the POV of his son.
20. I remember Yusuke asking me if it was OK to follow up this poem with the topic of death. I replied that cancer and death might be too close and asked for some twist if he wrote about death. He decided not to go for dying but for recovery and introduced an image of something transcending everyday life through a metaphor of Nagatomo’s shoot.
21. Efe Duyan
Köşede kaybolmuştu bile
Plastik tacı daha yerden alamadan
Ürküp kaçmıştık biz de birbirimizden
İlk âşıkolduğumuzda
O zaman mı başlamıştı savaş, daha mı sonra?
She has already disappeared,
before I even picked up the plastic garland from the ground.
We, too, ran away from each other.
When we first fell in love,
had the war already started or was it later?
22. Gökçenur Ç.
Zaman ikimiz için aynı hızda akmazken olabilir miyiz mutlu?
Bir taşın altında bulmuştum bu yağmuru
senin olsun, bir ada yap ondan, senin olsun.
When time is not flowing at the same speed for us, can we still be happy?
I found this rain under a stone,
take it, let it be yours, make an island out of it, let it be yours.
23. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
In front of the translation draft of a message received by a radio telescope,
the young cognitive linguist sits speechless.
Even though she does not believe in God,
she can’t help tears swelling as she reads it again and again.
Of course, there always is a possibility of the complete mistranslation, though.
Radyoteleskoptan gelen mesajın taslak çevirisini görünce
Genç bilişsel dilbilimcinin dili tutuldu
İnanmıyor tanrıya ancak
Engel olamıyor gözlerinden boşalan yaşlara tekrar tekrar okudukça
Çevirinin yanlış olması ihtimaline rağmen
24. Efe Duyan
Evden hiç uzaklaşmadım
Her gün kendi dilimi duymalıydım
Yazmak için başka dünyaları
Never went far from home
I had to hear my own language every day
In order to write other worlds
25. Pelin Özer
Kalemin sesi –
Tırmanmaya başlıyor
Yavru salyangoz
Fuji’nin doruğuna
Boşluk bırakmaya
Sound of the pen tip
Littlest snail getting
Ready to climb up
To the peak of Mt. Fuji
To leave emptiness behind
26. Nihat Özdal
Uçurumda dolaşan, ikimiz de çok acıktık
Bana geldiğini sanmıştım
Üvezlerin peşinde kırlangıç
Wandering around the cliff, we are both hungry
I thought it came for me
but the swallow was after for the rovan-mosquittos
27. Gökçenur Ç.
Özür dilerim küçük sinek senden büyük olduğum için.
Salkım söğütler, kelebekler, terk edilmiş bir köyde anıran eşekler,
özür dilerim, ağır ruhumla bozdum dengenizi.
Olabilmek isterdim ağzına kadar dolu süt kâsesini
taşırmayan beyaz krizantem yaprağı.
Forgive me little fly, for being bigger than you.
Weeping willows, butterflies, in a deserted village braying donkeys,
forgive me, I unbalanced you with my heavy soul
I’d like to be a white chrysanthemum petal that would not cause
an overflow from a brimful milk bowl.
28. Yusuke Miyake
A flood in summer
A dog’s corpse
floating by
Yaz taşkınları
Bir köpeğin cesedi
Geçip gidiyor
29. Nihat Özdal
Artık Mira yok
Sayıklamasın diye yavrular
Uykuma koydu memelerini
Beneklerini seçmeliydim sırtında
Bulutları dağıtmak için kırdım sütleğeni
Mira is not here anymore.
Hoping the puppies won’t be delirious,
she placed her tits inside my sleep
I had to find the flecks on her back
I broke up a spurge into half to disperse the clouds.
30. Pelin Özer
Zahter sarhoşu, dolaşıyorum patikada
Kutsal çalının dikeni parmağımı kanattığında
Gecenin sessizliğini duyar gibi oldum
I am wandering on a path, stoned with wild thyme.
When the needle of the holy bush stung my finger to bleed,
I thought I heard the silence of the night
31.Yusuke Miyake
I slipped in the bathroom of the hotel in the middle of the night.
Hitting my elbow so hard, I couldn’t utter a word
the terror of dying here alone helplessly...
I send out an SOS by telepathy,
namely to the people whom I had abused the most.
Gece yarısı, otelin banyosunda düştüm
Öyle sert çarptım ki dirseğimi acıdan bir süre sesimi çıkaramadım.
Böyle mi öleceğim diye korku içindeyken
Telepatiyle yardım çağrısında bulundum
Sık sık aşağıladığım insanlardan.
32. Efe Duyan
Her şey geldi başıma ama hiçbir yerim kırılmadı
bedenim her gün öldüğünü saklıyor benden
Ayşegül de öyle, ruhum duymadan halloluyor evde sıkıntılar
I got all kinds of trouble but never had a broken bone
my body hides from me that it slowly dies every day
So does Ayşegül, problems at home are solved without me even noticing
33. Yasunori Yotsumoto
“İyiler de cennete gider kötülerden bahsetmeye gerek bile yok”
Budist rahibin vaazı biter bitmez
yeni sevgilisinden bir Whatsapp mesajı geldi kocama
Bütün olanları görüyordum ben
Öbür dünyadaki büyük Pagoda’nın üstünde süzülürken.
“Even the virtuous believes can be saved, not to mention the vicious pagans”
As soon as the monk finished his preaching,
a message came in to my husband’s Whatsapp from his new lover.
I’m looking down at all of these,
floating above a pagoda soaring in the beyond-world.
34. Gökçenur Ç.
Buradayım ama burayı özlüyorum hâlâ
cennet ve cehennem iki ayrı yer değil
birbirinin geçmişi ve geleceği
I am here but am already missing here
The hell and paradise are not two different places
They are each other’s future and past
35. Pelin Özer
Saflığın doğduğu dağı arıyorum
Biliyorum kimse veremez koordinatlarını
Serin esen yele dayadım sırtımı
Güneşin sırrını okuyorum bulutların ifadesinden
Nehir suyu kadar tatlı bir havadayım simdi.
I am looking for that mountain where the purity was born,
even though I know that no one can be given its exact coordinates.
Turning my back to the blowing wind,
I read the secret of the sun in the expression of the clouds.
I am in such a cheerful mood like river water.
36. Nihat Özdal
N 37°13’14.9052” E 37°53’5.5608”
Burada her şeyden saklanabilirsin
Ham incirden başlayan yaranı öptüm
N 37°13’14.9052” E 37°53’5.5608”
Here, you can hide yourself from anything
I kissed your wound which is started by a prematured fig.
N 37°13’14.9052” E 37°53’5.5608”
37. Efe Duyan
Yeni aldığımız sardunyalar delirmiş resmen
sırlar hep yordu beni
oysa doğa kendini saklamıyor
kesme sarı taş duvarda solmuş bir gelincik koparıp
arasına koydum yeni kitabımın, Das Kapital’in mangası
The geranium we just got went absolutely mad
mysteries have always bothered me
see, nature doesn't hide itself
I pluck a withered poppy from yellow ashlar wall
and put it inside my book, the Manga of Das Kapital
38. Yusuke Miyake
I wonder what the bookworms are eating, pressed tightly within thick books?
Don’t you know? Of course, they are getting fat eating shameful ideologies.
Haven’t you notice it? Recently, they are looking at us with very rebellious eyes.
Kalın kitabın içinde iyice sıkışmış kâğıt kurdu neyi yiyor acaba?
Bilmiyor musun? Elbette kepaze bir ideolojiyi yiyip şişmanlıyor.
Fark etmedin mi? Son zamanlarda nasıl da isyankâr gözlerle bakıyor.
39. Gökçenur Ç.
Yüzlerce şiir yazdık, binlerce roman okuduk
Yazdık gecede, güneş tepedeyken, yazdık bir dağın doruğunda,
bir ada akşamında, yazdık yanan bir ormandan fırlayan geyikler,
paslı kamyonet iskeletlerine uluyan kurtlar gibi, belki hepsi
bu mayıs günü iç çamaşırlarımızla nehirde yüzmek içindi.
We wrote hundreds of poems, read thousands of novels
we wrote in the dark, when the sun shines in the sky, we wrote
at the mountain peaks, in the island evenings, we wrote like deers running away
from a forest fire, like wolves howling at the rusty pick-up skeletons, maybe all
was only for this May day, swimming with our underwear in the lake
40. Yasuhiro Yotsumoto
三日月が見えた 深く もっと深く
In an open window at the bottom of water,
a crescent moon was seen. Deeper, much deeper down,
we are raising ourselves up.
Suyun dibindeki açık bir pencereden
hilal göründü. Derine, daha derine daldıkça
yukarı çıkıyoruz.
[The sosho's notes on sequence 35 to 40]
35. This poem of Pelin follows an image of the after-life from the preceding Gokcenur’s poem and from the 33rd poem of mine, but in a happy and positive atmosphere, which is very timely as the session is getting close to its end. In the last round of the Renshi, each poet should add a final leap generating not only forward but also upward motion toward and beyond the closing poem (Ageshi 揚詩).
36. Nihat takes Pelin’s line of ‘no one can be given its position’ and connects it to the geographic coordinate system, which points to the exact location of Halfeti. Later, I learned the geographic coordination was something Nihat had been writing about in his own poems. Sometimes this happens in a Renshi session: it provides you a perfect opportunity to write about your favorite subject as if for a reward for being ‘self-less’.
37. Efe responds here to Nihat’s ‘hiding’ by ‘secret’ but in an opposite direction, which is called Muko-zuke (向う付け). All the secrets Nihat buried in the position seem to be revealed in the ordinary life through a geranium flower. He then hides his own flower, a withered poppy, within the pages of Das Kapital. Throughout this session, we see that the narrative moves between the physical and metaphysical as it moves forward.
38. Yusuke once again brings an element of political reality following Efe's reference to capitalism. The result is a superb poem with an ominous undertone wrapped in dry humor, a typical Yusuke style. But can we close this session in a happy and open end with only two poems left? I just crossed my fingers for Gokcenur’s next poem to make a dynamic shift into the landing gear.
39. That is exactly what Gokcenur does in this poem by turning the ‘thick books’ of Yusuke’s poem into a reference of our own writings as poets. In a sense, this poem already serves as the closing poem (Ageshi 揚詩), completing a full circle to the starting poem (Hosshi, 発詩) of his own. After going through 38 micro-cosmos of each poem, we are now back to the lake spreading in front of us.
40. Thanks to Gokcenur, my closing poem comes easily. All I have to do is to ensure the upward motion in an open ending, for which I use the image of a window under the water. I also pay my last tribute to this place, Turkey, with the image of a crescent moon.
© Halfeti Renshi workshop

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère