Jaan Kaplinski
I have thought that I thought of death
I have thought that I thought of death, but in fact I am not able to think of death. Death is probably very hard, as hard as life, with only the difference that you live a life and lift life’s hardness piece by piece, while one must die all at once... All at once one has to tear off from oneself the lived life – seven, seventeen, seventy, if one is very strong, eighty years – and let them fall into a depth, into emptiness. On the edge of emptiness the tiny pale someone without a soul (for a while?) lingers, the one that casts away its life, or rather lets life from its hands, because life (on the other hand, death, because life and death are one and the same) anyway has to be kept and held like rats in a cage. Since it is hard to think of death, I think instead of black currants, black, red and white currants who are so ripe that they fall off when you touch the bush.Ik dacht dat ik over de dood nadacht
Ik dacht dat ik over de dood nadacht, maar eigenlijk kan ik niet over de dood nadenken. De dood is vast heel moeilijk, net zo moeilijk als het leven, alleen, het leven leef je, je draagt de last van het leven stukje bij beetje, maar sterven moet je in één keer… In één keer moet je heel je geleefde leven van je losscheuren – zeven, zeventien, zeventig, als je heel sterk bent tachtig jaar – en in de diepte laten vallen, in de leegte. Aan de rand van de leegte blijft (eventjes?) deze nietige, bleke, ontzielde persoon over die zijn leven weggooit, of liever loslaat, want het leven (anders gezegd de dood; dood en leven zijn een) moet je de hele tijd vasthouden en gevangenhouden als ratten in een kooi. Omdat het moeilijk is om aan de dood te denken, denk ik vaker aan zwarte aalbessen, aan zwarte en rode en witte, die zo rijp zijn dat ze al loslaten als je de struiken aanraakt.
From: Woorden in de wind van de Oostzee. Estische poëzie uit de twintigste eeuw
Publisher: 2005, P, Leuven
Publisher: 2005, P, Leuven
Olen mõeld, et mõtlen surmast, aga tegelikult ma ei oska surmast mõelda. Surm on vist väga raske, sama raske kui elu, ainult et elu elad, elu raskust tõstad tükikaupa, surra tuleb aga korraga ... Korraga tuleb endast lahti rebida elatud elu - seitse, seitseteist, seitsekümmend, kui keegi väga tugev on, siis kaheksakümmend aastat - ja lasta nad kukkuda sügavusse, tühjusse. Tühjuse äärele jääb (hetkeks?) see pisike kahvatu hingetu keegi, kes oma elu niimoodi endast ära heidab, õigemini käest laseb, sest elu (teiselt poolt vaadates surm; surm ja elu on üks) peabki kogu aeg hoidma ja kinni pidama nagu rotte puuris. Et surmast on raske mõelda, mõtlen rohkem mustadest sõstardest, mustadest, punastest ja valgetest sõstardest, kes on nii valmis, et pudenevad juba, kui põõsad puudutad.
From: Woorden in de wind van de Oostzee. Estische poëzie uit de twintigste eeuw
Publisher: P, Leuven
Publisher: P, Leuven
Poems of Jaan Kaplinski
I have thought that I thought of death
I have thought that I thought of death, but in fact I am not able to think of death. Death is probably very hard, as hard as life, with only the difference that you live a life and lift life’s hardness piece by piece, while one must die all at once... All at once one has to tear off from oneself the lived life – seven, seventeen, seventy, if one is very strong, eighty years – and let them fall into a depth, into emptiness. On the edge of emptiness the tiny pale someone without a soul (for a while?) lingers, the one that casts away its life, or rather lets life from its hands, because life (on the other hand, death, because life and death are one and the same) anyway has to be kept and held like rats in a cage. Since it is hard to think of death, I think instead of black currants, black, red and white currants who are so ripe that they fall off when you touch the bush.
From: Woorden in de wind van de Oostzee. Estische poëzie uit de twintigste eeuw
I have thought that I thought of death
I have thought that I thought of death, but in fact I am not able to think of death. Death is probably very hard, as hard as life, with only the difference that you live a life and lift life’s hardness piece by piece, while one must die all at once... All at once one has to tear off from oneself the lived life – seven, seventeen, seventy, if one is very strong, eighty years – and let them fall into a depth, into emptiness. On the edge of emptiness the tiny pale someone without a soul (for a while?) lingers, the one that casts away its life, or rather lets life from its hands, because life (on the other hand, death, because life and death are one and the same) anyway has to be kept and held like rats in a cage. Since it is hard to think of death, I think instead of black currants, black, red and white currants who are so ripe that they fall off when you touch the bush.Sponsors

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère