Camilo Pessanha
In the end, it’s better
In the end, it’s betterNot to hear or see…
To feel no pain at all
As all passes over me!
Inwardly smiling,
Eyelids closed,
At the floodwaters
Off in the distance.
Brawls, tussles, feuds,
All doing me no harm…
Now a stranger to useless labor,
To the changing seasons.
Summer passes, then autumn,
Shearing, ploughing, hoeing—
While I sleep soundly,
Underneath a rock.
Better still if fortune
Reserves a bed for me
In a wide meadow,
Just beneath the grass
That April generously soaks…
And a band of horses
To pummel me now and then
With their gallant trotting.
Or on the scrubby hills
Where skirmishes play out,
Where worthless life
Assents to the sacrifice
Of the living, bitter deaths
Sweeping down the ravine,
To the crack of gunshot
And the clang of swords…
Or even beneath
The mean, grubby streets
Where the frightful throng
Erupts in a tumult…
Loudly jostling
In savage conflict,
Feral gleams in their eyes,
Leaping and shouting!
Thievery and murder!
Never a moment of peace
As jawbones shatter
In scrappy fistfights…
And I, so very still
Beneath the tamped earth,
Laughing so hard
Because it doesn’t hurt.
© Translation: 2020, Adam Mahler
From: Clepsydra: The Complete Poems of Camilo Pessanha
Publisher: Tagus, Amherst, Massachusetts, 2020
From: Clepsydra: The Complete Poems of Camilo Pessanha
Publisher: Tagus, Amherst, Massachusetts, 2020
Porque o melhor, enfim
Porque o melhor, enfim,
É não ouvir nem ver…
Passarem sobre mim
E nada me doer!
— Sorrindo interiormente,
Co’as pálpebras cerradas,
Às águas da torrente
Já tão longe passadas. —
Rixas, tumultos, lutas,
Não me fazerem dano...
Alheio às vãs labutas,
Às estações do ano.
Passar o estio, o outono,
A poda, a cava, e a redra,
E eu dormindo um sono
Debaixo duma pedra.
Melhor até se o acaso
O leito me reserva
No prado extenso e raso
Apenas sob a erva
Que Abril copioso ensope…
E, esbelto, a intervalos
Fustigue-me o galope
De bandos de cavalos.
Ou no serrano mato,
A brigas tão propício,
Onde o viver ingrato
Dispõe ao sacrifício
Das vidas, mortes duras
Ruam pelas quebradas,
Com choques de armaduras
E tinidos de espadas…
Ou sob o piso, até,
Infame e vil da rua,
Onde a torva ralé
Irrompe, tumultua,
Se estorce, vocifera,
Selvagem nos conflitos,
Com ímpetos de fera
Nos olhos, saltos, gritos…
Roubos, assassinatos!
Horas jamais tranquilas,
Em brutos pugilatos
Fraturam-se as maxilas...
E eu sob a terra firme,
Compacta, recalcada,
Muito quietinho. A rir-me
De não me doer nada.
É não ouvir nem ver…
Passarem sobre mim
E nada me doer!
— Sorrindo interiormente,
Co’as pálpebras cerradas,
Às águas da torrente
Já tão longe passadas. —
Rixas, tumultos, lutas,
Não me fazerem dano...
Alheio às vãs labutas,
Às estações do ano.
Passar o estio, o outono,
A poda, a cava, e a redra,
E eu dormindo um sono
Debaixo duma pedra.
Melhor até se o acaso
O leito me reserva
No prado extenso e raso
Apenas sob a erva
Que Abril copioso ensope…
E, esbelto, a intervalos
Fustigue-me o galope
De bandos de cavalos.
Ou no serrano mato,
A brigas tão propício,
Onde o viver ingrato
Dispõe ao sacrifício
Das vidas, mortes duras
Ruam pelas quebradas,
Com choques de armaduras
E tinidos de espadas…
Ou sob o piso, até,
Infame e vil da rua,
Onde a torva ralé
Irrompe, tumultua,
Se estorce, vocifera,
Selvagem nos conflitos,
Com ímpetos de fera
Nos olhos, saltos, gritos…
Roubos, assassinatos!
Horas jamais tranquilas,
Em brutos pugilatos
Fraturam-se as maxilas...
E eu sob a terra firme,
Compacta, recalcada,
Muito quietinho. A rir-me
De não me doer nada.
From: Clepsydra
Publisher: Relógio d\'Água, Lisboa
Publisher: Relógio d\'Água, Lisboa
Poems of Camilo Pessanha
In the end, it’s better
In the end, it’s betterNot to hear or see…
To feel no pain at all
As all passes over me!
Inwardly smiling,
Eyelids closed,
At the floodwaters
Off in the distance.
Brawls, tussles, feuds,
All doing me no harm…
Now a stranger to useless labor,
To the changing seasons.
Summer passes, then autumn,
Shearing, ploughing, hoeing—
While I sleep soundly,
Underneath a rock.
Better still if fortune
Reserves a bed for me
In a wide meadow,
Just beneath the grass
That April generously soaks…
And a band of horses
To pummel me now and then
With their gallant trotting.
Or on the scrubby hills
Where skirmishes play out,
Where worthless life
Assents to the sacrifice
Of the living, bitter deaths
Sweeping down the ravine,
To the crack of gunshot
And the clang of swords…
Or even beneath
The mean, grubby streets
Where the frightful throng
Erupts in a tumult…
Loudly jostling
In savage conflict,
Feral gleams in their eyes,
Leaping and shouting!
Thievery and murder!
Never a moment of peace
As jawbones shatter
In scrappy fistfights…
And I, so very still
Beneath the tamped earth,
Laughing so hard
Because it doesn’t hurt.
© 2020, Adam Mahler
From: Clepsydra: The Complete Poems of Camilo Pessanha
Publisher: 2020, Tagus, Amherst, Massachusetts
From: Clepsydra: The Complete Poems of Camilo Pessanha
Publisher: 2020, Tagus, Amherst, Massachusetts
In the end, it’s better
In the end, it’s betterNot to hear or see…
To feel no pain at all
As all passes over me!
Inwardly smiling,
Eyelids closed,
At the floodwaters
Off in the distance.
Brawls, tussles, feuds,
All doing me no harm…
Now a stranger to useless labor,
To the changing seasons.
Summer passes, then autumn,
Shearing, ploughing, hoeing—
While I sleep soundly,
Underneath a rock.
Better still if fortune
Reserves a bed for me
In a wide meadow,
Just beneath the grass
That April generously soaks…
And a band of horses
To pummel me now and then
With their gallant trotting.
Or on the scrubby hills
Where skirmishes play out,
Where worthless life
Assents to the sacrifice
Of the living, bitter deaths
Sweeping down the ravine,
To the crack of gunshot
And the clang of swords…
Or even beneath
The mean, grubby streets
Where the frightful throng
Erupts in a tumult…
Loudly jostling
In savage conflict,
Feral gleams in their eyes,
Leaping and shouting!
Thievery and murder!
Never a moment of peace
As jawbones shatter
In scrappy fistfights…
And I, so very still
Beneath the tamped earth,
Laughing so hard
Because it doesn’t hurt.
© 2020, Adam Mahler
From: Clepsydra: The Complete Poems of Camilo Pessanha
Publisher: 2020, Tagus, Amherst, Massachusetts
From: Clepsydra: The Complete Poems of Camilo Pessanha
Publisher: 2020, Tagus, Amherst, Massachusetts

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère