Anne Vegter
Medea 2.0:1
s 1without you i’m done
the police department of reports the following incidents:
defacing of walls
destroying of bus shelters
toppling of flowerpots
puncturing of tires
snapping of side mirrors
pissing on bumpers
flinging of paint bombs
smashing of display windows
spraying on facades
digging up roof gardens
emptying out garbage bags
and igniting of
plastic explosives
behind the front door
of a target
a campsite manager
lost his temper
when he discovered the damage
done the night
before to the two
new sanitary blocks
in the parking lot
multiple porcelain toilet bowls
were smashed to bits
probably using signage
that was torn from its frames
also toilet roll holders
were pulled from the wall
the white-clad men
-summoned in trauma cases-
silently wrapped
the porcelain pieces in plastic
if you saw or heard anything that night
which might possibly be related to the vandalism
please reach out online or by phone to
the police department of reports the following incidents:
defacing of walls
destroying of bus shelters
toppling of flowerpots
puncturing of tires
snapping of side mirrors
pissing on bumpers
flinging of paint bombs
smashing of display windows
spraying on facades
digging up roof gardens
emptying out garbage bags
and igniting of
plastic explosives
behind the front door
of a target
a campsite manager
lost his temper
when he discovered the damage
done the night
before to the two
new sanitary blocks
in the parking lot
multiple porcelain toilet bowls
were smashed to bits
probably using signage
that was torn from its frames
also toilet roll holders
were pulled from the wall
the white-clad men
-summoned in trauma cases-
silently wrapped
the porcelain pieces in plastic
if you saw or heard anything that night
which might possibly be related to the vandalism
please reach out online or by phone to
© Translation: 2021,
Medea 2.0:1
Medea 2.0:1
s 1
zonder jou ben ik af
de politie van maakt de volgende incidenten bekend:
bekladden van muren
vernielen van bushokjes
omgooien van bloembakken
leksteken van autobanden
afbreken van zijspiegels
natpiesen van bumpers
uitsmijten van verfbommen
ingooien van gevelruiten
bespuiten van voorgevels
omspitten van daktuinen
leegstorten van vuilniszakken
en tot ontsteking brengen
van een kneedbom
achter de voordeur
van een target
een campingbeheerder
verloor z’n zelfbeheersing
toen hij de schade ontdekte
die in de nacht daarvoor
was aangericht in de twee nieuwe toiletgebouwen
op de parkeerplaats zijn meerdere porseleinen toiletpotten
kapot geslagen
waarschijnlijk met bebording
die uit de frames is gesloopt
ook toiletrolhouders
zijn van de muur getrokken
de witte mannetjes
-opgetrommeld bij trauma-
pakten zwijgend
de porseleinen delen in plastic
wie ’s nachts iets gezien of gehoord heeft
dat mogelijk verband houdt met de vernielingen
stelt zich online of telefonisch in verbinding met
de politie van maakt de volgende incidenten bekend:
bekladden van muren
vernielen van bushokjes
omgooien van bloembakken
leksteken van autobanden
afbreken van zijspiegels
natpiesen van bumpers
uitsmijten van verfbommen
ingooien van gevelruiten
bespuiten van voorgevels
omspitten van daktuinen
leegstorten van vuilniszakken
en tot ontsteking brengen
van een kneedbom
achter de voordeur
van een target
een campingbeheerder
verloor z’n zelfbeheersing
toen hij de schade ontdekte
die in de nacht daarvoor
was aangericht in de twee nieuwe toiletgebouwen
op de parkeerplaats zijn meerdere porseleinen toiletpotten
kapot geslagen
waarschijnlijk met bebording
die uit de frames is gesloopt
ook toiletrolhouders
zijn van de muur getrokken
de witte mannetjes
-opgetrommeld bij trauma-
pakten zwijgend
de porseleinen delen in plastic
wie ’s nachts iets gezien of gehoord heeft
dat mogelijk verband houdt met de vernielingen
stelt zich online of telefonisch in verbinding met
© 2020, Anne Vegter
From: Big Data
Publisher: Querido,
From: Big Data
Publisher: Querido,
Poems of Anne Vegter
Medea 2.0:1
s 1without you i’m done
the police department of reports the following incidents:
defacing of walls
destroying of bus shelters
toppling of flowerpots
puncturing of tires
snapping of side mirrors
pissing on bumpers
flinging of paint bombs
smashing of display windows
spraying on facades
digging up roof gardens
emptying out garbage bags
and igniting of
plastic explosives
behind the front door
of a target
a campsite manager
lost his temper
when he discovered the damage
done the night
before to the two
new sanitary blocks
in the parking lot
multiple porcelain toilet bowls
were smashed to bits
probably using signage
that was torn from its frames
also toilet roll holders
were pulled from the wall
the white-clad men
-summoned in trauma cases-
silently wrapped
the porcelain pieces in plastic
if you saw or heard anything that night
which might possibly be related to the vandalism
please reach out online or by phone to
the police department of reports the following incidents:
defacing of walls
destroying of bus shelters
toppling of flowerpots
puncturing of tires
snapping of side mirrors
pissing on bumpers
flinging of paint bombs
smashing of display windows
spraying on facades
digging up roof gardens
emptying out garbage bags
and igniting of
plastic explosives
behind the front door
of a target
a campsite manager
lost his temper
when he discovered the damage
done the night
before to the two
new sanitary blocks
in the parking lot
multiple porcelain toilet bowls
were smashed to bits
probably using signage
that was torn from its frames
also toilet roll holders
were pulled from the wall
the white-clad men
-summoned in trauma cases-
silently wrapped
the porcelain pieces in plastic
if you saw or heard anything that night
which might possibly be related to the vandalism
please reach out online or by phone to
© 2021, Anne Vegter
From: Big Data
From: Big Data
Medea 2.0:1
s 1without you i’m done
the police department of reports the following incidents:
defacing of walls
destroying of bus shelters
toppling of flowerpots
puncturing of tires
snapping of side mirrors
pissing on bumpers
flinging of paint bombs
smashing of display windows
spraying on facades
digging up roof gardens
emptying out garbage bags
and igniting of
plastic explosives
behind the front door
of a target
a campsite manager
lost his temper
when he discovered the damage
done the night
before to the two
new sanitary blocks
in the parking lot
multiple porcelain toilet bowls
were smashed to bits
probably using signage
that was torn from its frames
also toilet roll holders
were pulled from the wall
the white-clad men
-summoned in trauma cases-
silently wrapped
the porcelain pieces in plastic
if you saw or heard anything that night
which might possibly be related to the vandalism
please reach out online or by phone to
the police department of reports the following incidents:
defacing of walls
destroying of bus shelters
toppling of flowerpots
puncturing of tires
snapping of side mirrors
pissing on bumpers
flinging of paint bombs
smashing of display windows
spraying on facades
digging up roof gardens
emptying out garbage bags
and igniting of
plastic explosives
behind the front door
of a target
a campsite manager
lost his temper
when he discovered the damage
done the night
before to the two
new sanitary blocks
in the parking lot
multiple porcelain toilet bowls
were smashed to bits
probably using signage
that was torn from its frames
also toilet roll holders
were pulled from the wall
the white-clad men
-summoned in trauma cases-
silently wrapped
the porcelain pieces in plastic
if you saw or heard anything that night
which might possibly be related to the vandalism
please reach out online or by phone to
© 2021,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère