marwin vos
conversation pieces
the opening shots on the way to the forest recall the other visitors before you it’s a repetition. later on you think about the boy in the yellow tent the guide is talking to and whether he survived the guide does not understand why people come to this wonderful forest to end their lives don’t they see its beauty? that surely must be taken as a plea you think as you follow the strings deeper into the impassable parts of the time forest
de beginbeelden onderweg naar het bos herinneren aan de andere bezoekers die voorgingen het is een herhaling. later denk je aan de jongen in de gele tent waar de gids mee praat en of hij het overleefd heeft de gids begrijpt niet waarom mensen naar dit mooie bos komen om hun leven te beeïndigen zien ze de schoonheid dan niet? dat moet zeker als een pleidooi worden opgevat denk je terwijl je de draden volgt dieper de onbegaanbare delen van het tijdbos in
From: wilde dood
Publisher: Het Balanseer, Aalst
conversation pieces
the opening shots on the way to the forest recall the other visitors before you it’s a repetition. later on you think about the boy in the yellow tent the guide is talking to and whether he survived the guide does not understand why people come to this wonderful forest to end their lives don’t they see its beauty? that surely must be taken as a plea you think as you follow the strings deeper into the impassable parts of the time forest
From: wilde dood
conversation pieces
the opening shots on the way to the forest recall the other visitors before you it’s a repetition. later on you think about the boy in the yellow tent the guide is talking to and whether he survived the guide does not understand why people come to this wonderful forest to end their lives don’t they see its beauty? that surely must be taken as a plea you think as you follow the strings deeper into the impassable parts of the time forest