Trilingual renshi
Trilingual Renshi
Three girls with black hair and black eyes
carrying suitcases on the pier of Piazza San Marco.
I wonder where they come from? Silent, they are
like three seagulls, hard to tell one from the others.
Hey, let us hear your voices!
Ariel hums a little song, the sea wind carries her tune
to a cafe, where a white-haired man looks up
and sees the three sisters, poplar shadows in his eyes
A pitch-dark night, even the seagulls are asleep
The children are leaving, dragging along their suitcases
Everyone’s asleep except for the children
From the western pier, a ferry departs secretly
For a year, same departing children, same ferry, same clouds, same sky.
The Noah’s Ark we boarded in our previous lives
now lies rotten on the ocean floor.
After all, it couldn’t get out of the earth…
Each time I write a poem I climb up to the moon, and sit
at the bottom of Tranquility, looking down on my home,
trying to see the red of blood hidden in that cold blue.
It’s the sea that separates us from each other,
the same sea that connects us to each other
Tonight the sky is a dark cabin—
we’re awake, our eyes each a new moon
sailing to a Sun Republic
Perched on a power line, the birds’ wings are wet
Cherry blossoms fall like fi ngernails scratching a door that won’t open
Above the faraway mountain, the drenched sun becomes heavy
Someone made of ocean stands outside the window
That someone can’t be held, so thin like the morning fog
What kind of software application designed plankton?
The boy lets his mind wander for a moment, his eyes away from the microscope.
He wants to dream about the world without using the word ‘God’.
Words travel—as shadows. Apples sing—
iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes—stir the oceans.
Hurricanes and tsunamis. Then all is quiet, quiet. Ariel sisters
guard their speeches in golden corals. Above the deep water,
words travel again, as fi shes, over the salty waves and seaweed.
Hokusai’s Suruga Bay gazed upon through the window.
Mouthful of Norimaki at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
Clouds in the heart remember the taste of the tears rolling down on her cheeks…
The temperature of Neptune, categorized as ‘ice giant’, is
minus 218 degrees Celsius at its cloud tops, and
5,000 degrees at its center. I, with a body temperature of 36.5 degrees,
in a 21-degree room on planet Earth,
as of 16 minutes past 12 o’clock on the 7th of April, am still alive (^^)!
I pour Neptune’s sea on top of my desk
When our fi rst round of poems is fi nished, the lights go out at the cosmos station
I sit in my chair and dip my hands into the pitch-black ocean
As the ocean spills into the rice fields, a dolphin flies up,
its huge mouth hoarding rice.
It flies—white diffuses the low sky.
It flies—a woman is on the run—she wants to hide the rice (米)
for the children before the sun rises.
A grain of cooked rice is hanging
from the tip of the beard of Chinese character ‘父(father)’,
like a little god who got lost.
The scarecrow who kept his dignity of being one-legged
finished his role as a crow chaser,
spending the rest of his life in a museum of ethnology in a foreign place.
He’s got no sky, unlike on the terraced rice-fields.
Three schoolboys are pressing their faces to the glass showcase.
We are the flesh and blood of rice, like the flesh and blood of the stars
How is it that crimson blood fl ows when I’ve only swallowed a single grain of white rice?
Children who’ve departed to a place where they won’t be eating rice anymore shimmer like stars
Rice was scarce. Even the skies closed down.
Tsvetaeva was rejected, again.
She looked thinner than a bird, her eyes sunken...
I wake up startled, and see nine moons above me—
nine goddesses offering nine bowls of rice to her starved orphan...
A handful of rice in the bowl of a young mendicant priest.
Sunlight falls on fresh leaves.
He walks along a crumbling mud wall.
Never stand still, so my master taught me in a foreign land.
Across the fortress walls, through the peninsula, and over the straits,
the path lies in the very act of walking, he said.
Chewing the distant sweetness carried by grains of rice, I came down from the pass
—the familiar festival band of whistles and drums.
After the cherry blossom parade has passed by, a paper bowl under the tree eats white petals
It’s been a while since my family of three has eaten rice from bowls set on the manhole-cover-like kitchen table
Above our heads the sky opens its mouth, and beneath our feet the sewer opens its mouth
Manna the food whose name means ‘what is it?’ in Hebrew.
If human beings are such that they feel hungry even with their stomachs full,
that hunger is caused by the question called ‘Manna’,
although the boy, for whom just one rice ball was worth a jewel after the defeat of the war,
found physical hunger more real than spiritual hunger.
Mom told me not to blindly believe the history textbooks,
but what about my great grandfather’s diary?
The next few pages are sealed with glue made of boiled rice.
When I drink water, the water drinks me
When I eat rice, the rice eats me
When I breathe in oxygen, the oxygen eats me
The more I eat the more my body is glued to the ground
The prisoner in a cell mashes rice to make Buddha
Shennong, god of five grains, fertilized mountains with sunlight
from his eyes. He planted rice and died of rice, planted herbs and died of herbs.
My grandma buried him a thousand times and on his body planted an apple tree.
The national flag of Japan is called Hinomaru (a sun disk).
A so-called ‘Good Design’ with just a crimson circle on the white background.
It looks so innocent that it might have been conceived of by a child,
but its appearance is deceiving: it’s ominously multicolored, unlike the five colors of the Olympic rings.
I will never ever wave the flag.
It was the day of the festival of the sun at Sacsayhuaman in Cuzco
I said hi in the morning of the winter solstice to Seoul’s night in the summer solstice
The starting line of the 365-day long marathon was teeming with Indians
The singing voices of the wandering Peruvians mix together
with Jingle Bells from the shop front of a confectioner’s.
The man wraps himself in all 5 national newspapers
and lies down in the hollow of the lined-up buildings…he knows
that spot will get the first ray of the morning sun (Asahi).
There is a lion in Latin American jungles that swings its golden hair.
In Spain, Lorca saw a golden sun (日) before he closed his eyes.
He held a stream of light as if holding the string of an ancient peaceful kite.
How painful the light must be for the owl
How painful the light must be for the bat inside a cave
How painful the light must be for the girl hiding in the attic
Outside, the army of fire marches towards me with its golden mane
How frightened I must be, clutching onto the last morning star
A click, and the rainbow caught on a display loses its color.
“Photography shouldn’t flirt with color, just light and shadow is enough”
declares the silver-haired female photographer to her young assistant.
When the world was still young
Nüwa gave birth to ten suns, of ten colors and ten genders.
They played around in the air like warlords and feverishly burnt all the fl ying birds.
A boy-girl, a bow and ten arrows in hand, split nine of the suns
into nine oceans and nine volcanic mountains…
An ant is crawling on a sundial
from day to night, dragging the wing of a butterfly.
A treat for the little ones underground.
In the sign language classroom a light rings instead of a bell
The light rings at the end of class and also at lunch
A soccer referee runs over and politely makes a foul call
When the referee who was staring at his watch raises the fl ag at the end of the game
the winning and losing teams, the referee and spectators make butterfl ies with theirs hands and
release them into the sunlight
Any scene when viewed through the window pane looks poetic,
reflects the tyrant as he gives the finishing touch to his speech.
On the waves of the sea of people who hate him, the lenses of their glasses glitter.
With his monocle, my uncle chases a Chinese jar.
I put on two slices of cucumber to chase after him. Through the pin holes of insect bites
I see a sunflower that leads the way, bringing me to the Yangtze River instead—
Qu Yuan had jumped from here… I’ve brought bamboo leaves fi lled with sticky rice.
He stands up, beaming, his left eye Venus, his right eye a lotus.
Blown by the winds of the era and burned by the ancient lights,
our mandala still resists with poetry against the world’s entropy.
The evening sun here is the morning sun over there Good night and good morning move towards
tomorrow in a spiral.
© Translation: 2015, Yasuhiro Yotsumoto (Japanese), Ming Di (Chinese), Don Mee Choi (Korean)
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: Vagabond Press, , 2015
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: Vagabond Press, , 2015
Trilingual Renshi
Trilingual Renshi
검은 머리 검은 눈 세 소녀가
산 마르코 광장의 부두에서 가방을 끌고 가고 있다
이 소녀들은 어디에서 왔을까
서로를 분간하기 힘든 갈매기들처럼 아무 말도 없이
헤이, 너희들 목소리를 들려줘봐
아리엘은 작게 노래 흥얼거리고 바다 바람은 노래의 선율을 나른다
카페에선 백발 노인이 그 세 자매를 바라보고 있는데
포플라나무 그림자가 그의 눈에 어린다
갈매기도 잠든 깜깜한 밤
아이들이 슈트케이스를 끌고 떠나고 있다
모두 잠들었는데 아이들만 깨어 있다
서쪽 부두에서 아무도 몰래 배가 출항하고 있다
일 년 째 같은 아이들, 같은 배, 같은 구름, 같은 하늘이 떠나고 있다.
우리가 전생에 승선했던 노아의 방주는
이제 심해의 바닥에서 썩고 있다
결국, 지구 밖으로는 나갈 수 없다
나는 시를 쓸 때마다 달에 올라가
고요의 바닥에 앉아 우리 집을 내려다보면서
차가운 파랑에서 피의 붉음을 보려고 애쓰고 있다
바다는 우리를 서로 서로 나누어 놓지만
그 바다는 또 우리 서로 서로를 이어준다
오늘밤 하늘은 깜깜한 선실이다——
우리는 깨어 있고, 우리의 눈동자 각각은 새로 뜨는 달이다
태양 공화국으로 노 저어가는
전깃줄 위 새들의 날개가 젖어 있다
열리지 않는 문을 긁어대던 손톱들처럼 벚꽃잎이 지고 있다
먼 산 위의 태양이 흠뻑 젖어 무거워지고 있다
바다로 만든 사람이 창문 밖에 서 있다
새벽 안개처럼 얇아 안을 수 없는 사람이다
무슨 소프트웨어 앱이 플랑크톤을 디자인했을까
현미경에서 눈을 뗀 소년이 잠시 마음을 내려놓는다
소년은 ‘신’이란 단어를 쓰지 않고도 세상을 꿈 꾸고 싶다
문자는 여행한다——그림자처럼, 애플은 노래한다——
iPhone,iPad,iPod,iTunes——바다를 휘저으며.
허리케인과 쓰나미, 그 다음 모두 정적, 정적. 아리엘의 자매들은
금빛 산호 속에서 그들의 말을 지켜냈다. 심해를 넘어,
문자들은 다시 여행한다, 물고기처럼, 소금바다와 해초를 넘어.
창문으로 호쿠사이의 스루가만을 내려다본다
3만 피트 높이에서 입안 가득 노리마끼를 입에 물고
그녀의 뺨위로 굴러떨어지던 눈물의 맛을 마음에 피는 구름으로 떠올리면서
거대한 얼음 행성으로 분류되는 해왕성
구름의 표면 온도는 섭씨 영하 218도
중심온도 5천도
지구 행성의 상온 21도에 방에 머무는 나의 체온은 36.5도,
4월 7일 12시 16분 지나 나는 아직 살아 있다(^^) !
나는 책상 위에 해왕성에서 온 바다를 쏟는다
한 편의 시가 끝나자 우주 정거장의 불은 꺼졌다
나는 의자에 앉아 그 깜깜한 바닷물 속에 두 손을 담근다
논에 쏟아진 파도처럼
거대한 입안에 쌀을 비축한 돌고래가 날아오른다
낮은 하늘을 하얗게 흩어놓으며—날아간다
해가 지기 전에 아이들 먹이려고 여자는 쌀을 숨겨 놓고 싶고——
바쁘게 달려가는 그 여자 위로—날아간다
밥알이 한자 아비“父”
수염 끝에 매달려 있다
잃어버린 작은 신처럼
왼 다리 하나로 존재의 위엄을 갖춘 허수아비가
까마귀 사냥꾼 역할을 마치고선
외국의 민족학 박물관에서 여생을 보내고 있다
다랭이논 같지 않은 그곳엔 하늘이 없다
세 명의 남학생 진열장에 얼굴을 눌러붙이고 있다
우리는 별의 혈육이듯 쌀의 혈육이다
흰 밥알을 삼켰을 뿐인데 어째서 빨간 피가 돌까?
밥을 먹지않는 곳으로 간 아이들이 별처럼 빛났다
쌀이 동났다. 심지어 하늘이 닫혔다.
쯔베태바가 에게 곡기가 끊어졌다, 다시.
그녀는 새처럼 말랐다 그녀의 눈이 푹 꺼졌다......
나는 놀라서 일어났다 아홉 개 달이 내 머리 위에 떠 있고——
아홉 명의 여신이 아홉 개의 밥그릇을 그녀의 배 고픈 고아들 앞에 내밀었다......
어린 탁발승의 발우엔 밥이 가득하고
싱그러운 이파리들이 햇빛에 반짝인다
탁발승이 무너진 진흙벽을 따라 걸어가고 있다
가만히 서 있지 마라, 타국에서 스승이 말했다
요새들을 건너, 반도를 지나, 해협을 넘어
길은 걸어가는 행위에 의해 놓인다고 그는 말했다
쌀알이 가져다 준 오랜 단맛을 저작하면서, 길을 걸어 내려갔다
——친숙한 축제 밴드의 휘파람과 드럼 소리
벚꽃 축제행렬이 지나간 뒤 나무 밑의 종이 사발이 흰 꽃을 먹고 있다
오랜만에 우리 식구 셋이 맨홀 뚜껑 같은 식탁 위에 그릇을 올려놓고 밥 먹는다
우리의 머리 위엔 하늘이 입을 벌리고, 우리의 발밑엔 하수구가 입을 벌리고 있다
만나, 히브리어로 ‘이게 뭐야?’ 라는 뜻을 가진 음식
인류가 포만감을 갖고서도 계속 배고픔을 느낀다면
배고픔이란 ‘만나’라고 불리는 질문에 의해 야기되는 것
비록 전후에 주먹밥을 보석보다 소중하게 여기는 소년이
영혼의 허기보다 육체의 허기를 더 실감했을지라도
엄마는 나에게 역사교과서를 맹목적으로 믿지 말라고 말했다,
그러나 내 증조할아버지의 일기는 어떤가?
밥알로 만든 풀로 나머지 몇 장이 봉해져 있다
내가 물을 마시면 물이 나를 마신다
내가 밥을 먹으면 밥이 나를 먹는다
내가 산소를 마시면 산소가 나를 먹는다
내가 먹으면 먹을수록 내 몸이 땅에 들러붙는다
감옥의 죄수가 밥알을 뭉개어 부처를 만든다
신농, 곡식의 신, 그의 눈에서 나온 햇빛이 산들을 비옥하게 하였다
그는 쌀을 심었고, 쌀로 죽었다, 약초를 심었고 약초로 죽었다
할머니는 천 번이나 그를 파묻었고 그의 몸 위에 사과 나무를 심었다
일본 국기는 히노마루 (태양의 원반) 라고 불린다
소위 ‘좋은 디자인’ 흰 바탕에 새빨간 동그라미
아기가 생각해 낸 것처럼 순수한 모습
그러나 그것은 속임수, 그것은 오륜기의 다섯 색깔과는 다르게 불길한 색깔들의 배합이다
나는 그 깃발을 다시는 흔들지 않으리
쿠스코의 삭사이와만에서 태양의 축제가 있는 날이었다
나는 동지의 아침에서 하지의 서울의 밤에게 안녕 인사했다
365일 동안 계속될 마라톤 코스의 출발선에 인디오들이 가득했다
방랑하는 페루 사람들의 노래 소리와
제과점 앞에서 흘러나오는 징글벨 소리가 서로 섞였다.
5개의 일간지로 몸을 감은 남자는
줄지어 선 빌딩들의 텅 빈 곳에 누워 있다......그는 알고 있다
그 곳에 아침 해의 첫 광선(아사히)이 닿으리라는 것을
중남미 밀림의 금빛 갈기를 흔드는 사자가 있다
스페인에서 로르까는 총을 맞고 눈을 감기 전에 금빛 태양을 보았다
그는 고대의 평화로 나는 연줄을 꽉 잡은 것처럼 빛의 줄기를 꼭 잡았다
올빼미는 저 빛이 얼마나 아플까?
동굴 속 박쥐는 저 빛이 얼마나 아플까?
다락방에 숨은 소녀는 저 빛이 얼마나 아플까?
밖에서는 불의 군대가 금빛 갈기를 앞세우고 행진해 오는데
새벽의 마지막 샛별을 움켜쥔 나는 얼마나 무서울까
찰칵, 화면의 무지개가 색을 잃는다
“사진은 색을 갖고 놀지 말아야 한다, 사진은 빛과 그림자로 충분하다”
은발의 여성 사진작가가 그녀의 어린 조수에게 말한다
이 세상이 아직 젊었을 때
여와는 열 가지 색과 열 가지 성을 가진 열 개의 태양을 낳았다
그들은 전쟁하는 장군들처럼 열광적으로 공중에서 날아다니는 새들을 태우면서 놀았다
소년/소녀가 활 하나와 화살 열 개를 들고 아홉 개의 태양을 쪼개자
아홉 개의 대양과 화산이 탄생했다
개미 한 마리가 해시계를 넘어간다
종일토록 나비의 날개를 끌고 간다
땅 속의 새끼를 먹이려고
수화 교실에선 소리 대신 빛으로 종을 친다
수업이 끝나는 시간도 점심시간도 빛으로 종을 친다
축구의 파울은 심판이 뛰어와서 친절하게 알려 준다
손목시계를 들여다보던 심판이 게임의 종료 깃발을 높이 들어 올리면
이긴 팀도 진 팀도, 심판도 관중도 두 손으로 나비를 만들어 햇빛 속에 날린다
창문 유리를 통해 내려다 보이는 어떤 풍경도 시적이다,
연설 원고의 마지막 손질을 하는 독재자가 생각한다
그를 싫어하는 군중의 파도위에, 그들의 안경 렌즈들이 반짝인다
외알 안경을 쓴 내 삼촌은 중국 단지를 쫓고
나는 오이조각 두개를 눈에 붙이고 그를 쫓는다. 벌레가 씹어놓은 좁은 구멍으로
나는 해바라기가 이끄는 길을 바라보고 그 길은 나를 양쯔강으로 데려간다
굴원은 이곳에서 강으로 뛰어내렸다......나는 그에게 쌀로 만든 쫑쯔를 던져주었다
그가 일어서자, 눈빛이 형형했다, 그의 왼쪽 눈은 금성, 오른쪽 눈은 연꽃
시대의 바람으로 날리고 고대의 빛으로 태워진
시로써 세상의 엔트로피에 아직도 저항하는 우리의 만달라.
여기의 저녁 해는 저기의 아침 해. 잘 자요, 좋은 아침 내일을 향해 소용돌이로 움직여간다
© 2015, Yasuhiro Yotsumoto (Japanese), Ming Di (Chinese), Kim Hyesoon(Korean), Shuntaro Tanikawa (Japanese)
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: Vagabond Press,
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: Vagabond Press,
Poems of Trilingual renshi
Trilingual Renshi
Three girls with black hair and black eyes
carrying suitcases on the pier of Piazza San Marco.
I wonder where they come from? Silent, they are
like three seagulls, hard to tell one from the others.
Hey, let us hear your voices!
Ariel hums a little song, the sea wind carries her tune
to a cafe, where a white-haired man looks up
and sees the three sisters, poplar shadows in his eyes
A pitch-dark night, even the seagulls are asleep
The children are leaving, dragging along their suitcases
Everyone’s asleep except for the children
From the western pier, a ferry departs secretly
For a year, same departing children, same ferry, same clouds, same sky.
The Noah’s Ark we boarded in our previous lives
now lies rotten on the ocean floor.
After all, it couldn’t get out of the earth…
Each time I write a poem I climb up to the moon, and sit
at the bottom of Tranquility, looking down on my home,
trying to see the red of blood hidden in that cold blue.
It’s the sea that separates us from each other,
the same sea that connects us to each other
Tonight the sky is a dark cabin—
we’re awake, our eyes each a new moon
sailing to a Sun Republic
Perched on a power line, the birds’ wings are wet
Cherry blossoms fall like fi ngernails scratching a door that won’t open
Above the faraway mountain, the drenched sun becomes heavy
Someone made of ocean stands outside the window
That someone can’t be held, so thin like the morning fog
What kind of software application designed plankton?
The boy lets his mind wander for a moment, his eyes away from the microscope.
He wants to dream about the world without using the word ‘God’.
Words travel—as shadows. Apples sing—
iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes—stir the oceans.
Hurricanes and tsunamis. Then all is quiet, quiet. Ariel sisters
guard their speeches in golden corals. Above the deep water,
words travel again, as fi shes, over the salty waves and seaweed.
Hokusai’s Suruga Bay gazed upon through the window.
Mouthful of Norimaki at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
Clouds in the heart remember the taste of the tears rolling down on her cheeks…
The temperature of Neptune, categorized as ‘ice giant’, is
minus 218 degrees Celsius at its cloud tops, and
5,000 degrees at its center. I, with a body temperature of 36.5 degrees,
in a 21-degree room on planet Earth,
as of 16 minutes past 12 o’clock on the 7th of April, am still alive (^^)!
I pour Neptune’s sea on top of my desk
When our fi rst round of poems is fi nished, the lights go out at the cosmos station
I sit in my chair and dip my hands into the pitch-black ocean
As the ocean spills into the rice fields, a dolphin flies up,
its huge mouth hoarding rice.
It flies—white diffuses the low sky.
It flies—a woman is on the run—she wants to hide the rice (米)
for the children before the sun rises.
A grain of cooked rice is hanging
from the tip of the beard of Chinese character ‘父(father)’,
like a little god who got lost.
The scarecrow who kept his dignity of being one-legged
finished his role as a crow chaser,
spending the rest of his life in a museum of ethnology in a foreign place.
He’s got no sky, unlike on the terraced rice-fields.
Three schoolboys are pressing their faces to the glass showcase.
We are the flesh and blood of rice, like the flesh and blood of the stars
How is it that crimson blood fl ows when I’ve only swallowed a single grain of white rice?
Children who’ve departed to a place where they won’t be eating rice anymore shimmer like stars
Rice was scarce. Even the skies closed down.
Tsvetaeva was rejected, again.
She looked thinner than a bird, her eyes sunken...
I wake up startled, and see nine moons above me—
nine goddesses offering nine bowls of rice to her starved orphan...
A handful of rice in the bowl of a young mendicant priest.
Sunlight falls on fresh leaves.
He walks along a crumbling mud wall.
Never stand still, so my master taught me in a foreign land.
Across the fortress walls, through the peninsula, and over the straits,
the path lies in the very act of walking, he said.
Chewing the distant sweetness carried by grains of rice, I came down from the pass
—the familiar festival band of whistles and drums.
After the cherry blossom parade has passed by, a paper bowl under the tree eats white petals
It’s been a while since my family of three has eaten rice from bowls set on the manhole-cover-like kitchen table
Above our heads the sky opens its mouth, and beneath our feet the sewer opens its mouth
Manna the food whose name means ‘what is it?’ in Hebrew.
If human beings are such that they feel hungry even with their stomachs full,
that hunger is caused by the question called ‘Manna’,
although the boy, for whom just one rice ball was worth a jewel after the defeat of the war,
found physical hunger more real than spiritual hunger.
Mom told me not to blindly believe the history textbooks,
but what about my great grandfather’s diary?
The next few pages are sealed with glue made of boiled rice.
When I drink water, the water drinks me
When I eat rice, the rice eats me
When I breathe in oxygen, the oxygen eats me
The more I eat the more my body is glued to the ground
The prisoner in a cell mashes rice to make Buddha
Shennong, god of five grains, fertilized mountains with sunlight
from his eyes. He planted rice and died of rice, planted herbs and died of herbs.
My grandma buried him a thousand times and on his body planted an apple tree.
The national flag of Japan is called Hinomaru (a sun disk).
A so-called ‘Good Design’ with just a crimson circle on the white background.
It looks so innocent that it might have been conceived of by a child,
but its appearance is deceiving: it’s ominously multicolored, unlike the five colors of the Olympic rings.
I will never ever wave the flag.
It was the day of the festival of the sun at Sacsayhuaman in Cuzco
I said hi in the morning of the winter solstice to Seoul’s night in the summer solstice
The starting line of the 365-day long marathon was teeming with Indians
The singing voices of the wandering Peruvians mix together
with Jingle Bells from the shop front of a confectioner’s.
The man wraps himself in all 5 national newspapers
and lies down in the hollow of the lined-up buildings…he knows
that spot will get the first ray of the morning sun (Asahi).
There is a lion in Latin American jungles that swings its golden hair.
In Spain, Lorca saw a golden sun (日) before he closed his eyes.
He held a stream of light as if holding the string of an ancient peaceful kite.
How painful the light must be for the owl
How painful the light must be for the bat inside a cave
How painful the light must be for the girl hiding in the attic
Outside, the army of fire marches towards me with its golden mane
How frightened I must be, clutching onto the last morning star
A click, and the rainbow caught on a display loses its color.
“Photography shouldn’t flirt with color, just light and shadow is enough”
declares the silver-haired female photographer to her young assistant.
When the world was still young
Nüwa gave birth to ten suns, of ten colors and ten genders.
They played around in the air like warlords and feverishly burnt all the fl ying birds.
A boy-girl, a bow and ten arrows in hand, split nine of the suns
into nine oceans and nine volcanic mountains…
An ant is crawling on a sundial
from day to night, dragging the wing of a butterfly.
A treat for the little ones underground.
In the sign language classroom a light rings instead of a bell
The light rings at the end of class and also at lunch
A soccer referee runs over and politely makes a foul call
When the referee who was staring at his watch raises the fl ag at the end of the game
the winning and losing teams, the referee and spectators make butterfl ies with theirs hands and
release them into the sunlight
Any scene when viewed through the window pane looks poetic,
reflects the tyrant as he gives the finishing touch to his speech.
On the waves of the sea of people who hate him, the lenses of their glasses glitter.
With his monocle, my uncle chases a Chinese jar.
I put on two slices of cucumber to chase after him. Through the pin holes of insect bites
I see a sunflower that leads the way, bringing me to the Yangtze River instead—
Qu Yuan had jumped from here… I’ve brought bamboo leaves fi lled with sticky rice.
He stands up, beaming, his left eye Venus, his right eye a lotus.
Blown by the winds of the era and burned by the ancient lights,
our mandala still resists with poetry against the world’s entropy.
The evening sun here is the morning sun over there Good night and good morning move towards
tomorrow in a spiral.
© 2015, Yasuhiro Yotsumoto (Japanese), Ming Di (Chinese), Don Mee Choi (Korean)
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: 2015, Vagabond Press,
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: 2015, Vagabond Press,
Trilingual Renshi
Three girls with black hair and black eyes
carrying suitcases on the pier of Piazza San Marco.
I wonder where they come from? Silent, they are
like three seagulls, hard to tell one from the others.
Hey, let us hear your voices!
Ariel hums a little song, the sea wind carries her tune
to a cafe, where a white-haired man looks up
and sees the three sisters, poplar shadows in his eyes
A pitch-dark night, even the seagulls are asleep
The children are leaving, dragging along their suitcases
Everyone’s asleep except for the children
From the western pier, a ferry departs secretly
For a year, same departing children, same ferry, same clouds, same sky.
The Noah’s Ark we boarded in our previous lives
now lies rotten on the ocean floor.
After all, it couldn’t get out of the earth…
Each time I write a poem I climb up to the moon, and sit
at the bottom of Tranquility, looking down on my home,
trying to see the red of blood hidden in that cold blue.
It’s the sea that separates us from each other,
the same sea that connects us to each other
Tonight the sky is a dark cabin—
we’re awake, our eyes each a new moon
sailing to a Sun Republic
Perched on a power line, the birds’ wings are wet
Cherry blossoms fall like fi ngernails scratching a door that won’t open
Above the faraway mountain, the drenched sun becomes heavy
Someone made of ocean stands outside the window
That someone can’t be held, so thin like the morning fog
What kind of software application designed plankton?
The boy lets his mind wander for a moment, his eyes away from the microscope.
He wants to dream about the world without using the word ‘God’.
Words travel—as shadows. Apples sing—
iPhone, iPad, iPod, iTunes—stir the oceans.
Hurricanes and tsunamis. Then all is quiet, quiet. Ariel sisters
guard their speeches in golden corals. Above the deep water,
words travel again, as fi shes, over the salty waves and seaweed.
Hokusai’s Suruga Bay gazed upon through the window.
Mouthful of Norimaki at an altitude of 30,000 feet.
Clouds in the heart remember the taste of the tears rolling down on her cheeks…
The temperature of Neptune, categorized as ‘ice giant’, is
minus 218 degrees Celsius at its cloud tops, and
5,000 degrees at its center. I, with a body temperature of 36.5 degrees,
in a 21-degree room on planet Earth,
as of 16 minutes past 12 o’clock on the 7th of April, am still alive (^^)!
I pour Neptune’s sea on top of my desk
When our fi rst round of poems is fi nished, the lights go out at the cosmos station
I sit in my chair and dip my hands into the pitch-black ocean
As the ocean spills into the rice fields, a dolphin flies up,
its huge mouth hoarding rice.
It flies—white diffuses the low sky.
It flies—a woman is on the run—she wants to hide the rice (米)
for the children before the sun rises.
A grain of cooked rice is hanging
from the tip of the beard of Chinese character ‘父(father)’,
like a little god who got lost.
The scarecrow who kept his dignity of being one-legged
finished his role as a crow chaser,
spending the rest of his life in a museum of ethnology in a foreign place.
He’s got no sky, unlike on the terraced rice-fields.
Three schoolboys are pressing their faces to the glass showcase.
We are the flesh and blood of rice, like the flesh and blood of the stars
How is it that crimson blood fl ows when I’ve only swallowed a single grain of white rice?
Children who’ve departed to a place where they won’t be eating rice anymore shimmer like stars
Rice was scarce. Even the skies closed down.
Tsvetaeva was rejected, again.
She looked thinner than a bird, her eyes sunken...
I wake up startled, and see nine moons above me—
nine goddesses offering nine bowls of rice to her starved orphan...
A handful of rice in the bowl of a young mendicant priest.
Sunlight falls on fresh leaves.
He walks along a crumbling mud wall.
Never stand still, so my master taught me in a foreign land.
Across the fortress walls, through the peninsula, and over the straits,
the path lies in the very act of walking, he said.
Chewing the distant sweetness carried by grains of rice, I came down from the pass
—the familiar festival band of whistles and drums.
After the cherry blossom parade has passed by, a paper bowl under the tree eats white petals
It’s been a while since my family of three has eaten rice from bowls set on the manhole-cover-like kitchen table
Above our heads the sky opens its mouth, and beneath our feet the sewer opens its mouth
Manna the food whose name means ‘what is it?’ in Hebrew.
If human beings are such that they feel hungry even with their stomachs full,
that hunger is caused by the question called ‘Manna’,
although the boy, for whom just one rice ball was worth a jewel after the defeat of the war,
found physical hunger more real than spiritual hunger.
Mom told me not to blindly believe the history textbooks,
but what about my great grandfather’s diary?
The next few pages are sealed with glue made of boiled rice.
When I drink water, the water drinks me
When I eat rice, the rice eats me
When I breathe in oxygen, the oxygen eats me
The more I eat the more my body is glued to the ground
The prisoner in a cell mashes rice to make Buddha
Shennong, god of five grains, fertilized mountains with sunlight
from his eyes. He planted rice and died of rice, planted herbs and died of herbs.
My grandma buried him a thousand times and on his body planted an apple tree.
The national flag of Japan is called Hinomaru (a sun disk).
A so-called ‘Good Design’ with just a crimson circle on the white background.
It looks so innocent that it might have been conceived of by a child,
but its appearance is deceiving: it’s ominously multicolored, unlike the five colors of the Olympic rings.
I will never ever wave the flag.
It was the day of the festival of the sun at Sacsayhuaman in Cuzco
I said hi in the morning of the winter solstice to Seoul’s night in the summer solstice
The starting line of the 365-day long marathon was teeming with Indians
The singing voices of the wandering Peruvians mix together
with Jingle Bells from the shop front of a confectioner’s.
The man wraps himself in all 5 national newspapers
and lies down in the hollow of the lined-up buildings…he knows
that spot will get the first ray of the morning sun (Asahi).
There is a lion in Latin American jungles that swings its golden hair.
In Spain, Lorca saw a golden sun (日) before he closed his eyes.
He held a stream of light as if holding the string of an ancient peaceful kite.
How painful the light must be for the owl
How painful the light must be for the bat inside a cave
How painful the light must be for the girl hiding in the attic
Outside, the army of fire marches towards me with its golden mane
How frightened I must be, clutching onto the last morning star
A click, and the rainbow caught on a display loses its color.
“Photography shouldn’t flirt with color, just light and shadow is enough”
declares the silver-haired female photographer to her young assistant.
When the world was still young
Nüwa gave birth to ten suns, of ten colors and ten genders.
They played around in the air like warlords and feverishly burnt all the fl ying birds.
A boy-girl, a bow and ten arrows in hand, split nine of the suns
into nine oceans and nine volcanic mountains…
An ant is crawling on a sundial
from day to night, dragging the wing of a butterfly.
A treat for the little ones underground.
In the sign language classroom a light rings instead of a bell
The light rings at the end of class and also at lunch
A soccer referee runs over and politely makes a foul call
When the referee who was staring at his watch raises the fl ag at the end of the game
the winning and losing teams, the referee and spectators make butterfl ies with theirs hands and
release them into the sunlight
Any scene when viewed through the window pane looks poetic,
reflects the tyrant as he gives the finishing touch to his speech.
On the waves of the sea of people who hate him, the lenses of their glasses glitter.
With his monocle, my uncle chases a Chinese jar.
I put on two slices of cucumber to chase after him. Through the pin holes of insect bites
I see a sunflower that leads the way, bringing me to the Yangtze River instead—
Qu Yuan had jumped from here… I’ve brought bamboo leaves fi lled with sticky rice.
He stands up, beaming, his left eye Venus, his right eye a lotus.
Blown by the winds of the era and burned by the ancient lights,
our mandala still resists with poetry against the world’s entropy.
The evening sun here is the morning sun over there Good night and good morning move towards
tomorrow in a spiral.
© 2015, Yasuhiro Yotsumoto (Japanese), Ming Di (Chinese), Don Mee Choi (Korean)
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: 2015, Vagabond Press,
From: Trilingual Renshi
Publisher: 2015, Vagabond Press,

LantarenVenster – Verhalenhuis Belvédère