Domnica Drumea
I send out meaningless signalsI was born in 1910
my skin is young
criss-crossed by little purple threads
the tenderness with which you slip your hand inside
and stop my heartbeats
like in an animal sacrifice
we have nothing else but brain
we love each other in a bag sewn at the mouth
we emerge from the winter slowly
I am dying, my love
press the pillow over my face.
© Translation: 2017, Anca Bărbulescu
emit semnale fără înţelesm-am născut în 1910
pielea mea e tânără
străbătută de firişoare vineţii
tandreţea cu care îţi strecori mâna înăuntru
şi-mi opreşti bătăile inimii
ca într-un sacrificiu animal
nu avem nimic altceva decât creier
ne mişcăm într-un sac cu gura cusută
ieşim lent din iarnă
sunt un muribund, dragostea mea
apasă-mi perna peste faţă.
© 2014, Domnica Drumea
From: Vocea / The Voice
Publisher: Charmides, Bistrița
From: Vocea / The Voice
Publisher: Charmides, Bistrița
Poems of Domnica Drumea
I send out meaningless signalsI was born in 1910
my skin is young
criss-crossed by little purple threads
the tenderness with which you slip your hand inside
and stop my heartbeats
like in an animal sacrifice
we have nothing else but brain
we love each other in a bag sewn at the mouth
we emerge from the winter slowly
I am dying, my love
press the pillow over my face.
© 2017, Anca Bărbulescu
From: Vocea / The Voice
From: Vocea / The Voice
I send out meaningless signalsI was born in 1910
my skin is young
criss-crossed by little purple threads
the tenderness with which you slip your hand inside
and stop my heartbeats
like in an animal sacrifice
we have nothing else but brain
we love each other in a bag sewn at the mouth
we emerge from the winter slowly
I am dying, my love
press the pillow over my face.
© 2017, Anca Bărbulescu

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère