Dion Nkomo
I heard about them by chance in our humble countryI asked who they really are
I was told they are the owners of the earth
The earth belongs to them, the animals belong to them
People belong to them, everything belongs to them
The robbers!
I heard them lying proudly announcing themselves on the radio
I saw their arrogance as that of a cock, on television
They talk jeeringly but mispronouncing my language
I saw them walking proudly like baboons
Saying our country is actually their land
All animals therein belong to them
Whether we like it or not
I said it could be my father’s kraal, even father himself …!
They arrived like thieves in the night
Some were carrying bibles
Guns and swords they hid under the belt
They lisped through reminding us of our enemies
They discriminated against us over language, history and origins
We compromised and that became our staple diet
Lo, we have closed the bird inside the grain store!
We have entered the house with dingoes, hyenas, jackals … and then closed the door When father raised his head
The field was now only dry stalks and husks!
The granaries burned, the blood spilt, the domesticated animals gone!
I will not forgive the robbers.
Today my people are confused and tremble
I am becoming annoyed
When seeing the robbers arrive in my home today,
They have washed off the blood that had covered their mouths
But they still savour the taste of our riches
They still improperly use our language
Now trying to breath through the air of forgiveness
But they do not confess their sins!
I gape with amazement when I see our brothers
Children of the poor and of widows
Translating these messages, directing the robbers.
Others of my brothers now carry the same guns and swords
Protecting the robbers!
Here is the tale of the ruthlessness of the robbers in our country!
Hoarders, hyenas, jackals, dingoes, vultures, …!
© Translation: 2006, Jerry Zondo
Ngibazwile ngendumela emagudugudwini,Ngibuze ukuthi bavele bengobani,
Kwathiwa ngabanikazi bomhlaba;
Umhlaba ngowabo, izinyamazana ngezabo,
Abantu ngababo, konke ngokwabo.
Ngibazwe ngeqhono lamanga emsakazweni;
Ngababona ngobuqholo beqhude kumabonwakude,
Bekhuluma bekloloda kodwa bekiliza;
Ngababona behamba benkunyayila.
Bathi umhlaba wakwethu vele ngowabo
Izinyamazana eziphakathi ngezabo,
Sifuna loba singafuni!
Ngathi kambe, lomuzi kababa, lobaba…!
Bafikile-ke njengamasela;
Abanye bethwele amabhayibhili,
Izibhamu lenkemba bethukuze embhilaphini;
Bakiliza-ke besikhumbuza izitha zethu;
Besibandlulula ngezindimi, ngembali langomdabuko.
Sakhumisana umlotha kanti usuyikudla kwethu;
Kanti sesivalele inyoni ensimini yamabele!
Sangena endlini lamaganyana, impisi, amakhanka…savala!
Wathi ubaba evusa ikhanda,
Insimu sekungamahlanga lomule!
Iziphala sezitshile, igazi selichithekile, izifuyo seziphelile!
Angiyikubaxolela abaphangi.
Lamuhla abakithi balesithuli bathuthumele;
Mina sengifikelwa yintukuthelo
Nxa ngibona abaphangi befika kwethu lamuhla,
Sebegezile igazi abakade beligavile,
Kodwa basanambhitha inotho yakwethu;
Basalukiliza njalo ulimi lwethu;
Lapho bezama ukuphefumula umoya woxolo
Belo bengafakazi lezono zabo!
Ngiyankema nxa ngibona abafowethu
Abantwana babayanga labafelokazi
Betolika limibiko, behola abaphangi,
Abanye bephethe imibhobho lezinkemba;
Bevikela abaphangi!
Nanso-ke indaba yolunya lwabaphangi kwethu;
Amatheza, impisi, amakhanka, amaganyana lamanqe…!
© 2006, Dion Nkomo
Gedichten van Dion Nkomo
Ngibazwile ngendumela emagudugudwini,Ngibuze ukuthi bavele bengobani,
Kwathiwa ngabanikazi bomhlaba;
Umhlaba ngowabo, izinyamazana ngezabo,
Abantu ngababo, konke ngokwabo.
Ngibazwe ngeqhono lamanga emsakazweni;
Ngababona ngobuqholo beqhude kumabonwakude,
Bekhuluma bekloloda kodwa bekiliza;
Ngababona behamba benkunyayila.
Bathi umhlaba wakwethu vele ngowabo
Izinyamazana eziphakathi ngezabo,
Sifuna loba singafuni!
Ngathi kambe, lomuzi kababa, lobaba…!
Bafikile-ke njengamasela;
Abanye bethwele amabhayibhili,
Izibhamu lenkemba bethukuze embhilaphini;
Bakiliza-ke besikhumbuza izitha zethu;
Besibandlulula ngezindimi, ngembali langomdabuko.
Sakhumisana umlotha kanti usuyikudla kwethu;
Kanti sesivalele inyoni ensimini yamabele!
Sangena endlini lamaganyana, impisi, amakhanka…savala!
Wathi ubaba evusa ikhanda,
Insimu sekungamahlanga lomule!
Iziphala sezitshile, igazi selichithekile, izifuyo seziphelile!
Angiyikubaxolela abaphangi.
Lamuhla abakithi balesithuli bathuthumele;
Mina sengifikelwa yintukuthelo
Nxa ngibona abaphangi befika kwethu lamuhla,
Sebegezile igazi abakade beligavile,
Kodwa basanambhitha inotho yakwethu;
Basalukiliza njalo ulimi lwethu;
Lapho bezama ukuphefumula umoya woxolo
Belo bengafakazi lezono zabo!
Ngiyankema nxa ngibona abafowethu
Abantwana babayanga labafelokazi
Betolika limibiko, behola abaphangi,
Abanye bephethe imibhobho lezinkemba;
Bevikela abaphangi!
Nanso-ke indaba yolunya lwabaphangi kwethu;
Amatheza, impisi, amakhanka, amaganyana lamanqe…!
I heard about them by chance in our humble countryI asked who they really are
I was told they are the owners of the earth
The earth belongs to them, the animals belong to them
People belong to them, everything belongs to them
The robbers!
I heard them lying proudly announcing themselves on the radio
I saw their arrogance as that of a cock, on television
They talk jeeringly but mispronouncing my language
I saw them walking proudly like baboons
Saying our country is actually their land
All animals therein belong to them
Whether we like it or not
I said it could be my father’s kraal, even father himself …!
They arrived like thieves in the night
Some were carrying bibles
Guns and swords they hid under the belt
They lisped through reminding us of our enemies
They discriminated against us over language, history and origins
We compromised and that became our staple diet
Lo, we have closed the bird inside the grain store!
We have entered the house with dingoes, hyenas, jackals … and then closed the door When father raised his head
The field was now only dry stalks and husks!
The granaries burned, the blood spilt, the domesticated animals gone!
I will not forgive the robbers.
Today my people are confused and tremble
I am becoming annoyed
When seeing the robbers arrive in my home today,
They have washed off the blood that had covered their mouths
But they still savour the taste of our riches
They still improperly use our language
Now trying to breath through the air of forgiveness
But they do not confess their sins!
I gape with amazement when I see our brothers
Children of the poor and of widows
Translating these messages, directing the robbers.
Others of my brothers now carry the same guns and swords
Protecting the robbers!
Here is the tale of the ruthlessness of the robbers in our country!
Hoarders, hyenas, jackals, dingoes, vultures, …!
© 2006, Jerry Zondo

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère