Poetry X PoetsClub Live
Nowhere else in this city is poetry so intensely experienced and lived as at Poetry Club Rotterdam. Every first Wednesday of the month all the poets of the city gather in Café De Schouw for an evening full of new poems. Everyone is welcome and is invited by hosts Jeroen Naaktgeboren and Miguel Santos to read at least one new poem in the packed pub. On the festival Friday and Saturday frequent PoetsClub poets perform their poems on the foyer stage in LantarenVenster. The poets are introduced dYour host is the first city poet of Rotterdam, Jeroen Naaktgeboren!
This Friday night in Poetry X PoetsClub Live: Daryl Raphaël, Eline Schellekens, Linde Suzanne, Jan Wagenaar, Jeroen Naaktgeboren en Angelika Geronymaki
Nowhere else in this city is poetry so intensely experienced and lived as at Poetry Club Rotterdam. Every first Wednesday of the month all the poets of the city gather in Café De Schouw for an evening full of new poems. Everyone is welcome and is invited by hosts Jeroen Naaktgeboren and Miguel Santos to read at least one new poem in the packed pub. On the festival Friday and Saturday frequent PoetsClub poets perform their poems on the foyer stage in LantarenVenster. The poets are introduced dYour host is the first city poet of Rotterdam, Jeroen Naaktgeboren!
This Friday night in Poetry X PoetsClub Live: Daryl Raphaël, Eline Schellekens, Linde Suzanne, Jan Wagenaar, Jeroen Naaktgeboren en Angelika Geronymaki
Fr June 10
21:00 - 21:45
LantarenVenster Foyer
Programmes in the foyer of LantarenVenster are accessible free of charge. If you also want to see theatre programs, buy a day ticket (10 - 25 euros) or festival passe-partout (25 - 50 euros).
Language and duration
Dutch spoken, 45 minutes