Bernke Klein Zandvoort
I've read that we blink our eyes not,
as was first assumed,
to keep our pupil float half in the world
half below a thin layer of water
but because the brief, black frames
allow our brains to rest, the way commas
floating on the page, in the middle of a sentence,
insert a moment of darkness
giving the reader time
to convert what came before into images
so are we doing nothing other with our eyes
than blinking together a streaming reality?
gelezen dat we met onze ogen knipperen
niet, zoals eerst werd aangenomen
om onze pupildobber half in de wereld
half onder een laagje water te houden
maar omdat de korte zwarte beelden
onze hersenen rust gunnen, zoals komma’s
dobberend op de pagina, midden in een zin
een moment van donkerte invoegen
om de lezer tijd te geven
het voorgaande naar beelden te vertalen
doen we met onze ogen dan niets anders
dan het bijeenknipperen van een stromende werkelijkheid?
From: Veldwerk
Publisher: Querido,
I've read that we blink our eyes not,
as was first assumed,
to keep our pupil float half in the world
half below a thin layer of water
but because the brief, black frames
allow our brains to rest, the way commas
floating on the page, in the middle of a sentence,
insert a moment of darkness
giving the reader time
to convert what came before into images
so are we doing nothing other with our eyes
than blinking together a streaming reality?
From: Veldwerk
I've read that we blink our eyes not,
as was first assumed,
to keep our pupil float half in the world
half below a thin layer of water
but because the brief, black frames
allow our brains to rest, the way commas
floating on the page, in the middle of a sentence,
insert a moment of darkness
giving the reader time
to convert what came before into images
so are we doing nothing other with our eyes
than blinking together a streaming reality?