Anne Vegter
Medea 2:0: 0
this is how my fall begansuddenly I felt like
an oil tanker at the end of the
world that plunges into the abyss
and as you tumble all you can do is look up
and see what you loved the most
getting smaller and smaller
if I had known that would be the last time
then I’d have stretched it out forever
i never loved anyone as much as you
when I’m seventy it'll still be true
please stay with me
don't leave me
do you hear me
stay with me
stay with me
i wanted to drink champagne with you
while i was dancing i realized
that there are two kinds of people
the ones who dump you and wish you the best
lines like: ‘hang in there, get happy'
you're one of them
and then the other kind, who act like dicks
and now just like you I wonder:
how could we have wasted all this time?
© Translation: 2021,
Medea 2:0: 0
Medea 2:0: 0
zo begon mijn valopeens voelde ik me als
een olietanker die aan het einde van
de wereld de afgrond in duikt
en terwijl je valt kun je alleen omhoog kijken
om dat waar je het meest van hield
steeds kleiner te zien worden
als ik had geweten dat dat de laatste keer zou zijn
dan had ik het eeuwig laten duren
ik hield nooit zoveel van iemand als van jou
als ik zeventig ben is het nog zo
blijf asjeblieft bij me
ga niet bij me weg
hoor je me
blijf bij me
blijf bij me
ik wilde champagne met je drinken
terwijl ik danste besefte ik
dat er twee soorten mensen zijn
degenen die je dumpen en ’t beste wensen
zoiets als: ‘hou je taai, word gelukkig’
jij bent er zo één
en dan de andere soort, die doet lullig
en nu vraag ik me net als jij af:
hoe hebben we al die tijd zo kunnen verspillen?
© 2020, Anne Vegter
From: Big Data
Publisher: Querido,
From: Big Data
Publisher: Querido,
Poems of Anne Vegter
Medea 2:0: 0
this is how my fall begansuddenly I felt like
an oil tanker at the end of the
world that plunges into the abyss
and as you tumble all you can do is look up
and see what you loved the most
getting smaller and smaller
if I had known that would be the last time
then I’d have stretched it out forever
i never loved anyone as much as you
when I’m seventy it'll still be true
please stay with me
don't leave me
do you hear me
stay with me
stay with me
i wanted to drink champagne with you
while i was dancing i realized
that there are two kinds of people
the ones who dump you and wish you the best
lines like: ‘hang in there, get happy'
you're one of them
and then the other kind, who act like dicks
and now just like you I wonder:
how could we have wasted all this time?
© 2021, Anne Vegter
From: Big Data
From: Big Data
Medea 2:0: 0
this is how my fall begansuddenly I felt like
an oil tanker at the end of the
world that plunges into the abyss
and as you tumble all you can do is look up
and see what you loved the most
getting smaller and smaller
if I had known that would be the last time
then I’d have stretched it out forever
i never loved anyone as much as you
when I’m seventy it'll still be true
please stay with me
don't leave me
do you hear me
stay with me
stay with me
i wanted to drink champagne with you
while i was dancing i realized
that there are two kinds of people
the ones who dump you and wish you the best
lines like: ‘hang in there, get happy'
you're one of them
and then the other kind, who act like dicks
and now just like you I wonder:
how could we have wasted all this time?
© 2021,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère