Mustafa Kör
My chronically paralyzed legs
I’d hardly heaved them into bed when the bell
announced the arrival of bitter fruit
A fellow scribbler thought my career
sufficiently worthwhile to fell trees for and
to put a cover around. Tragedy in paperback, first edition
recorded on my doorstep. A brief life
of Flemish cobblestones, Renaissance, quests,
brothers killing themselves. The impact this had on me
Quite honestly, after you’ve hit forty you become
someone who floats on gusts of quartered hours
and other people’s books in which we vanish
Publisher: , , 2022
Mijn chronisch verkrampte benen
ik had ze amper in bed gehesen of de bel
kondigde de komst van bittere vruchten
Een schrijfbroeder vond mijn levensloop
waardig genoeg om bomen voor te vellen en
te kaften. Tragiek in paperback, eerste druk
geboekstaafd op mijn dorpel. Een beknopt leven
over Vlaamse kasseien, renaissance, queesten
zichzelf dodende broers. Wat dat al met me deed
Eerlijk waar, na je veertigste word je er een
die meedeint op vlagen van gevierendeelde uren
en andermans boeken waarin we verdwenen
My chronically paralyzed legs
I’d hardly heaved them into bed when the bell
announced the arrival of bitter fruit
A fellow scribbler thought my career
sufficiently worthwhile to fell trees for and
to put a cover around. Tragedy in paperback, first edition
recorded on my doorstep. A brief life
of Flemish cobblestones, Renaissance, quests,
brothers killing themselves. The impact this had on me
Quite honestly, after you’ve hit forty you become
someone who floats on gusts of quartered hours
and other people’s books in which we vanish
Publisher: 2022, ,
My chronically paralyzed legs
I’d hardly heaved them into bed when the bell
announced the arrival of bitter fruit
A fellow scribbler thought my career
sufficiently worthwhile to fell trees for and
to put a cover around. Tragedy in paperback, first edition
recorded on my doorstep. A brief life
of Flemish cobblestones, Renaissance, quests,
brothers killing themselves. The impact this had on me
Quite honestly, after you’ve hit forty you become
someone who floats on gusts of quartered hours
and other people’s books in which we vanish
Publisher: 2022, ,