Mustafa Kör
Now, in this empty hour, you lie
successful beneath eiderdown and pillowcase
of a mother-in-law with status
If only I felt fears
Cruel, sorely needed fears
like the children’s voices behind hedges
of an aborted time past
The fear of roaming dogs
Granddad’s dancing civilizing stick
The revolutions out of America’s
Beautiful fears in which we believed
Good fears that make us human
Fears that offered firm footholds
Now, fearing neither god or his laws, you lie
under a prickly blanket
abandoned in folds of the night
The heartbeat creeps up on you, scared stiff
that at the behest of your haunted spirit
you will no longer want to be
Publisher: , , 2022
Nu, in dit ijle uur, lig je
geslaagd te wezen onder dekbed en fluwijn
van een schoonmoeder met stand
Had ik maar angsten
Wrede, broodnodige angsten
zoals de kinderstemmen achter hagen
van een geaborteerd verleden
De angst voor loslopende honden
Het vlinderen van opa’s cultiverende stok
De revoluties uit Amerika’s
Mooie angsten waarin we geloofden
Goede angsten die vermenselijken
Angsten die houvast boden
Nu, god noch gebod vrezende, lig je
onder een stekende deken
verloren in plooien van de nacht
De hartklop bekruipt je, doodsbang
om het verlangen van je bespookte geest
er niet meer te willen zijn
Now, in this empty hour, you lie
successful beneath eiderdown and pillowcase
of a mother-in-law with status
If only I felt fears
Cruel, sorely needed fears
like the children’s voices behind hedges
of an aborted time past
The fear of roaming dogs
Granddad’s dancing civilizing stick
The revolutions out of America’s
Beautiful fears in which we believed
Good fears that make us human
Fears that offered firm footholds
Now, fearing neither god or his laws, you lie
under a prickly blanket
abandoned in folds of the night
The heartbeat creeps up on you, scared stiff
that at the behest of your haunted spirit
you will no longer want to be
Publisher: 2022, ,
Now, in this empty hour, you lie
successful beneath eiderdown and pillowcase
of a mother-in-law with status
If only I felt fears
Cruel, sorely needed fears
like the children’s voices behind hedges
of an aborted time past
The fear of roaming dogs
Granddad’s dancing civilizing stick
The revolutions out of America’s
Beautiful fears in which we believed
Good fears that make us human
Fears that offered firm footholds
Now, fearing neither god or his laws, you lie
under a prickly blanket
abandoned in folds of the night
The heartbeat creeps up on you, scared stiff
that at the behest of your haunted spirit
you will no longer want to be
Publisher: 2022, ,