Marc Kregting
Today Darning Needle receives a visit from Woolteaser. Not to be sniffed at. Woolteaser does not enter, because there’s little mind to be made up on a doorstep. He scratches himself against the doorjamb and Darning Needle sends him his best wishes.When Darning Needle was a promise, he knew a man that could make a perfect parting. His hair e.g. turned to air.
By now the sky is overcast so no all-in-prayer gets through. Seven blankets lie ready but dripping and hence need to be hung. But Woolteaser is still standing, there’s a draught, and Darning Needle folds his greetings flatly in a mini-bra. He’s thirsty and good manners. Never sip with visitors who waver to come calling. Probably Darning Needle ought to sit down simply on the rush mat; that would put a stop to the high pressure on his clockwork. Woolteaser does lean reproachfully against the stile almost as sweet an animal as the paddle. He raises weighty messages.
Darning Needle’s mother had to give birth one day, a hefty story.
Woolteaser has leaking feet. Not so Darning Needle. He wouldn’t be himself with thread, repairs the lock on his head.
© Translation: 2010, Astrid Alben
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2010
Publisher: First published on PIW, , 2010
Vandaag heeft Stopnaald bezoek van de wolkaarder. Ga er maar aan staan. De wolkaarder komt niet binnen, want op een drempel valt weinig te beslissen. Hij schurkt tegen de deurstijl en Stopnaald zendt hem zijn beste groeten.Toen Stopnaald een belofte was, kende hij een mannetje dat een perfecte scheiding legde. Zijn haar werd b.v. lucht.
Inmiddels is de hemel bedekt zodat er geen allesgebed doorkomt. Er liggen zeven lakens klaar die druppelen en dus gehangen moeten. Maar de wolkaarder staat nog, het tocht, en Stopnaald vouwt zijn groeten onderhand in een behaatje. Hij heeft dorst en fatsoenlijke manieren. Drink nooit tegen bezoek dat weifelt op bezoek te gaan. Wellicht dient Stopnaald ronduit te gaan zitten op de biezenmat, dan kwam er een eind aan de hoge druk op zijn regelmaat. Wel staat de wolkaarder verwijtend, tegen de stijl die een bijna net zo lief dier is als de peddel. Hij ruwt gewichtige berichten.
Stopnaalds moeder moest ooit bevallen, een lijvig verhaal.
De wolkaarder heeft lekke voeten. Nee, dan Stopnaald. Hij zou zichzelf niet zijn als hij draad had, repareert het slot op zijn kruin.
© 1997, Marc Kregting
From: Kopstem/Stopnaald. Gedichten/verhalen
Publisher: Uitgeverij Prometheus, Amsterdam
From: Kopstem/Stopnaald. Gedichten/verhalen
Publisher: Uitgeverij Prometheus, Amsterdam
Poems of Marc Kregting
Today Darning Needle receives a visit from Woolteaser. Not to be sniffed at. Woolteaser does not enter, because there’s little mind to be made up on a doorstep. He scratches himself against the doorjamb and Darning Needle sends him his best wishes.When Darning Needle was a promise, he knew a man that could make a perfect parting. His hair e.g. turned to air.
By now the sky is overcast so no all-in-prayer gets through. Seven blankets lie ready but dripping and hence need to be hung. But Woolteaser is still standing, there’s a draught, and Darning Needle folds his greetings flatly in a mini-bra. He’s thirsty and good manners. Never sip with visitors who waver to come calling. Probably Darning Needle ought to sit down simply on the rush mat; that would put a stop to the high pressure on his clockwork. Woolteaser does lean reproachfully against the stile almost as sweet an animal as the paddle. He raises weighty messages.
Darning Needle’s mother had to give birth one day, a hefty story.
Woolteaser has leaking feet. Not so Darning Needle. He wouldn’t be himself with thread, repairs the lock on his head.
© 2010, Astrid Alben
From: Kopstem/Stopnaald. Gedichten/verhalen
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW, Amsterdam
From: Kopstem/Stopnaald. Gedichten/verhalen
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW, Amsterdam
Today Darning Needle receives a visit from Woolteaser. Not to be sniffed at. Woolteaser does not enter, because there’s little mind to be made up on a doorstep. He scratches himself against the doorjamb and Darning Needle sends him his best wishes.When Darning Needle was a promise, he knew a man that could make a perfect parting. His hair e.g. turned to air.
By now the sky is overcast so no all-in-prayer gets through. Seven blankets lie ready but dripping and hence need to be hung. But Woolteaser is still standing, there’s a draught, and Darning Needle folds his greetings flatly in a mini-bra. He’s thirsty and good manners. Never sip with visitors who waver to come calling. Probably Darning Needle ought to sit down simply on the rush mat; that would put a stop to the high pressure on his clockwork. Woolteaser does lean reproachfully against the stile almost as sweet an animal as the paddle. He raises weighty messages.
Darning Needle’s mother had to give birth one day, a hefty story.
Woolteaser has leaking feet. Not so Darning Needle. He wouldn’t be himself with thread, repairs the lock on his head.
© 2010, Astrid Alben
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW,
Publisher: 2010, First published on PIW,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère