Laten we het hebben over een soort liefde die we niet vaak genoeg vieren. Niet de liefde die je in films ziet of waar je over hoort in liefdesliedjes, maar iets diepers: de liefde die we aan onszelf geven.
Welkom bij Museumnacht, waar we ons verdiepen in het thema “liefde als een bevrijdende praktijk” en het podium openstellen voor 10 getalenteerde performers die hun verhalen en gedichten delen over het herontdekken van zelfliefde en het omarmen van de schoonheid van onze imperfecte, prachtige zelf.
We geven vaak zoveel van ons hart aan anderen—aan onze partners, vrienden, families, zelfs vreemden—dat we vergeten ruimte te maken voor onszelf. We vergeten ons lichaam te bedanken voor alles wat het voor ons doet. We vergeten onze eigenaardigheden te vieren, onze fouten te vergeven, en onze eigen beker bij te vullen. Maar op 1 maart draaien we het om.
Samen staan we stil bij wat het echt betekent om van onszelf te houden—niet op een vluchtige manier, maar op een diepe, voedende, levensveranderende manier.
Verwacht rauwe kwetsbaarheid, aanstekelijke energie en momenten die je hart raken. Deze optredens zullen je eraan herinneren dat zelfliefde niet egoïstisch is—het is de basis van alle andere vormen van liefde. Het is het geschenk dat we onszelf verschuldigd zijn, dat we vaak over het hoofd zien, maar altijd opnieuw kunnen ontdekken.
Dus, pak een stoel, neem een vriend mee, en laten we samen de liefde vieren die we vergaten te geven én de reis om die terug te vinden!
Meet the performers!
Alease Hansen-Evelyn

"I am an artist currently studying the Fine Arts bachelor at The Royal Academy of Arts The Hague. I work with multimodal expression recently primarily working with performance, video, music and spoken word. In my work, I explore deconstruction, usually from my own obsession and trying to understand them and tell stories. For instance, recently I have become obsessed with proto-linguistics. There is definitely a political aspect to my work which is deplore via satire and mockumentary. A fun fact about me is that I had originally planned to do quantum physics which often shocks my peers in the so-to-speak “art world”. But despite my fascination with the universe, nothing can justify having to learn calculus. So now I am using art to explore the universe."
Jasmijn Lobik

"I’m Jasmijn (she/her), 32, and I live in Rotterdam. I’m a poet and writer and like to explore themes like loneliness, friendship and the gap between our inner life and outward appearance. Selflove is definitely a big part of that. My poetry and stories have appeared in Op Ruwe Planken, De Optimist, and Hyster-X, and in the summer of 2024, I performed as an upcoming talent at Dichters in de Prinsentuin. I share my writing on Instagram @onderwoorden."
Andjela Lekovic

Andjela is a third culture writer and performer based in Amsterdam. She likes to write about her experiences with mental health, feminism, dating and social justice served with vulnerability and sarcasm.
Selin Öztekin

Selin alchemizes energy into words in the form of spoken word and poetry. She started creating as a tool to navigate through two cultures and to combine all aspects of her identity: medicine, yoga/fitness and writing. In creation we never have to choose, if you are authentic, all of you can be perceived. By combining her passions Selin tries to promote reversed hustle-culture: fill your heart with all your desires and let it stay soft through connection.
Lily Clarisa

Lily Clarisa is an Aruban award-winning poet and singer-songwriter. She will be presenting poetry from her third poetry collection, Liquid Light (2024), which was nominated for the Kunstprijs Den Haag literair (2024).
Andreea Anghele

"I am a law student, working part-time. I love travelling, reading, literature and poetry. I started writing poems when I was 12 years old as an escape from the world and my own wounds, my biggest fear was to publicly make my writings available."
Luka Prelas

Luka Prelas (she/her) is a Croatian-bred, Zaandam-based poet, budding spoken word performer, and classical saxophonist on hiatus. Through her work, she explores her trans womanhood, traumas, love aches, and other people's problems with her (trans) womanhood. One of these works even scored her a feminist performance award at the 2nd Queer & Feminist Poetry Awards in 2023. Another one of her pieces was published in 2024 in a magazine by the grassroots collective Issue Amsterdam. Luka has also been putting her writing to musical, stage, and visual arts contexts with her band SYSSE since 2019 and has participated in several European festivals and competitions.
Luka is hustling and bustling her way into the Dutch spoken-word scene and into possibly publishing (more) of her shit by performing in venues such as t' Mandje and Labyrinth in Amsterdam and Het Nieuwe Institut and at the Poetry International festival in Rotterdam. Luka would like to think of her style as exorcism-like, often angry, seldom sweet, with a sprinkle of body horror and a dash of hope.
Louise van der Veen

Louise van der Veen (2000) studies Clinical Technology in Delft and Philosophy in Rotterdam. Following the Creative Writing minor at the University of Amsterdam further strengthened her already existing love for language. Her poems are characterized by introspection, which serves as the starting point for broader reflections. She draws both questions and inspiration from philosophy. For her, philosophy is the search for the source of things, while poetry is the way to connect this search to the lived world.
She often performs her poetry in collaboration with her poetry band Wildgroei (@wildgroeihardop).
Corianne Oosterbaan

Corianne Oosterbaan is a Dutch writer from Rotterdam, freshly fallen in love with poetry.
Her short stories and poetry has been published in several magazines, and she is working on a first novel.
Tom Van Den Berg

"I'm afraid of heights. I'm a bad perfectionist but I am even worse at making mistakes. I've been writing a "farewell poem" the night before my birthday since I was 14. I give swimming lessons to children because whenever I saw water as a child I would run in and drown myself. I am a neuroscience and clinical psychology student.
I write poems and songs and hope to make that my profession someday!"
Special artist

Wiam is a versatile creator who blends humour and depth in stories that resonate and connect. This Moroccan woman with Antwerp roots, now based in Amsterdam, has already established a solid presence for her storytelling talent on social media and beyond. She has written sketches and theatre pieces and contributed to the tragicomic Streamz series HOLY SHIT. As an actress, she shone in productions by the theatre group DEGASTEN and made an impression as a Public Prosecutor in the hit series Mocro Maffia.
Praktische informatie:
Datum: 1 maart
Locatie: Wereldmuseum Rotterdam - Willemskade 25, 3016 DM Rotterdam
Tijd: 20:00-23:30
Taal: Engels