Poetry International Poetry International

Sanjin Sorel

Anticipation, aimless, hopeless

No emptiness yet in sight
perhaps something’s happening
just on the edge of becoming
when will it where
empty time
is worth bearing in the air
some strange tension over all
worth emptily fitting the puzzle together
watch the boat in the shell
with time it slips away like mind from meaning
the rise of the Chinese wall is empty 

a century in the spring bloom is blameless
like courage emptily to the right of the wall and to the left
etc. as at the start I walk
along the wall straight then twisting
emptiness in the air is hinting at snow 

December 1998



Iščekivanje bez neke svrhe, kao i bez nade

Iščekivanje bez neke svrhe, kao i bez nade

na pomolu još ništa prazno
možda se što dogodi
samo što nije
kada će gdje
prazno vrijeme
valja podnijeti u zraku
vlada neka čudna napetost
prazno valja složiti komadiće slagalice
gledaj brod u ljusci
vremenom odmiče kao misao iz smisla
rađanje kineskog zida je prazno

nije krivo stoljeće u proljetnome cvatu
kao hrabrost prazno s lijeve i desne strane zida
itd kao i na početku hodam
zidom pravo pa vijugavo
prazno u zraku miriši na snijeg

prosinac 1998. 
Sanjin Sorel

Sanjin Sorel

(Kroatië, 1970)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Kroatië

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Kroatisch

Gedichten Dichters

Iščekivanje bez neke svrhe, kao i bez nade

na pomolu još ništa prazno
možda se što dogodi
samo što nije
kada će gdje
prazno vrijeme
valja podnijeti u zraku
vlada neka čudna napetost
prazno valja složiti komadiće slagalice
gledaj brod u ljusci
vremenom odmiče kao misao iz smisla
rađanje kineskog zida je prazno

nije krivo stoljeće u proljetnome cvatu
kao hrabrost prazno s lijeve i desne strane zida
itd kao i na početku hodam
zidom pravo pa vijugavo
prazno u zraku miriši na snijeg

prosinac 1998. 

Anticipation, aimless, hopeless

No emptiness yet in sight
perhaps something’s happening
just on the edge of becoming
when will it where
empty time
is worth bearing in the air
some strange tension over all
worth emptily fitting the puzzle together
watch the boat in the shell
with time it slips away like mind from meaning
the rise of the Chinese wall is empty 

a century in the spring bloom is blameless
like courage emptily to the right of the wall and to the left
etc. as at the start I walk
along the wall straight then twisting
emptiness in the air is hinting at snow 

December 1998


Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère