Anne Vegter
eating out
You can best do things with pleasureyou would otherwise do with pleasure.
If there wasn’t a mealtime in between!
Earlier, the meal’s never been spoken of as a matter.
A ticklish matter?
But ever since the children!
And they really eat nothing of what we find they must eat.
And all that grown-up crap, they just laugh at it.
Courgettes, no way! Or aubergines, it couldn’t be battier.
‘Son cuts face out of turnip’
(A tongue stuck through it, his tongue, and up to that point the meal was clearly ruined)
But try and get the small lambs into bed on an empty stomach, they bleat.
One of them’s threateningly invested his guilders in ‘The Bear-bite’, there stomach lining’s deepfried.
That’s OK by me, what sort of a person am I?
Just do me one with mayonnaise.
Yes, chips with mayonnaise!
For the other one too.
Yes, with!
Yes, with with with with with!
uit eten
uit eten
Je kunt het beste maar met plezier doenwat je anders ook met plezier zou doen.
Als er geen maaltijd tussen zou zitten!
Er is vroeger nooit gesproken over de maaltijd als een zaak.
Een netelige zaak?
Maar sinds de kinderen!
Die eten ook werkelijk niets van wat wij vinden dat zij te eten hebben.
En al die oude koek, daar lachen zij om.
Courgettes, jij durft! Of aubergines, het moet niet gestoorder worden.
‘Zoon snijdt gezicht uit raapje’
(Er stak een tong door, zijn tong en tot zover was de maaltijd overzichtelijk bedorven)
Maar zie de schaapjes eens in bed te krijgen zonder volle maag, die mekkeren.
De ene heeft zijn guldens dreigend belegd in ‘De Berehap’, daar frituurt men maagvulling.
Ik vind het goed, wat ben ik er voor eentje?
Doe mij ook maar, met.
Ja, met!
Ook voor de andere.
Ja, met!
Ja, met met met met met!
Poems of Anne Vegter
eating out
You can best do things with pleasureyou would otherwise do with pleasure.
If there wasn’t a mealtime in between!
Earlier, the meal’s never been spoken of as a matter.
A ticklish matter?
But ever since the children!
And they really eat nothing of what we find they must eat.
And all that grown-up crap, they just laugh at it.
Courgettes, no way! Or aubergines, it couldn’t be battier.
‘Son cuts face out of turnip’
(A tongue stuck through it, his tongue, and up to that point the meal was clearly ruined)
But try and get the small lambs into bed on an empty stomach, they bleat.
One of them’s threateningly invested his guilders in ‘The Bear-bite’, there stomach lining’s deepfried.
That’s OK by me, what sort of a person am I?
Just do me one with mayonnaise.
Yes, chips with mayonnaise!
For the other one too.
Yes, with!
Yes, with with with with with!
eating out
You can best do things with pleasureyou would otherwise do with pleasure.
If there wasn’t a mealtime in between!
Earlier, the meal’s never been spoken of as a matter.
A ticklish matter?
But ever since the children!
And they really eat nothing of what we find they must eat.
And all that grown-up crap, they just laugh at it.
Courgettes, no way! Or aubergines, it couldn’t be battier.
‘Son cuts face out of turnip’
(A tongue stuck through it, his tongue, and up to that point the meal was clearly ruined)
But try and get the small lambs into bed on an empty stomach, they bleat.
One of them’s threateningly invested his guilders in ‘The Bear-bite’, there stomach lining’s deepfried.
That’s OK by me, what sort of a person am I?
Just do me one with mayonnaise.
Yes, chips with mayonnaise!
For the other one too.
Yes, with!
Yes, with with with with with!

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère