Poetry International Poetry International

Sibila Petlevski

A Net

Water lets the fish know it’s raining.
Neither the kind nor the quantity of bait
are essential. All the traps are equally good.
I am afraid. Protected by fear. A net is coming
out of me, meter by meter of nausea. I will
vomit the knots and holes together with
what was madly and persistently seeking shelter

among my knots and did not manage to escape
through the holes. I will kiss what is wrapped,
I will glue the porous places with saliva.
It will stay within me forever: the first knot,
the hidden source of the net that will sooner
or later lie outside empty and wrapped. This will be
when the sun gets out of the fissure in the stone
and throws the rays as if it was receiving them.



Voda ribama poručuje da pada
kiša. Nije presudna ni vrsta ni
količina mamaca. Sve zamke su
jednako dobre. Bojim se. Štiti me
strah. Iz mene izlazi mreža metar
po metar mučnine. Povratit ću
čvorove i rupe zajedno s onim
što je ludo i uporno tražilo skrovište
između mojih čvorova, a nije uspjelo
pobjeći kroz rupe. Ljubit ću zamotano,
oblijepit ću slinom propusna mjesta.
Ostat će u meni zauvijek: prva petlja,
skriveni izvor mreže koja će prije ili
kasnije ležati vani prazna i smotana.  
Bit će to kad izađe sunce iz procjepa
kamena i baci zrake kao da ih prima.
Sibila  Petlevski

Sibila Petlevski

(Kroatië, 1964)


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten uit Kroatië

Gedichten Dichters


Ontdek andere dichters en gedichten in het Kroatisch

Gedichten Dichters


Voda ribama poručuje da pada
kiša. Nije presudna ni vrsta ni
količina mamaca. Sve zamke su
jednako dobre. Bojim se. Štiti me
strah. Iz mene izlazi mreža metar
po metar mučnine. Povratit ću
čvorove i rupe zajedno s onim
što je ludo i uporno tražilo skrovište
između mojih čvorova, a nije uspjelo
pobjeći kroz rupe. Ljubit ću zamotano,
oblijepit ću slinom propusna mjesta.
Ostat će u meni zauvijek: prva petlja,
skriveni izvor mreže koja će prije ili
kasnije ležati vani prazna i smotana.  
Bit će to kad izađe sunce iz procjepa
kamena i baci zrake kao da ih prima.

A Net

Water lets the fish know it’s raining.
Neither the kind nor the quantity of bait
are essential. All the traps are equally good.
I am afraid. Protected by fear. A net is coming
out of me, meter by meter of nausea. I will
vomit the knots and holes together with
what was madly and persistently seeking shelter

among my knots and did not manage to escape
through the holes. I will kiss what is wrapped,
I will glue the porous places with saliva.
It will stay within me forever: the first knot,
the hidden source of the net that will sooner
or later lie outside empty and wrapped. This will be
when the sun gets out of the fissure in the stone
and throws the rays as if it was receiving them.
Gemeente Rotterdam
Nederlands Letterenfonds
Stichting Van Beuningen Peterich-fonds
Prins Bernhard cultuurfonds
Lira fonds
J.E. Jurriaanse
Gefinancierd door de Europese Unie
Elise Mathilde Fonds
Stichting Verzameling van Wijngaarden-Boot
LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère