Poetry International Poetry International

Marc Kregting

– Above these mountains of salt, loss sets in

– Above these mountains of salt, loss sets in
in name. These salty mountains are from stone
that you had already let slip. Omnipass, tremble
at those heights, in the over specified absolved
underland of god’s own said direct descendants.
Skinlucent, you, leader of all theirs who know
no better than the outcome of the prime cause,
having moved in the freezing eyeball. Even though
your love rejoices that you motionless. Extremely
cold it is that you burn and bring great joy onto
yourself. The nets tighten around your belly that
otherwise would not brown and where close you
see the agate sun you can lift on high. Moreover
the benefit of the common good secedes how your
decisions are broken asunder, so that the times
a coming beckon you bygone. You choose.
Or you swerve, as the widow’s veil billows –

– Boven deze bergen van zout treedt verlies op

– Boven deze bergen van zout treedt verlies op
in naam. Deze zoute bergen zijn van steen die
je al had laten gaan. Omnipas, huiver van de
hoogten, in het te specifieke van het van gods
eigen nazaten genoemde vergeven onderland.
Huiddoorlaten jij, de leider van al hunner die
niet beter weten dan het gevolg van de eerste
oorzaak, bewogen hebbend in het vriezend oog.
Al verheugt je beminnen dat je bewegingloos.
Zeer koud is het dat je verbrandt en jezelf tot
grote blijdschap stemt. De netten spannen om
je buikje dat anders niet te bruinen is en waar
dicht je de agaten zon ziet, weet je te verhogen.
Tot het nut van het algemeen valt bovendien af
dat er aan je besluiten geslepen wordt, zodat de
komende tijden lokkend aan je voorbij. Je kiest.
Of je zwenkt, steeds wenkt de weduwesluier –

– Above these mountains of salt, loss sets in

– Above these mountains of salt, loss sets in
in name. These salty mountains are from stone
that you had already let slip. Omnipass, tremble
at those heights, in the over specified absolved
underland of god’s own said direct descendants.
Skinlucent, you, leader of all theirs who know
no better than the outcome of the prime cause,
having moved in the freezing eyeball. Even though
your love rejoices that you motionless. Extremely
cold it is that you burn and bring great joy onto
yourself. The nets tighten around your belly that
otherwise would not brown and where close you
see the agate sun you can lift on high. Moreover
the benefit of the common good secedes how your
decisions are broken asunder, so that the times
a coming beckon you bygone. You choose.
Or you swerve, as the widow’s veil billows –

– Above these mountains of salt, loss sets in

– Above these mountains of salt, loss sets in
in name. These salty mountains are from stone
that you had already let slip. Omnipass, tremble
at those heights, in the over specified absolved
underland of god’s own said direct descendants.
Skinlucent, you, leader of all theirs who know
no better than the outcome of the prime cause,
having moved in the freezing eyeball. Even though
your love rejoices that you motionless. Extremely
cold it is that you burn and bring great joy onto
yourself. The nets tighten around your belly that
otherwise would not brown and where close you
see the agate sun you can lift on high. Moreover
the benefit of the common good secedes how your
decisions are broken asunder, so that the times
a coming beckon you bygone. You choose.
Or you swerve, as the widow’s veil billows –
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère