Vrouwkje Tuinman
If only someone had cried the wolves were coming.He, for example, complaining that the stairs were
bothering him. That the evenings kept getting longer, that everything
used to be better. Sometimes a false alarm will do:
I could have pointed out the paw prints
next to his footsteps. Instead I urged him
to keep walking, because of the train that really does not wait.
If only someone had heard the howling in his chest,
drawn the right lesson from his yellow eyes, cried out.
© Translation: 2020, Vrouwkje Tuinman
Had er maar iemand geroepen dat de wolven kwamen.Hij bijvoorbeeld, klagend dat de trappen hem zo lastig
vielen. Dat de avonden steeds langer werden, dat vroeger
alles beter was. Soms volstaat een loos alarm:
ik had kunnen wijzen op de pootafdrukken
naast zijn voetstappen. In plaats daarvan maande ik hem
door te lopen, vanwege de trein die echt niet wacht.
Had maar iemand het huilen in zijn borst gehoord,
de juiste les getrokken uit zijn gele ogen, geroepen.
From: Lijfrente
Publisher: Cossee, Amsterdam
Publisher: Cossee, Amsterdam
Poems of Vrouwkje Tuinman
If only someone had cried the wolves were coming.He, for example, complaining that the stairs were
bothering him. That the evenings kept getting longer, that everything
used to be better. Sometimes a false alarm will do:
I could have pointed out the paw prints
next to his footsteps. Instead I urged him
to keep walking, because of the train that really does not wait.
If only someone had heard the howling in his chest,
drawn the right lesson from his yellow eyes, cried out.
© 2020, Vrouwkje Tuinman
From: Lijfrente
From: Lijfrente
If only someone had cried the wolves were coming.He, for example, complaining that the stairs were
bothering him. That the evenings kept getting longer, that everything
used to be better. Sometimes a false alarm will do:
I could have pointed out the paw prints
next to his footsteps. Instead I urged him
to keep walking, because of the train that really does not wait.
If only someone had heard the howling in his chest,
drawn the right lesson from his yellow eyes, cried out.
© 2020, Vrouwkje Tuinman

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère