Phoebe Power
BlogEarlyBlogOften LaughOutLoud!ShortMessageService is so 2two0thousand0and7seven.
I prefer MicroSoftNetwork, OKay
but only when you’ve got WirelessFidelity.
Every1one of you’ll get
AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome from
social networking, I
prefer my MovingPicturesexpertsgrouphyphenoneaudiolayer3three
player, it’s so compact.
My headphones nestled
within curls
rectilinear, charred and static,
I always use my GoodHairDays;
I remain faithful to the new religion.
My pal Ryan and I fly airily
away across the wasteland;
earth’s got cheap.
I’ll pick up a souvenir on the
UniversalSerialBus, some
SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome, and when I’m
hospitalised, they’ll get in
some visitors: amiable
to send me to zzzzzz
while my friend, Mister Brain
is being insouciantly fried
ears inwards;
by polyphonic microwaves with
toothy blue grins.
© 2009, The Poetry Society
From: The Fire We Harbour
Publisher: The Poetry Society, London
This poem was a winner of The Poetry Society\'s Foyle Young Poets of the Year award in 2009.
From: The Fire We Harbour
Publisher: The Poetry Society, London
Gedichten van Phoebe Power
BlogEarlyBlogOften LaughOutLoud!ShortMessageService is so 2two0thousand0and7seven.
I prefer MicroSoftNetwork, OKay
but only when you’ve got WirelessFidelity.
Every1one of you’ll get
AcquiredImmuneDeficiencySyndrome from
social networking, I
prefer my MovingPicturesexpertsgrouphyphenoneaudiolayer3three
player, it’s so compact.
My headphones nestled
within curls
rectilinear, charred and static,
I always use my GoodHairDays;
I remain faithful to the new religion.
My pal Ryan and I fly airily
away across the wasteland;
earth’s got cheap.
I’ll pick up a souvenir on the
UniversalSerialBus, some
SevereAcuteRespiratorySyndrome, and when I’m
hospitalised, they’ll get in
some visitors: amiable
to send me to zzzzzz
while my friend, Mister Brain
is being insouciantly fried
ears inwards;
by polyphonic microwaves with
toothy blue grins.
From: The Fire We Harbour
This poem was a winner of The Poetry Society\'s Foyle Young Poets of the Year award in 2009.

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère